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Anonymous 296403

Any hobbies you want to do but don't? Why?

Anonymous 296408

Always wanted to try knitting buti can't cause a family of four died in Kansas

Anonymous 296534

I want to try woodworking but I have no money.

Anonymous 296535

Tatting (lace making) bobbin lace making.

I hope you get some money for tools at least. Because wood you can of course get just randomly from the forest. (illegal? idc just do it secretly, what are they gonna do? put cameras in the forest?)

Anonymous 296541

Would love to get into figure skating but it's really more a sport for young girls, I don't think I can still start at this point

Anonymous 296544

I feel like money is going to be often cited in this thread. I think I can afford to dive locally but not internationally.

Anonymous 296549


In the next 10 years, I'm going to buy a plot of land and grow tons of things, but not for profit. I'll make bread using my own wheat and acorn flour. I'll have a huge greenhouse. I'm finishing up my agricultural engineering degree and can't wait to put it all to use on my hobby farm.

Anonymous 296559


Doll customization or Ooak dolls.

I did try once and it was difficult and expensive. Turns out I am super lazy.
I still follow a lot of Ooak Artists.

Anonymous 296561

HEMA/sword/spear martial arts. I don't really have the space to practice spear stuff and they don't offer any classes where I am. Classes would also be expensive I assume, yes I know I could use YT. I joined track in HS for a season to learn javelin lol. I'm probably just lazy, really because I could go to the woods or an empty lot and practice with my shitty curtain dowel. I also want to get into baking but I hate having to slave over cleaning up and don't see why not just be satisfied with my regular meals. I want to try baking because I dream and near constantly crave sweet things and could hypothetically save money by just making sweets at home.

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