Anonymous 296403
Any hobbies you want to do but don't? Why?
Anonymous 296408
Always wanted to try knitting buti can't cause a family of four died in Kansas
Anonymous 296534
I want to try woodworking but I have no money.
Anonymous 296535
Tatting (lace making) bobbin lace making.
>>296534I hope you get some money for tools at least. Because wood you can of course get just randomly from the forest. (illegal? idc just do it secretly, what are they gonna do? put cameras in the forest?)
Anonymous 296541
>>296403Would love to get into figure skating but it's really more a sport for young girls, I don't think I can still start at this point
Anonymous 296544
>>296534I feel like money is going to be often cited in this thread. I think I can afford to dive locally but not internationally.
Anonymous 296549

In the next 10 years, I'm going to buy a plot of land and grow tons of things, but not for profit. I'll make bread using my own wheat and acorn flour. I'll have a huge greenhouse. I'm finishing up my agricultural engineering degree and can't wait to put it all to use on my hobby farm.
Anonymous 296559

Doll customization or Ooak dolls.
I did try once and it was difficult and expensive. Turns out I am super lazy.
I still follow a lot of Ooak Artists.
Anonymous 296607
I always wanted to get into lolita but didn't have money. I still don't but now I'm too old, too.
Anonymous 296611
I've always wanted to be a drawer, but never had the necessary discipline to train everyday as I should to became a decent artist. Recently bought an online course of art, and it was expensive, so I hope it helps me became more focused and disciplined.
Anonymous 296615
I used to do HEMA. Classes usually arent too expensive. Like a lot of clubs will just have you pay a monthly club fee and let you attend anything they offer. Most clubs in my circuit usually have a fee ranging from say $50-$100/month.
The real barrier to entry is your equipment. All the stuff you need to fence safely, like a jacket, mask, pants, etc, can end up being $700-$1000 depending on how you shop. A lot of it ends up being bespoke too, so it can take months to arrive. Like when i first started fencing, my pants took something like 3 months to ship.
Swords are also a cost. A decent sword is gonna be like $200-$500, or more if you want something crazy. And swords break. If you fence for 2 hours a week, expect to have a blade failure every year to year and a half.
Now with pole arms like spear, halberd, bayonet – these arent often fought competitively because theyre very dangerous. You can really make one thats flexible enough to be safe, and theyre pretty massive, to the point that striking with them can still cause serious injuries. Since theyre not fought competitively, most clubs dont train with them intensively. Like at my club, we had some spear and halberd simulators, but we mostly used them for experimental work at half pace when trying to figure out how certain things from manuals worked. We didnt really fight with them though.
As for learning from youtube: you can learn some things about guards and form, and can do some exercizes from it, but you cant really learn to fence from it.
A lot of what makes a person good at fencing is being able to judge timing and distance. You also cant really do much oppositional blade work on your own either. To get those elements down, you do need a partner.
Now, if you want to try to learn something like sabre, you could do this "backyard" style with some cheap boffers or singlesticks and some fencing masks for a minimal-gear setup and rope in a friend to help you train. Reasonably, you could learn a decent amount of basic HEMA sabre together like this using roworth and taylor 4th edt + some youtube videos to help iron out things that might be unclear from the text.
Anonymous 296618
>>296403I want to play tennis really bad. But I don't have money or classes or anyone to play with meh. I have shitty racquets. I have a tennis court in my apartment complex and it kills me to walk by it everyday. At my old condominiums i also had a tennis court, and a friend who would play it with me but he wouldn't do it everyday. I seriously want to do it to exercise. So I just walk and swim in the pool instead.. meh..
Anonymouse 296625
N64 Controller.gif

>>296403Video games. I have a whole collection but get bored fast with the thought of playing
Anonymous 296627
I don't really know if it counts as a "hobby" but my late uncle left behind a collection of old cars. I am freakishly tall and struggle to fit in any of them. They're all tiny european ones, mostly 2 seaters. I rode in one before while my cousin drove and my hair was just above the windshield in the most comfortable position I could make for myself.
I was especially bummed to find out I don't fit in the Mini.
There is a 50s Chrysler I probably do fit in but
>missing impossible to find parts.
Anonymous 297060
Cleaning because I am a lazy fuck.