
Artificial Wombs Anonymous 296961
The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.
Anonymous 296968
Nah, we will be creating humans from female dna and ditch men
Anonymous 296971
That might solve human trafficking and organ shortages. Why buy children from some impoverished country if it's possible to mass-produce the highest quality children on an industrial scale.
Anonymous 296973
>>296968We could still create a world with only women using artificial wombs.
Anonymous 296976
I think it would be cool if instead of having children we could have our clones, generation after generation, because then we all could attach numbers to our names and feel like royalty.
Anonymous 297025
Artificial wombs sound pretty nice, just make only women, since men do nothing but cause problems in general with their nonsense.
Anonymous 297027
>>297025>>296973I hat to tell you, but most scientists and engineers actually pioneering reproductive technology, and who have control over its use, are men. Genetics as a field is something like 60% women in the west, but almost all work in non-technical, entirely academic or mostly research capacities. I hope you intend to have daughters and raise them to be groundbreaking doctors, scientists and engineers, or it's not going to happen.
Anonymous 297063
>>296961it ain't gonna end shit except for having healthy children. The audacity of man to think he can manufacture a plastic replacement for god's creation will only create misery as always
Anonymous 297064
>>296961>When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhoodNo matter how much try hards and tranners want to change this irrefutable fact. Pregnancy/childbearing is the super power to bear life in yourself. This will always belong to a woman no matter what.
I do agree that this faculty is not the only important thing that we can be valued for.
Anonymous 297126
> pregnancy is no longer associated with femininity
It is difficult, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the care of children and babies is fatally delegated to women. Artificial uteruses can greatly help women in general as we would no longer have physical limitations when having a child, whether in terms of the social vulnerability that a pregnancy poses to us, or in terms of age; It would be possible to become a mother at 50 or 60 easily, after our life was done, and well secured financially.
The problem is that this could make it easier for many moids and trannies to "manufacture" their own children to abuse (I don't expect anything more from these damned people), which could lead to a very big human tragedy, because the only people who can care genuinely concerned with the well-being of a child is a mother, if a mother doesn't care, no one cares, and that human being can have a terrible fate
Anonymous 297127

>>296961Some realistic thoughts:
1. This will probably advantage women more than men. Let's be honest: pregnancy does interrupt women's careers. Women won't have to take breaks from work and can have kids later in life like men do. The main advantage men have over us will vanish and I fully expect women to end up earning more than men in the end.
2. Incels claim they're going to use this technology but realistically: will they? Do they seriously want kids? Why aren't they adopting or getting a surrogate mother now if that's the case? The fact that single fathers are waaaaay less common than single mothers should tell you how this will go.
3. Men being in controll doesn't mean very much IMHO. The person who creates the technology isn't nearly as important as the person who uses is.
4. Moidstinction is the best case scenario. If you explained the effects of a Y chromosome (vastly more likely to become a violent criminal, emotionally stunted etc) nobody would let their kid have that shit. It's 100% possible to have 2 female parents, no men involved.
It's unlikely they'll stop being produced, but 80% of people would rather adopt a girl, most in vitro kids are chosen to be girls, the preference towards daughters. It's entirely possible for moids to quickly become a minority, eventually a small minority.
Anonymous 297135
> pregnancy does interrupt women's careersThis is the most important thing. The possibility of being able to complete studies and invest in a career, guaranteeing good financial stability would be wonderful for women in general, and the risks to life that a pregnancy brings would be resolved at once.
> Incels claim they're going to use this technology but realisticallyThese pricks are too petty to have a child and raise it well, even more so as a single person, they would only create more maladjusted sociopaths like them
>Men being in control doesn't mean very much The uterus is a very special and complex organ and it will not be easy to create this technology, there is a lot of speculation on the internet
> Moidstinction is the best case scenario.I've seen some sensationalist news on the internet about a decrease in the Y chromosome, but they seemed very poorly written and hysterical, unfortunately it didn't seem real
Anonymous 297137

