
Women Furries Anonymous 295673
What's your opinion of women furries?
I follow a lot of princessfurs, something about them tickle my brain.
This is just a indirect way of me asking if there are other furries that browse cc.
Anonymous 295677
Highest form of autism.
Anonymous 295691

>This is just a indirect way of me asking if there are other furries that browse cc.
I used to be a furfag when i was younger and i made animation memes to post on youtube, does this count? I still draw anthros sometimes.
Anonymous 295699
>>295691I'm not much of a furfag now, it comes and go in phases. I've been thinking of start drawing furries again.
Anonymous 295702

I had no idea that women were even involved in this deranged fandom. I thought it was only autistic men
Anonymous 295708
not true i have great taste and opinions
Anonymous 295717
drawing anthros is fun but i hate that specific disney-looking artstyle most furry artists have. i also hate how degenerate the community is so i'd rather never associate with them in any way
Anonymous 295730
>>295702Most of my artist friends now draw furries on the side and read fanfiction about yaoi boys getting knotted or something. It's really popular.
Anonymous 295732

My comment got deleted. Did I touch a nerve?
Anonymous 295740
Majority of women in the furry community tend to be the creative types that contribute art, writings and so on.
Men furries tend to be mindless consumers.
Anonymous 295742
>>295740How could you call any of that slop art or writing?
Anonymous 295743
>>295742Because it's fun to have whimsy~
Anonymous 295748
>>295743After the furry felatio its too much whimsy for me
Anonymous 296185
>>295740if that is true. why are most famous furry artists men then?
Anonymous 296186
>>296185because it's mostly men who are fine with being out and proud as a furry
Anonymous 296187
>>296186i thought the women in that fandom are out and proud too. i guess not.
Anonymous 296198
Me. I wish SFW non-zoophile furs could take an exodus and create a new community.
Sounds troony
Anonymous 296247
>>296198Yeah, I've been a furfag for a while now and I've never heard of the term princessfur. Sounds like troonshit or something that came out of a degen irl scene like a furcon (90% of what I draw/participate in is furry shit, but I find the idea of participating in that stuff in a real life context extremely off-putting, so my knowledge regarding anything not online is fairly shallow)
I wish furry women had their own community as well, tho I draw and am fine with NSFW content. Idk, women who are furries (actual XX women, not the glut of trannies you have to sift through in current year furry spaces) tend to be more sane about nsfw content. Male furries are very commonly fixated on one or a handful of animal species in addition to one or more fetishes and it's why I don't correct normies who view furries as zoophile lite (since I honestly think very many furry men, who are the vast majority of furries mind you, are 1 half-assed psyop away from being open about wanting to fuck dogs). In my experience, women who do nsfw furry stuff tend to treat it more like women who draw nsfw content of monster boys and dnd races like tieflings, where the non-human features are just aesthetic features, like clothing may be, and not the source of sexual gratification themselves.
I know I'm biased, but I think it's true and it explains why I'm revolted by the vast majority of male furries despite myself drawing mainly furry content + like the few female furry artists I follow. I wish it was easier to find female furry artists, especially ones who aren't any flavor of genderspecial. Genderspecial female furries always seem like they're coping with self-hatred and seem to use anthros as another way to distance themselves from their womanhood, which is equal parts sad and annoying
Anonymous 296248
>>296247samefag, looks like princessfurs are mainly a twitter thing, which explains why I've never heard of it before. That place is too cancerous for me
Anonymous 296264
>>296247so you are revolted over the majority of furries (men) also there are furry males who aren't into that gross stuff. but to be fair there are furry females into gross stuff too, however hard it can be to find around there sometimes.
Anonymous 296265

>>296248Worse. It's a furaffinity thing.
Its just mostly mid-age women who have Disney princess style fursonas. (Majority of the time they are in fact Disney adults.)
They don't actually call themselves princessfurs. That's just a term I made up for this niche group. But that's very much what they are and that sounds like a very likely term.
Anonymous 296277
why bother - Copy.…

