
Anonymous 296675
Anyone here feel a sense of relief that they aren’t the only ones still at home
Do you feel the stigma is dying down now
Anonymous 296680

Most of us are broke, unemployed or working in a shitty job that don't pay enough to a person to live alone. And our parents are getting old, sick and lonely, most of then need a lot of support, so, I don't even that there's a "stigma" anymore. Most of people who likes to talk shit about living with parents are retards from internet who are totaly detachted from reality
Anonymous 296756
>>296675I lived at home until I was 31 and only moved out because my partner already owns his home. I did feel a palpable sense of relief when my friends from uni started moving back in with their parents after COVID. It's pathetic that it took near-recession to drag everyone else down to the same level as me, and it's even more pathetic of me to feel a sense of relief that people then assumed I was just going through difficult times. Unless the world economy drastically improves and the current direction of mass-exploitation by monopolistic corporations changes, I think this is the new normal. Inflation rises by 15%, food and rent go up by 50% because you have no choice but to pay whatever they demand, and they only have the incentive to keep costs low enough to let you barely survive.
Anonymous 297017
>young adults
These are nkt young adults
Anonymous 297022
>>297017We keep maturing later and later. 35 is supposed to be middle age.
Anonymous 297059
seems more cultural than anything. If the older generation wants their kids out they will make houses cheap. If they want to make houses expensive they will keep their kids home unless they are rich af.
Anonymous 297173
>>296756I'd have lived at home too if my parents weren't horrible people who would just scream at me all day and kick me out after a week.
Anonymous 297708
As long as you work and pay bills, what's the problem with living at home? Unless you're wealthy, there are only two choices, living with parents and living with strangers (roommates).
Anonymous 297730
>>296675I wish I could live at home but my mother is a crazy fucking hoarder. She doesn't even live at her main house though, she lives with my sister helping her with childcare. Holy shit my mother is an absolute nut. Pays 6k a year in property taxes for a beautiful property she completely destroyed with neglect.
Anonymous 298197
>>296675its actually really common in some cultures to stay with your parents
my mom (from turkey) lived with her parents until she was 25, when she got married
her older brother who has a wife and kids now still shares a house with her parents, his family has the top floor and my grandparents have the bottom floor
its not inherently a shameful thing, it is literally only culture that dictates whether its shameful, in fact it can even be seen as preferred in countries with strong familial ties because it means you're there to help your parents out. the West has abandoned the notion of strong family ties in favor of individualism, and look where that's gotten us- homelessness abundant, elderly rotting in homes, native population literally dying out and being replaced by immigrants (not racism just facts)
family is INCREDIBLY important, but Westerners treat their BLOOD as an afterthought, abandoning their parents and only calling them once a year if that
Anonymous 298198
>>298197ok I shouldn't say native population when I mean European settlers- but you know what I mean
Anonymous 298219
>>296679I feel like it has to be because they have such accessible public housing, right?
Anonymous 298221
>>298197I grew up in the West and this was the same for me, I lived with my parents through university until I got married
Anonymous 298222
>>298221I meant to say like my parents are from the East so growing up in the West I got the same treatment
Anonymous 298237
>>298219Public housing? That sounds like communism. People here move into student housing when they're 19. If they're not studying they'll rent or buy something else a year or two later. In Stockholm there's no way to rent unless you're a boomer or rich enough to afford black market sublets. There's a queue for housing, and you need like 20-25 years in the queue to get something. Those apartments are dirt cheap and serve as a form of universal basic income for boomers to rent out to struggling youth for three times the price.
Anonymous 298282
>>297022ideally we should live up to 100, so 50 is middle age
Anonymous 298289
bernadette 30th bi…

i moved out of my parents house when i was 19 and never looked back. i can't even imagine how horrible it would be living with one's parents in your 30s
Anonymous 298310
>>296675spain and italy have no work ethic
Anonymous 298329
I think I should move to Denmark.. (don't come for me, I'm not serious). The average sales price for a home is nearing 500k euro in my country (while space has halved)
Anonymous 301337
Americans say the Soviet Union was a huge success.
Anonymous 301338
>>301337Can you fucking stop sperging about Americans in every thread, сука ты ебаная, а?
Anonymous 301354
We'll all be living in caves after everything is outlawed, but then you can be sure that living in caves will soon be banned in order to protect endangered bats.
Anonymous 301362
The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.
The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.
Anonymous 301371
>>301337Almost no countries on that map ae former ussr countries, what are you talking about?
Anonymous 301800
>>296675not to be that nona but the statistics are screwed since at least in the Balkans, traditionally the guy stays with his parents and the wife moves in with him, this arrangement allows the young parents to breath since the grandparents act as babysitters, there is also a long ruining cultural joke that the mother-in-law is a bitch since she treats his grown son like a child and dosen't allow him to have house responsibilities like an normal adult would and/or she thinks his wife corrupts him in some way
Anonymous 301807
>>301800Yeah boymoms are a menace but they’re even worse in 2nd/3rd world cultures
Anonymous 302044
My girlfriend lives at home and I live in supported acoomodation for the mentally ill. It's pretty cushy. Shes 34 and I'm 29. We're thinking of moving in together but she has a real job and I don't, so I will be a burden on her unless I get well. I want to be good for her I really do but I just have no motivation. I'm trying to get into a volunteering role but the charity shop wouldn't take me because of "the safety of their staff" as soon as I told them I'm on psychs
Anonymous 303186
>>301807How so? Aren’t they expected to work provide and listen to their parents?
Over here in the west your own kid can attack you, be loser stoner gamer and live off of you.
Yet don’t think they are spoiled.
Good luck getting them to help around the house without belting them. Then suddenly you are toxic