>>297135The 'decline of the Y chromosome' thing is on an evolutionary scale. It's been getting smaller for like a million years and will continue to do so.
Artifical wombs would be something different since people will actively choose the gender of their children. I honestly do think a preference for daughters will be immediately present and only get stronger over time. Whether or not women will eventually do the sensible thing and only use DNA from other women for their kids… probably not in totality but maybe.
And the artificial womb is closer than you think. It'll only be for the rich at first but eventually.
Anonymous 297186
>>297137what do you think a female only world would be like?
I know scrotes think it would be a disaster but honestly less coal miners would be a small price to pay for the near total eradication of rape and murder.
Anonymous 297187

>>297186First of all, less coal miners would be a good thing. It's a shitty job and coal is a shitty energy source that's destroying the planet.
There seems to be an incel line that men do all the 'vital infrastructure' stuff. These are all shit jobs that should be eliminated ASAP. Second, if there were no moids it's not like nobody would do them.
Like 'oh shit! there aren't any moids around, guess we can't fix the road anymore…' wouldn't happen in an all female world. Women can work in construction, at docks, etc. It's been a long time since retard strength was an actual necessity for most of this shit. The only thing is moids are crazy and self-destructive and are willing to do shit jobs for way less than any sane person (woman) would do it for. The compensation is just going to go up and the shittiness will go down until women are willing to do these jobs.
Will the prices of some stuff go up? Probably. But not relying on retard strength would also mean finding more efficient and safer ways of doing things so it'd be better in the long run.
As for society in general? I can't imagine a single way things would be worse. Like, straight women would get less sex? We could probably just give the next generation the lesbian gene by that point and then that's gone.
War and crime would drop to near zero. You could walk around the inner city at midnight with zero fear. Poverty would drop, economy would become more democratic leading to massive prosperity. Etc. etc.
Anonymous 297190
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>>297187> It's been a long time since retard strength was an actual necessitySee that's the thing that bothers me. Humans didn't get where they are today by being the strongest animals. Their niche came from intelligence.
Human strength is something primarily required in relation to surviving other humans. In relation to the animal kingdom, humans are, as a species without their tools, weak as fuck.
Just the fact that a lot of technological advancements like computing were actually done by women in a world where even just being able to read while having a vagina was punishable by death is telling. If society stopped hammering into every little girls head that their entire life's purpose was to be a broodmare/helpmeat to a useless moid women would easily replace men in a heartbeat.
Anyways, yeah, we don't need moids anymore. We have guns for self defense against anything, and machinery replacing like 90+% of labor.
I think this is why separatism fills women with hope and moids with dread.
Anonymous 297194

>>297190Women ARE replacing men. Men used violence to make sure they got 100% of education and a domestic servant class uneerneath them.
Physical strength becomes less important, women get more equal rights and suddenly we're vastly outpacing them in college and white color jobs. And it'll only get worse. We'll be the majority in STEM fields eventually too, though it will take a few generations. Once moids lose the ability to force a woman to be his personal domestic servant they just can't function.
Thankfully, technology will only accelerate this. Automation will make their physical labor ever less valuable. Reproductive technology will take away that advantage… and eventually allow us to just stop making moids in general.
Anonymous 297200
>>297194God stop making me feel hopeful.
I think moids are well aware of this. I'm American and I think that's why the laws are becoming more pro rape ape with forced birth of scrote flipper babies and soon they want no fault divorce so they can use their wives as punching bags while they rape their own offspring.
Then again, I think its gonna shoot America in the foot. They clearly are only doing this to try to get white women to have babies with chauvinist theomoids, but I think ultimately its gonna go south korea and the scrotes are going to get more and more radicalized (while doing nothing but masturbating and crying) and women will 4B them out of existence.
Anonymous 297202