>>296264Yeah, that's why I said "TEND to be MORE sane". On the aggregate, female furries are less degenerate than their male counterparts, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I haven't come across degen furry women before nor am I gonna pretend that finding those women is particularly difficult either. For example:
>>296265>oh this art's pretty>check artist>male and the gallery's full of gay porn (typical)>ok>check the commissioners, it's a couple (ignore the moid)>gallery is full of pregnancy and breeding porn, runs a discord called "The Plump Pony"I hate it here.
Anonymous 296282
goodbye cc, im putting this site onto my blocklist
Anonymous 296285
>>296282>Doesn't blocklist after the board is spammed by gore and ceepee>Blockslists after a furry thread is made on ccWhat does this say about the furry community?
Anonymous 296286
I'm a little uneducated on the subject but I expect the furry community to dwindle and die. AI art is going to wipe it out from two fronts.
The whole entire reason 99% of furry women ever entered that space was in order to make money drawing for commission, not any endogenous interest. When you're a whaler you sail where the whales are. And then one day you've either struck it rich or gotten old trying, and you sail to the whales because you know those waters. AI art = no more whaling = no more furry women.
But a huge inducement for younger furries, male and female alike, was that high quality commission art existed there in that space. IIRC the furry community used to be something on the order of 90% homosexual men but now is probably more like only 30% gay dudes because bi and straight men hijacked the space since it was where they could reliably get good erotic commissions done, fetish aside. AI art democratizes perversion across all fandoms and there's no more reason for that money pool to concentrate in one spot anymore.
Anonymous 296287
>>296286It must be nice to view the world so simply.
Anonymous 296288
>site activity grinds to halt>furries move inCCsisters…
>>296286>The whole entire reason 99% of furry women ever entered that space was in order to make money drawing for commission, not any endogenous interest. I partially disagree, a lot of furry women have their origins in adjacent communities, many being Disney spergs or wolfaboos into animal fantasy long before discovering the fandom, but this statement is probably more accurate in modern year than it was in days past, the fandom is the internet's cash cow, as you said, and women as a whole are more interested in the artwork, genuine interest or not - they're even some of the most renowned fursuit makers.
>but now is probably more like only 30% gay dudes because bi and straight men hijacked the spaceAnd women… There's a war of the sexes waging on right now because men (particularly gay men) don't like the growing female presence ruining their sausage fest.
>But a huge inducement for younger furries, male and female alike, was that high quality commission art existed there in that space.>AI art democratizes perversion across all fandoms and there's no more reason for that money pool to concentrate in one spot anymore.The furries who are furries because they want to prance around in fursuits and fuck in massive orgies will survive the bottleneck, but it's yet to come into affect - conventions are at their peak surpassing 15,000 attendees, and artists are fighting tooth and nail against the use of AI, calling for it to be banned in artist alleys and online sales, even personal use is condemned and worthy of ostracization. Furries win through social pressure and making spaces inaccessible to invalids.
Anonymous 296290
>>296285That spam is transient. Furries can and will take over a community and will bring the pedos with them eventually.
Anonymous 296291
>>296290>and will bring the pedos with them eventually.CC being a "TERF" site filters 98% of them
Anonymous 296292
>>296286Now I’m absolutely certain every pro AI post on this site is made by dumb moids with no experience talking to real people. This is all idiot techbro speak.
Anonymous 296311
>>296286> IIRC the furry community used to be something on the order of 90% homosexual men but now is probably more like only 30% gay dudes because bi and straight men hijacked the spaceAccording to what source? Hopefully not one that counts trannies as "straight women" (impossible given current year and how your average furry is still too high on the QIA+ koolaid to not screech if some amateur poll made that distinction). This is also why I discourage retards from viewing furry art as a get-rich-quick scheme, particularly if it's a woman I'm speaking to. Not only do you have to be decently good at art to get bites in the first place as a person without any preexisting clout, you WILL have to draw degenerate gay porn because that is hands down where you're gonna get the bulk of your income. "Mysteriously rich furries" i.e. mentally ill retards who coom to foxes too much to budget for rent are NOT shelling out the big bucks for sfw works and this is more true the less skilled you are. Expect to do niche repulsive fetishes and to deal with shitty clients badgering you about the autistic details that they can't get their dicks hard without. Plus, gay/bi men talk to each other more than any other demographic, especially about porn, so that in addition to being the biggest proportion of furries means they will be the demographic that's gonna grow in within your consumer base the most.
>AI art = no more whaling = no more furry women.Retard. Like
>>296288 says, women become furries through Warrior Cats, Lion King, MLP, etc fandoms. Female whalers are not as common as you think, especially when most realize pretty quick that you can't just show up only willing to do slightly risque stuff. Particularly now that AI has taken the low IQ coomers who'd ask for stuff like "POV generic fox girl riding my cock" out of the pool, you really have to either be skilled (draw things with a specificity that low IQ coomers can't wring out of AI) or willing to draw very degen niche stuff (draw things AI doesn't even have data for), but more likely both.
Anonymous 296318
>>296290You say that like there isn't a German pedo who comes to this site to post actual PC and probably has been doing that for a while before I started coming back to this hellhole.
Anonymous 296320
>>296292>This is all idiot techbro speak.I wish I could have come up with a better and more appropriate term than "democratizes," but I can't. "Slop" seems less correct since the effect is caused by availability, not artistry–it's happening in the sphere of furry porn which is a commodity with a function, utility value, not museum pieces. Still, I don't think I've seen too many techbros speaking about AI as a way to ruin the commercial value of a previously-thriving economy. Can you elaborate?
>>296288>many being Disney spergsA little embarassing to say that I'd completely forgotten that entire demographic. Still, over the last 20 years it seemed like Disney's bet the house on humanistic rather than anthropomorphic animation. When I think of a Disney Adult girlsperg I think of that Japanese woman who divorced her husband because he didn't want to watch Frozen every single weekend, not some lost-in-time DuckTales fanatic.
>or wolfaboos into animal fantasyXenofiction's always seemed to have an ambiguous relationship with the furry scene. Lots of crossover of interest but not really an inherent and necessary overlap. A Star Wars and Star Trek kinda thing, if you really like one you will encounter the other but upon that encounter there's no higher chance of adoption than with the general population.
Anonymous 296323
>>296311>Female whalers are not as common as you think, If female furries are extremely uncommon, and the female furries that do exist are extremely disproportionately represented amongst high commission fursuit/cosplay/merch/art sellers, then the reason that female whalers are uncommon has more to do with female furries being uncommon than with whalers being unrepresentative.
>you can't just show up only willing to do slightly risque stuff. Particularly now that AI has taken the low IQ coomers who'd ask for stuff like "POV generic fox girl riding my cock" out of the pool, you really have to either be skilled (draw things with a specificity that low IQ coomers can't wring out of AI) or willing to draw very degen niche stuff (draw things AI doesn't even have data for), but more likely both.You are describing the lower rungs of the economic ladder being cut off by AI. How are the next generation of whalers going to earn their sea legs if they have to already be as skilled as Queequeeg and as prudent as Starbuck before they can set foot on the Pequod?
Anonymous 296324
>>296323Also "as gay as Ishmael before…" Very important.
Anonymous 300534

