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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Water cooler thread! Anonymous 296657

whats up, whats new in your life, what's been on your mind? shows, books, movies etc, all are welcome

Anonymous 296660

I watched The Wild Robot and it was kino

Anonymous 296664


I've been reading The Great Gatsby, cause it is on the list of the Rory Gilmore Challenge, but I'm felling very frustrated cause for me, the book is too boring, like, I could't care less about that rich people drama.
I hate when I watch or read some classic stuff and don't like it, it fells like I'm dumb, and don't know how to appreciate art.

Anonymous 296668

i feel u nona, I feel like I'm too stupid to understand most movies. Thats why I hardly watch anything, I'm faceblind too so i don't recognize actors ever

Anonymous 296681

The in-laws keep asking me how the job hunts going and it’s going very poorly. I get ghosted from so many employers, I don’t even get a call back or email back from over 1000+ job ads I responded to.
Welp, guess I’ll just look like I’m not good enough for their precious wittle boy

Anonymous 296837

i want a gross gf so bad, no one ik irl is dykey enough for me

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