>>296961It will probably never become viable.
>When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems.Then women will become nothing more than malformed men, like pre-op FtM trannies.
>>2971271. The disruption is from years of childcare, not a few months of late pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
2. Incels just vent frustration. And ask divorce courts about those single fathers.
4. Unless you find a way for women to become lesbian too, that's not a best case scenario.
>>297194You are behind the times.
It turns out that women's white collar jobs are an order of magnitude more threatened by AI development than blue-collar work, and not just because there is no mechanical amortization.
https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/21/economy/women-employment-ai-disruption/index.html Anonymous 297203
>>297202All jobs are completely threatened by AI. Its going to get to a point where people are so impoverished they will be pushed to desperate measures. They will see the error in electing fascist swine and they will tear down the powers that pushed them to the brink. Too many crisis are due to happen at once with climate change, the oceans dying, loss of jobs, inflation. People are going to turn into blood thirsty monsters and they're going to come for the people who hoard everything.
Anonymous 297204
>>297203Also who even cares about artificial wombs when we don't need workers anymore, accept for cheap service labor.
Anonymous 297209
>>297200>and women will 4B them out of existence.Do you even realize what 4B entails? It's not women "wiping out men", it's women wiping out THEMSELVES and hoping to drag the men of their culture down with them. If you resolve to never have children, you're the one being eliminated from the gene pool. You can't leave behind a legacy to carry on your traditions and continue the 4B way, because the 4B way is to have no legacy.
Anonymous 297214
There wont be men if we just don't breed with you and destroy you filth culture.
Anonymous 297215
Accept women are outpacing men in virtually every area of life these days.
Anonymous 297216

>>297209Men are literally so bad that wiping out the human race to spite them would be for the better.
If men want us to fuck them they should make themselves worth fucking. Men raising children without raping them would be a great starting point
Anonymous 297224
I guess those 10,000 years of patriarchy in history never happened then. Lol you're delusional
Anonymous 297225
>>297224Women aren't brainwashed like that anymore moid. Kick and scream until they day you die nobody is going to touch your worthless maggot infested carcass
Anonymous 297226
>>297224We all know you live in a basement have no job and beat off to kiddy porn all day long. You won't even leave your basement. Come fucking try me come find me and try me i will hammer nails into your fucking eyes and pour gasoline and light up your fucking dick
Anonymous 297233
Whats with the incel crying if he's totally gonna 'pwn the feminists'?
He thinks he can have a trad life but we all know this guy can't even get laid let alone manipulate a pickme into domestic servitude.
Someone needs to tell this chud that rights weren't given to women, we fought for them
Anonymous 297237
>>297233>Someone needs to tell this chud that rights weren't given to women, we fought for themI guess someone should tell the women in Afghanistan to fight extra hard for their rights as well.
Anonymous 297239
>>297237Any moid that came near me in al queda fashion would end up murdered in their sleep
Anonymous 297240
>>297237We'll just fucking poison your food moid.
Anonymous 297241
>>297240I would just start keeping poisoned dicks as trophies by that point, tbh.
Anonymous 297242
>>297241I would sedate him, tie him up in my basement. And torture him for weeks until he was dead.
Anonymous 297243
>>297237Yeah you know women are spoiled as hell in the west compared to middle eastern women, they wouldn't hesitate to light up your ass and make your life a permanant hell. What the hell are you even trying to prove at this point.
Anonymous 297244
>>297235Making him cry in his pathetic basement would be more fun to me sorry
Anonymous 297247

>>297237This isn't Afghanistan. No one wants to end up like that shithole, which is why women are winning.
You can move there though. I'll trade an Afghan woman if it means deporting another useless stain on the west moid. Shit Ill send over 10 moids for 1 Afghani woman. I think a woman is worth at least a million scrotes, but I'll just call it charity
Anonymous 297248
Lmaooo with this thread, touch grass nerds
Anonymous 297249
>>297242Imagine a nona slumber party but instead of a movie we just go to the head nonas basement and play "death by 1000 cuts" but on an incels cock (we'll probably run out of space on his microdick by 10)
Anonymous 297250
>>297248Time to put ice on your ball babe
Anonymous 297251