I used to consider myself a furry, but after experiencing how creepy the fanbase is through posting my art, I dropped out of the community as a whole. I pretty much draw/create anthro characters for worldbuilding purposes, and even then, I'm finding myself more drawn to portraying them as humans. If I'm keeping up with a furry artist, they're almost always Japanese since the kemono culture (from what I've seen of it, anyways) seems a lot less degenerate and gross.
Anonymous 300535
>>295702There will always be women who seek attention through men's obscure degenerate interests, no matter what the interest is.
Anonymous 300540
>>300535Not every weird thing that women do is to get a man's attention. Or do you think the female sonicfags who like to draw Sonic and Shadow fucking do it for male attention?
Anonymous 300550
Same story here, I was a furfag for years before the gender craze took over. Now I despise the furry fandom. It's a congregation of the most degenerate people on the planet. I don't think most furries have an appreciation for anthro animal art, I guess not in the same way that I and other ex-furries do. For them it's just a porn club in which they use a neon wolf avatar to try to out-autism all of the other porn addict's neon wolf avatars.
I don't know any female furries who haven't trooned out in some way. I guess it's just the current thing or they're trying to escape the misogny. It's sad. And I'm happy to be out of it.
Anonymous 300579
>>300535Fuck off i didn't draw anthro animals and pokemon at my teen years because i wanted attention from scrotes. God forbid women have fun doing stuff other than hyperfeminine stuff like shoujo magical girl anime and figurines or doing her makeup, also about half of male furfags are homos and don't care about women, why would we want attention from them?
Anonymous 300596
>>300540Hey!!! I draw sonic fucking knuckles and infinite sometimes. It's not my fault that they have a lot of cute gay moments together.
Anonymous 300615
>>300596that's pretty cool, anon. knuckles and sonic are so much better as a ship than shadow and sonic
Anonymous 300621
>>300550I just wish we could all be segregated from male furries. I remember when a female furry made art of Kamala as a hyena and almost instantaneously some male made vore "fanart." I fucking hate them so much
Anonymous 300936
I love female furries made by female artists because they look cool and cute and I hate when moids make them a fetish like literally everything else
Anonymous 301421
Maybe we could do a furry friend finder or art swap buddy finder thread? I'd love to exchange some silly furry doodles.
Anonymous 301815
gross, why you got to stack degeneracies, being a furry is not enough for you, what the heck
Anonymous 301816
>>295702most of the artists in that spaces are women for some reason
Anonymous 301997
i do not like them, they are so weird