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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 296645

What's some modern and postmodern art you like? It can't be all bad.

Anonymous 296646

All the good artists are making fan art and web comics. Most of the degree artists are all awful people that paid tons of money for their art degrees. They have zero actual skill and their "art" is used for tax evasion and money laundering by the rich.

Anonymous 296647

fanart and webcomics are not even art they are fanslop. Most anything in that category is even if its not fanart tbf

Also you sound bitter at people who graduated with art degrees

Anonymous 296650

They use their art degrees to get grants and get paid for being in an art scene so they can steal

Anonymous 296653


This is actually modeled in a 3d program, its not AI. I wish this artists would make more but they never did, it sucks. If I could frame this and mount this on my wall I would.

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