>>297249If the future is fascist i guess the local women start to become the same way jeez
Anonymous 297262
If anything moderates outnumber trads. Centrist women/men outnumber any other group, idiotic as they are. You never actually meet people with 5+ kids accept once a year. Scrote turdwipe is dreaming for a miracle. Even china couldn't get women to have more children. A massively authoritarian country with "submissive" asian women couldn't get them to reproduce more. Your precious countries full of "submissive" asian women are even worse off than the united states in population decline. What do you think will happen in America if you try to go harder right? Just face it scrotes you'll have blue balls and bitterness for the rest of time. Trump policies are only going to make you more lonely and isolated, women will just spurn you and reproduction more viciously like they do in Asia and you're naive little turddicks will get a taste of what real population decline is like.
Anonymous 297264
Yeah but there are virtually no conservative women shitstain.
Anonymous 297284

Nta but I mean all im thinking about are your raging desperate blue balls and the fact that they're going to ban porn and vidya next…. and your demented ass voted for it so yeah. Not a good look for you.
Anonymous 297286

These tradcon faggots dont realize everyone was just like them in the 50s, even moreso, and guess what happened in the 60s.
Moids are just pushing the next wave of feminism. I for one hope we fight fascism with fascism and elect radfem hitler to deal with the moid question
Anonymous 297293
To the moid in this thread:
No one likes you. You might think people are only like this online but irl when you run your stinky breath mouth peoples eyes glaze over because everything you say is shit just like your breath.
Stay inside, I would say hang yourself but you're waiting to do that in a desperate attempt to coerce your online, "waifu" (aka a girl with internalized misogyny from being groomed online at age 12 who is too timid to tell you everything you say is retarded) not to leave your pathetic, stalker ass.
Anonymous 297295
> muh strong men create good times meme
I find that the men who post this shitty copypasta are the weak men they complain about. And those that post this meme are never even interested in creating good times for anyone. They hate women, poor people, gays, etc. They worship people like Andrew Tate. This is peak selfishness. Good times are created by selfless people but the majority of modern day moids only think about themselves. They are incapable of self sacrifice
Anonymous 297308
>>296976That would fuck up the genome over time though, sexual reproduction has a purpose
Anonymous 297316
>>297284>the fact that they're going to ban pornI truly wish this happens someday
Anonymous 297319
So men would still need to knock it up? You go to a hospital and fuck a robot?
Anonymous 297346
>>297308Good thing we can make female sperm so women can sexually reproduce with each other. We don't even need the artificial wombs for that.
Anonymous 297358
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>>297316Very difficult, unfortunately, anything that messes with the moids' porn would generate a general riot on the part of these swines in heat
Anonymous 297371
>>297361>>297362I'm talking about making sperm from a woman's induced pluripotent stem cells like in successful same-sex reproduction experiments with mice.
Anonymous 297374
if society only had kids through women wouldnt this be bad because it could hide violent genes that arent expressed in women but are expressed in men within the gene pool? ig in the female separatist utopia we shitpost about it wouldnt matter though
Anonymous 297381
>>297374No, it really is the Y chromosome that cuases problems. It's much smaller than the X and doesn't provide the same redundancy. Interestingly, having a Y chromosome creates the same problems that imbreeding does: having only one copy of a gene means less protection against mutation since your body doesn't have a backup.
This is why moids are much more susceptible to all kinds of genetic disorders from color blindness to hemophillia. This includes mental disorders, especially being violently insane.
Imagine a society where half the population as inbred: only you don't because that's where we are right now. Eliminating the Y chromosome would be great for the genetics of the population.
Anonymous 297382
>>297381Shit… So basically what you're saying is the only "good" thing about Y chromosome havers is that they can produce sperm?
Do you think there would be a way to produce XX chromosome babies that could produce sperm? Like would they be XXY? Or something different. Like maybe we make an XXZZ chromosome human like, a human female but male bird genetics so she can produce sperm without having a penis.
>>297374Sometimes I wonder how many violent women are only violent because of moid exposure.
Anonymous 297384

