Anonymous 295503
The human body can turn sunlight into vitamin D. Why haven't you been stealing free vitamin D from the sun?
Anonymous 295504
Eating mushrooms in the dark is the superior way to get vitamin d.
Anonymous 295527
because i'd rather not go outside and just ingest supplements
Anonymous 295535
>>295503That's like saying plants steal CO2 from you. But yeah, sunlight is a healthy thing in small doses.
Anonymous 295537
>>295503A ton of unfinished things still remain that can only be done indoors, such as office work
Anonymous 295552

because I live in a city that's infested with hispanic and african moids
no offense to any hispanic and/or african nonas
Anonymous 295557
Because I'm lonely and don't go outside much. Being out in the world and amongst people makes me feel even more isolated.
Anonymous 295558
I got a credit of vitamin D because the shithole where I live has a terrifying weather and I can get a sunburn even when I'm indoors
Anonymous 295569
The production of vitamin D in your body after exposure to sunlight is just a part of immune system mechanism that is responsible for protecting you against the damage the sun causes you. There will be little to no excess vitamin D produced that could benefit you in different ways, just get your vitamin D from food.
Anonymous 295570
>>295569thats interesting i didn't know this, why do they tell you to go outside
Anonymous 295576
>>295552hispanic here and ur right lul no offense taken
Anonymous 295591
Because you can get it from drinking tons of milk. And i dont want to go out and get sun damage on my skin. It ages you 10x faster than if you just stayed out of the revolting sun.
Anonymous 295598
I have to trade my 7-dehydrocholesterol to get the calciferol, so it's not free. That cholesterol is MINE and it can't have it.
Anonymous 295605
Why ppl ITT hate sunlight so much? Sun is cool
Anonymous 295609
>>295605They've been brainwashed by the same people who want everyone to become plant based and weak.