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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Here's how my morning went, friends. Anonymous 295942

>7:40ish, wake up
>No work today, bummed that I am awake so early
>Flop out of bed anyhow
>Realize the rest of my family is not home even though it's a bit early for them to have left.
>Half-ass my morning routine while I contemplate what I am gonna do today
>Step outside, still barely awake.
>Walk toward the backyard. No idea why, just felt like it.
>Gasp in terror as a little black man comes storming out through our front gate
>Wearing nothing but an unzipped hoody and some trashed jeans, dufflebag slung over his shoulder and like 4 laptop cases dangling off his back
>He runs out into the driveway
>I am still taken back by this surprise
>No idea what to even say.
>He looks back at me, puts his hand up and says "yoyoyoyoyoyo! I'm just passin through! all this my shit. I'm just tryna pass through I ain't lift nothin"
>I finally collect myself enough to say "Uh… okay…."
>"Yeah I real sorry about that miss. stay safe!"
>Does an Ed Edd & Eddy style run toward the highway.
>After looking around in bewilderment decide to go into my backyard just to make sure.
>Everything is still here but our outdoor patio area has all the furniture knocked over
>The drawers in the little side stand were even pulled out, but nothing was in them afaik
>While putting everything back in order I hear a lot of yelling coming from the nearby sidestreet
>Hear a very loud "NO NO NO NO!"
>Realize it's coming from an old empty building that a bunch of homeless people moved into recently, that little man from earlier was likely one of them.
>Finish up and decide to check out what the fuck is going on.
>Before I even round the corner see like 3 toyota minivans and 6 police cars.
>Stuff being carried out of the building by police.
>Several guys in handcuffs.
>A woman balling her eyes out while a cop tries to console her
>One guy on his knees with handcuffs on is trying to argue with a cop.
>"No I actually PAID for that mattress. Just let me show you my receipt"
>Cop ignores him.
>Watch for like 10 minutes as they pile up the homeless people's stuff and either arrest them or put them in the vans.
>Big trucks pull up and obscure my view so I leave.
So yeah. That was cool.

Anonymous 295947

He may not have stolen your stuff, but he stole my heart~~

Anonymous 296259

Update even though this thread went nowhere: I am pretty sure there's already 2 new squatters moving in that same building lmao
I walked by it going somewhere and saw 2 teen/early 20s looking guys hanging on some steps outside it and on the way back just a few minutes ago, I heard what sounded like a bunch of bags being dragged across the floor in there.

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