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I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.

Anonymous 296913

only if it's a boy really. women having daughters is always nice to hear, but especially knowing if the daughters get to grow up with good childhoods. i otherwise constantly feel depressed knowing how many girls out there are going through unstable families, i being one of them.

Anonymous 296914

you sound extremely bitter

Anonymous 296919

You sound like a moid.

Anonymous 296920

I have a special hatred for women who don't abort their sons.

Anonymous 296923

a larping man posted this

Anonymous 296924

I don't really hate my neice's they're fun. But i could not live with a child. I mean hell there are enough children in the world. They talk about population decline but everyone i know has had a kid. I don't buy it. I don't hate my sisters no lol.

Anonymous 296931

You're not better than the people that have children and carry on a legacy. You're not cool or smarter for going against your nature and leaving nothing. Women weren't intended to work all day in a fucking office, on a construction site, in war, etc, pandering to another man who will always be above you (ie your boss, who doesn't like or love you.) That's a man's world. If you want to choose a shittier harder life where you have to pay taxes and slave all day being fucking miserable go for it. I'm fucking done with that life. I enjoy baking pies and knitting all day, and tending to my vegetable garden, and teaching my children how to be good people. I'm not ever going back! If that makes me hated, so be it.

Anonymous 296932

Don't bring down smart and ambitious women just because you don't like working. If I were in your place, I would be feeling trapped, intellectually understimulated, and generally deficient.
Btw, somebody still has to pay for your ass.

Anonymous 296933


Just putting a child into the world and reproducing like a rat doesn't mean you're going to have a fucking "legacy", it will probably be just another poor average joe/jane who got laid and ended up bringing another poor thing into this world, especially moids, who want have children for the same reason that a child wants a dog, and never does anything useful, like looking out for a child's well-being.

>Women weren't intended to work all day

Poor women have always worked, and will always work, and it's not going to be a bunch of nonsense that conservatards parrot on the internet that will change that fact. Poor poor idiots who think they are going to stay at home "knitting and baking bread" are going to be begging money for their husband, even to buy a sanitary pad and being cheated on with younger women.

> That's a man's world.

This must be why this world sucks

Anonymous 296934

That poster reads like a larping male because it's mostly men who associate motherhood with Kodak moments. Daughters are encouraged to help their mothers and know that housework is boring, thankless, soulless drudgery that leaves you a shell of a person.

Anonymous 296935

No matter how much you call yourself a feminist, tearing down other women and hating them because they have children doesn't make you pro-woman in the slightest.

Anonymous 296936

>implying stay at home moms are not smart or ambitious
You're the one who's bringing people down.

Anonymous 296937

Maybe that used to be the case, but in the 21st century I've never met a SAHM that was smart. A woman who has ambition, even if she has kids, doesn't stay at home cooking soup.

Anonymous 296938

You were the one who said 90% of life is "a man's world" and "women weren't intended to work".

Anonymous 296939

Yeah I never said that. I said it's a man's duty to put up with other men's shit, not women's. Women working in this 40+ hour week hellscape is a modern development, one that only brought women and families into misery. But then again, I'm arguing with a woman that hates other women. Joke's on me.

Anonymous 296941

Nice bait.

Anonymous 296942

Seeing autistic sons hit their moms in public and the weird ass 'boy mom' dynamic… Yeah, never having a son

Anonymous 296943

So you hate your mom and your grandma too?

Anonymous 296947

Again, nice bait.

Anonymous 296950

calling other peoples posts bait is so ironic lmfao. coming to this website and doing the stereotypical le femcel "ew i hate kids and any woman who has kids is a tardwife" thing. im genuinely hoping that you and other retards in this thread are either larping or underaged because if not that's pathetic

Anonymous 296951

When did you realize you are mentally ill?

Anonymous 296952

>women weren't intended to be pandering to another man who will always be above you
You literally married a moid, carried his spawn and are dependent on him, this is peak men-pandering

Anonymous 296956

Nothing is more pathetic than a tard wife.

Anonymous 297143

I don't hate kids, but I do have a certain distaste for parents in general though. Have they pondered enough if they should put another human being into existence? If the world is already a mess with climate change now, imagine 20 years from now. How could I subject someone to that?

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