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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 296675

Anyone here feel a sense of relief that they aren’t the only ones still at home
Do you feel the stigma is dying down now

Anonymous 296679


Anonymous 296680


Most of us are broke, unemployed or working in a shitty job that don't pay enough to a person to live alone. And our parents are getting old, sick and lonely, most of then need a lot of support, so, I don't even that there's a "stigma" anymore. Most of people who likes to talk shit about living with parents are retards from internet who are totaly detachted from reality

Anonymous 296699

I am proof of that

Anonymous 296756

I lived at home until I was 31 and only moved out because my partner already owns his home. I did feel a palpable sense of relief when my friends from uni started moving back in with their parents after COVID. It's pathetic that it took near-recession to drag everyone else down to the same level as me, and it's even more pathetic of me to feel a sense of relief that people then assumed I was just going through difficult times. Unless the world economy drastically improves and the current direction of mass-exploitation by monopolistic corporations changes, I think this is the new normal. Inflation rises by 15%, food and rent go up by 50% because you have no choice but to pay whatever they demand, and they only have the incentive to keep costs low enough to let you barely survive.

Anonymous 297017

>young adults
These are nkt young adults

Anonymous 297022


We keep maturing later and later. 35 is supposed to be middle age.

Anonymous 297059

seems more cultural than anything. If the older generation wants their kids out they will make houses cheap. If they want to make houses expensive they will keep their kids home unless they are rich af.

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