Moment of Silence For 4chan Anonymous 296860
It is so shocking they actually did it. They actually implemented email verification on every board. I noped out of there so fast and never going back. RIP our imageboard friend. I'm sure we all have such fond memories from the one that started it all.
Anonymous 296863

its not the end of the world. it looks like you can still post without an email or having to wait 15 mins as long as your ip isnt new
Anonymous 296872
>new anti-spam measures
>spam continues
Anonymous 296877
I like how the only comfy threads on that board is AI slop while applefags are shilling their bs every thread.
Anonymous 296880
Thanks to the CSAM through the internet, this will only get worse. Maybe lolcow and cc should implement this too
Anonymous 296886
There is literally no discussion on there at all anymore. It's just mindless culture war gotcha sperging and race spam. You'll just get met with trolls if you try to talk about ANYTHING else. They need to just start forcing mods to moderate for quality control, not just US law violations. That's the only way they could fix the site, but then all the subhuman faggots who "miss the old /b/" will get assmad.
Anonymous 296903
>>296885That’s what I really don’t understand about these new “anti-spam” measures like the countdown captcha and email verification. All it accomplishes is turning the few remaining human users away for good and makes it easier for AI bots. Time doesn’t matter to them, but humans can just exit the tab and go find an altchan to post on.
Anonymous 296904
>>296880I used to think it was fed entrapment, but I have a hunch that CloudFlare is the one behind that to extort websites into becoming customers.