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Anonymous 296380

>girl boss

Which is the better path?

Anonymous 296382

>Barely attainable position in life vs almost unnattainable position in life.

Anonymous 296383

There is no better path, it's all about having the ability to choose on how to live your life.
Some women want children and to be a wife and some don't. No choice is less or more than the other. It's what she wants to do with her life that she would think leads to happiness.

Anonymous 296385

Housewife of girlboss.

Anonymous 296392


Anonymous 296413

My money is my money and your money is our money. I also want a kid and someone to help me raise it.

Anonymous 296415

people complain about more and more women being "boss babes" and not wanting to go to the workforce but idk… A lot of jobs can just be done remote. I have seen a lot of housewife and moid normies on social media doing bullshit work from home jobs… So I can see why not both?

Anonymous 296418

If you have no financial security of your own and actually depend on a moid given how nasty and unreliable they are, there's a high chance you're brain damaged

Anonymous 296419

If you depend on remote work to sustain you all the time you're insane. It is really hard to find a damn job, and even more a remote job.

Anonymous 296430

I like being a stay at home mom, I am on good terms with my in-laws and my parents who live near me so I have a strong social support network, I hated working so for me this is the better route.

Anonymous 296434

Your inlaws wont financially support you when the divorce happens and he starts looking at younger women anon

Anonymous 296438

Not going to happen because my autistic girl swagger will outlive my good looks :)

Anonymous 296439

God you sound fucking retarded.

Anonymous 296440

Have a nice day fren

Anonymous 296441

i'm trying to find a balance of both. i know i want kids but moids are unreliable. i got a bachelors degree i don't use but i've been thinking about submitting to a bs email remote job just to rack up some savings while i figure out how to establish a career. my cope is it's better than sitting around waiting on a moid to get me pregnant.

Anonymous 296444


Hey cutie, just came over from a Morrowind RP server
I'm a very important man over there, call me Reggi
I love autistic girls, that's the whole reason I joined that server in the first place

You saying that autistic girl swagger clicked something on for me
Why don't you be a doll and give me your discord huh

Anonymous 296445

you sound so bitter lol

Anonymous 296452

You sound like you're 14 years old.

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