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Parenting isn't a miracle parenting is a CURSE Anonymous 296651

When I see what my siblings go through with kids its like watching someone being actively tortured. I feel like i could wait a thousand years too go near any kind of domestic situation. How many of you actually avoid relationships like they're a plague? Does anyone else just find it really hard to be attracted to moids?

Anonymous 296676


Never really cared about relationships, had my first one in my late 20's, and it was not difficult, since at least for me, most moids are not likeble.
My social batteries algo run out on on seconds, fortunely I don't a lot friends e I'm almost don't see my family, but I have a job, and dealing with my colleagues sometimes gets on my nerves. But at least, I don't have to deal with children

Anonymous 297632

everytime i see a miserable sleep-deprived parent say something like ''kids are a miracle!'' i just know they're lying through their teeth to get other people in their same hell situation. kinda like family members that ask you ''when are we getting grandchildren''

Anonymous 297633

This society is a bad place to have kids. Autism is high, not safe, housing crisis, poverty, mental illness society, too much social media exposure. People born today will be a mental wreck before they even reach 10

Anonymous 297638

Pretty much anyone who would bring children into the world the way it is now is a delusional trainwreck. It is too disturbing to think about how willingly ignorant you have to be at this point.

Anonymous 297647

I avoid relationships for different reasons, but I do feel bad for parents. I don’t really judge them for their choices though. I’m just grateful that I was born in a time and place where I’m not forced to get married and have kids.

Anonymous 297674

Back in the days sure was fucked with high poverty and forced labor just to survive. Today we are never hungry or cold and have more freedom over our bodies. Yet its still hell. 20 years of internet and social media internet has made everyone sick in the dead

Anonymous 297682


"back in the day" people just didn't have a choice whether to have kids. They were socially forced to join in the unholy march towards death with a family.

If anything its moids heads that are trash now. They are such nasty coomers and filthbags now because they don't have the power to force women to get pregnant. So they drown in porn to spite women.

Even with trump in power they still dont have that power. Without abortions or contraception it is going to be an atom bomb sex recession. But what is the difference for women? Sex with men just fucking sucks compared to masterbation lmaaaoo. Women can masterbate forever and be happy, so the jokes on them.

Anonymous 297685

They always talk like "nyeeh 10% of women participate in 4b" and then they go and cry about the male loneliness epidemic. Moids of this generation are just doing it to themselves.

Anonymous 297692

They sound abusive asf no wonder the kids are being "bad"

Anonymous 297719

"Back in the day" people weren't socially forced to have kids. They were forced to have kids because they needed free labor to work on farms. It was vloser to being an absolute necessity.

Of course if your kids were raised doing hard labor for 10 hours a day during the summers (less during the school year) they didnt require as much discipline.

Anonymous 297738


that's just how children are raised in my country

Anonymous 297744

> They are such nasty coomers and filthbags now
Now? Moids have ALWAYS been nasty. It's their nature

Anonymous 297760

From what I've seen, the former is usually them coping, trying to convince themselves more than you that it's worth it. The ones that try to get you to have kids too are just looking for real world confirmation of their cope in others so they feel more secure in their situation; if others they know are doing it then it must be okay, they don't have to think about or question their state. The latter can fuck off without any frills since they just want kids to spoil while you do all the work.

Anonymous 298066


Lmao something similar happened to me but as a child at a friend’s house. Friend did something bad so dad beat his ass with a paddle in front of me, then went back to what he was doing like nothing happened. Parents are fucking sadistic lol.

Anonymous 298083

Yeah. Like having a child is generally a selfish thing to do. Sure, a handful of parents understand the importance of properly raising a child with a healthy psyche, but the fact is, as long as the only qualifier to reproduce is fertility we will continue to have more and more traumatized children growing up to be traumatized adults.

I get it, kids are fucking insane. But I don't like how parents beat their kids. I get it, kids are retarded. So are dogs. You don't train a dog by beating the shit out of it unless you want a dog with severe behavior issues.

Anonymous 298084

i like kids! but pleasee don't use them as an extension of yourselves or as a hobby… there is something precious about rising somebody that can be a good person, not a scientist or an astronaut, just someone that is kind, the world needs more of that. at the same time, you shouldnt feel like you're missing out if you don't have them, it's fine

Anonymous 299245

As an older sibling, I just can't understand why any woman would wanna have a kid. I've never liked kids nor had the patience for them and watching my mom go through the horrors of pregnancy and then do all the work it takes to be a parent just cemented my decision to never have kids, I know I'd be a pretty bad mom. My life would get RUINED.
I don't want kids but I do want a relationship, which fucking sucks because I'm feeling so lonely and attention starved all the time and like 99% of moids will make it clear they want kids and thus wouldn't even look twice at me because of that, my looks don't help all that much either so now I'm in the process of accepting having a nice relationship is a fairy tale.

Anonymous 300588

the idea of being a mother in the literal sense is actual torture (pregnancy is the stuff of body horror and im irked by small children). maybe i'll consider something like adoption or surrogacy, but it's a bit early for me to think about that.
no one's stopping you from lying!

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