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jasmine and filli.…

Whatcha Doin? Anonymous 295275

What activities have you been doing or participating in lately?

Anonymous 295276


Anonymous 295277

Active decomposition

Anonymous 295279


Anonymous 295280

playing equestria at war

Anonymous 295283

I’ve been biking more lately!

Anonymous 295286

Unrelated but threadpic omg I loved Jasmine so much

Anonymous 295287

minecraft, staring at wall, pacing around room

Anonymous 295288

Making an inventory of my possessions and listing what to buy next and what to discard.

Anonymous 295297

i have been playing with my vpet

Anonymous 295299

Anonymous 295300

>playing my bass
>playing indie games on my laptop because they're all it can run.
>missing my friends who all went to college.

Anonymous 295304

i am at school posting this talk to me nonas

Anonymous 295311

watch deltora quest

Anonymous 295314

watching true crime shows on netflix. i finished the laci peterson one, and the into the fire one.scott peterson is guilty af and the into the fire one is a good argument for abortion. sure, some kids get placed into good homes but others are sexually abused and its a lot easier to hurt kids who don't have your DNA.

Anonymous 295328

rock climbing, roller skating, painting

Anonymous 295336

Cleaning my typewriter

Anonymous 295340

I went to my older brothers wedding! I had a lot of fun and a lot of alcohol.

Anonymous 295348

typewriters are so satisfying

Anonymous 295350

What process do you use to clean it?
There seem to be a lot of crevices.

Anonymous 295353

playing cry of fear

Anonymous 295365

Rot away as I rp with jan.ai.
I hate how a vast majority of it is sexual right away, but I like gratuitous violence and the wall of text responses. The occasional fluff stuff has been nice, it felt nice to finally get swooned. I mostly take the bots on dnd style adventures and kill some monsters.
I wish magic was real.

I think a lot about getting my life back in order. I have a a lot of art that is unfinished that I want to really complete but the last time I try draw I had an life event to happen and it feels tainted.

Anonymous 295368

Work. It’s all I do anymore because work makes me too tired to do anything else.

Anonymous 295398

The thing I hate about J.ai is that you can't filter out a tag. I'm sick of having to look through pages of cringe "dominant" bots to find something interesting. I hate how prevalent that tag is. Who tf wakes up and be like "boy! Can't wait to write yet another arranged marriage brother's best friend mafia boss 7ft daddy for the girls"

Anonymous 295410


Anonymous 295411

You can block tags. Admittedly I have mlm blocked.

Anonymous 296563

learning touhou songs on guitar, practicing singing, browsing imageboards while trying to not fail my classes. I'm also working on painting/making my own metal shirts because I'm sorta broke but still want cool merch for bands I like that are hard to find merch of anyways. I've started crafting a reimu cosplay also :D, albeit more of a casual cosplay with just the hairclips and her yinyang and stick with the streamers and a miniskirt version of her skirt.

Anonymous 296564

Test post to see if I'm banned

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