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20$ amazon gift card Anonymous 296409

I got a 20$ amazon gift card in a survey, what should I spend it on? I don't have prime and am a college student.

Anonymous 296410

samefag, picrel unrelated

Anonymous 296423


hmm sum yummy snacks?… nice pens/pencils? a journal? what’s something you want, a little something to treat yourself?

Anonymous 296435

I always like saving that kinda thing that I need but dont wanna spend money on eg; i had a brewing airlock break so i bought a new one with a gift card. The old breaking felt less frustrating since I didn’t have to pay for a new one :)

Anonymous 296455

My mom actually just bought me a bunch of yummy japanese snacks because she is the best mom ever. I don't really know what I would want… Maybe like, an anime girl figurine or some posters? Or maybe some stickers. Surely someone here has some suggestions though.

Anonymous 296471

spicy dried sea weed snack. Or maybe some Caramel popcorn?

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