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Anonymous 296658

Why are humans such cruel animals?

Anonymous 296659

All animals are cruel. From a gazelle's perspective the lion is cruel for wanting to kill it. From the lion's perspective the gazelle is cruel for making it stave and struggle to feed it's young.

Anonymous 296662

We were made by an evil god and put in hell.

Anonymous 296667

It would easily be closer to heaven if the shitty depraved men were deleted from it.

Anonymous 296795

chickens aren't cruel (if you mention the "they peck each other" thing they do it because of factory farming conditions)

Anonymous 296796

But they peck each other even outside of factory farming conditions. Farming just makes this behavior more intense. All animals show intra-species and extra-species aggression, don't be naive and don't paint them as cute babies who never do anything bad unlike evil humans

Anonymous 296814

Because we let moids control the world

Anonymous 296817

the difference is that chickens don't have empathy or morals, they function based off of instinct, so they just don't understand that pecking each other is wrong. but humans have empathy and are able of going against instinct, so when a human hurts another human, its a moral problem because they should have the ability to control themselves and not do that. so if a human hurts another human its because they choose to do that, uncaring if the victim is in pain etc. but chickens don't have that understanding so it's not malicious. idk if this makes any sense but yeah

Anonymous 296819

They eat their own eggs all the time

Anonymous 296907

This. Women would never have allowed the evil that is factory farming.

Anonymous 296953

Fair enough, you're right about it

Anonymous 297157

I raise a small poultry flock because I hate industrialized poultry/eggs.
I kill 90+% the moids because they are inherently violent rapists (I only keep the ones who don't hurt my females One of the only males I have is a little black male who prefers to fuck the largest females and doesn't rape). The females generally get along with eachother pretty well.
I think this applies to all animals, especially humans.

Anonymous 297160

Because men are a burden and a plague. Cut your dick off. If you came anywhere near me irl i would just stick it in a fucking blender and acidwash your face trash. You will never be anything to us but a plague and a disease.

Anonymous 297177


Interesting. Are the ones less likely to hurt females also less likely to fight with other males as well? How long have you been raising them? If you keep up at it you will start having less violent males witch each generation. I wonder if it will start producing physical changes in the roosters as well?
>black male who prefers to fuck the largest females
Not surprised

Anonymous 297182


Anonymous 297185


poultrynona here
I keep ducks instead of chickens, so the way the scrotes fight eachother might vary. IMO ducks are less violent than roosters, the drakes won't fight each other as much as they attack and brutalize the females (drakes are rapey as hell). I have about 14 females per drake and I'm always increasing that number, but it doesn't matter. When you get a scrotey duck they will pick a "favorite" during the mating season and terrorize her. I've had a female nearly lose an eye once. Killed that shithead real quick.
>will the less violent males produce less violent offspring?
Maybe? My black duck is small and slender (looks like pic rel), the black females of his breed are also especially kind and docile. My black nigel duck is about 2, but sometimes the males get really shitty when they get old.

Anonymous 297188

NTA, but do you raise duckos for meat or eggs? I know that tall slender ducks are usually good layers, so I suppose the latter is true.
How is it to keep ducks in general?
I've heard they are pretty dirty and like to shit literally everywhere and splash water everywhere.

Anonymous 297192

Ducks are filthy, but I raise them outdoors on pasture and their coop has deep bedding so they aren't as gross as you think if you have the land.

As far as difficulty goes, I find them pretty easy. As previously stated, I have land, so the mess isn't bad. The ducks are raised for eggs. They lay about as much as chickens, and I like duck eggs more than chicken eggs. I sell the excess eggs and keep the rejects for myself (misshapen, hairline cracks, etc.)
If you live somewhere where water is expensive, DO NOT get ducks. They are very thirsty animals and waters need to be cleaned daily.

Anonymous 297195

If you raise them on pasture do they graze like geese?

Anonymous 297196

They graze, but no, not like geese.
Geese are herbivores, they can get a lot of their food from grass. Ducks are omnivorous foragers. They love insects and I have seen them collectively tear apart a vole.

Anonymous 297199

RIP vole

But seriously, raising egg ducks on pasture sounds like an ideal life.

Wish your ducks health and productivity

Anonymous 297324


interesting i agree

Anonymous 297422

I am not going to become a vegan so I have no problem with this picture.

Chickens are cannibal. Behead one in front of the others and they will come to drink the blood. Dinosaurs, that's what they are.

Anonymous 297430

All birds are evil

Anonymous 297431

Anonymous 297435


Anonymous 297456

Yeah, sure, it's totally wimminz who commit 90% of violent crimes, start wars and get mad over slightest shit. And of course women run industrial farms and slaughterhouses

Anonymous 297473


Wimon are monsters because they make fun of me (even though I've never actually talked to a non-my-mom-woman irl except for one time in middle school when stacy told me she already had a date to the middle school dance) and that's WORSE than rape AND murder!

Anonymous 297474

btw do you know about the autist woman who actually deeply empathized with cows so hard that she actually made a system of slaughterhouse that made the cows significantly less stressed when they were killed?

Anonymous 297476

Temple Grandin?

Anonymous 297483

my boyfriend says that i am literally temple grandin. i take that as a complement.

Anonymous 297500


>humans have empathy and are able of going against instinct


Anonymous 297501

Alright, women have empathy and are capable of going against instinct.

Anonymous 297513

Proving her point…

Anonymous 297875

Yeah. Apparently scrotes fought her every step of the way even though any retard with two brain cells to rub together realized less stressed out animals are easier to manage and therefore can be slaughtered more efficiently.

Anyways, scrotes are disgusting. I want humans to be replaced by whiptail lizards

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