>>297382Something like that would be very long-term. Creating a daughter with 2 biological mothers is probably already doable, we just haven't gotten approval to try.
I can't think of much of a reason to genetically engineer a woman to produce her own sperm. It'd be something you only need once or twice in your life so it'd be much easier to just go to the hospital when you and your wife are ready to have a daughter.
>So basically what you're saying is the only "good" thing about Y chromosome havers is that they can produce sperm?On an evolutionary timescale, Y chromosomes allow nature to experiment with certain traits. In a brutal world, most moids will get the short end of the stick and die. The few who get good genes can be violent maniacs who dominate the other males and have tons of kids.
But as far as people living in society goes? Yeah, it's all bad. Moids have to suffer from their shit genes, we have to suffer from there being so many moids around. It's really not worth putting up with all this shit just so maybe we can have 'better' genes in like 100,000 years.
Anonymous 297386
>>297384Idk why the scrotes in power wont just approve of the research to get rid of all moids. Most moids secretly want to be women (and their desire feeds into their violent grug nature)
It really sucks that we have to play god to be rid of the moid menace. I feel like this may have not been the case if humans were more similar to bonobos instead of chimpanzees. Ive read that bonobos are matriarchal and use sex to subdue moids, but as a human I find even that to be gross. It feels like I would have to fully embrace poly troon society in order to even begin to replicate bonobos.
I'd rather just be rid of all men.
Anonymous 297643

>>297187>>297190>>297194things like these make me so hopeful… we can do this nonas, the female-only world is becoming less of a pipe dream…
Anonymous 297644
>>297286you're actually so real for this nona
Anonymous 297937
I'm sorry but I just despise transhumanism. I see nothing good this will bring. If posters think this will help because women's careers won't be interrupted… okay? just don't have children, the planets overpopulated anyway. And the early child rearing stages are probably significantly more disruptive to your career than 9 months pregnant. Pregnancy has been evolving since the dawn of the placental mammal, scientists can't and shouldn't try to reproduce that, because whatever technique they come up with to try and recreate that will be intrinsically more resource intensive, consume more precious metals, and be more energy-consuming than "nature's gift". Honestly, if you don't think pregnancy is kind of an amazing miracle, that two humans can come together, "make love", and grow a child in a woman's body, then I don't see why you'd even want a child. In fact, frankly, society should radically cut back on IVF. The horrible risks you bring to both yourself and your child to bypass nature, apparantly I think if I remember correctly egg donation/egg freezing requires you to take the bone-wrecking lupron. And your child will by onus of your infertile genes, likely be infertile his-or-herself.
Second of all, if you think artificial wombs are great because they'll allow people to create a female only world… Okay? You understand we could already significantly reduce the male population through sex selective abortions. I'm not interested in debating for or against a female only population, but the technology you need to create a female only population– fertilising an egg without a male's sperm is needed with or without artificial wombs, the artificial wombs are just pointless.
In reality, artificial wombs just cede control of reproduction AWAY from women and INTO the hands of, on average male led corporations, it takes pregnancy from every fertile woman, and puts it into the hands of big pharma, who will only create children for their rich clientele, and the rich are by and large male, a sea of white men.
It's like UBI bros. They somehow think automating all manual labour and possibly all labour ever will somehow create a communist utopia, except in reality, if the corporations can do everything without labourers, then they don't need labourers anymore, you along with every other ex-worker will just be another powerless unemployed person, a "dreg".
Women will be in this artificial womb society, what the unemployed consumers are in a UBI society.
Anonymous 297938
>>297937You have a point. So maybe what needs to happen is just more male abortions? Maybe not an entire eradication of males, but a world where 10% of the population are males? It would reduce the risk of incels and force the now minority-statused males to work more in tandem with women. In theory it could also reduce oppression, since males tend to have an oppressive mindset, ESPECIALLY when raised with other men.
Anonymous 297940
>>296961Tranny still here trying to shill artificial wombs under the guise of female liberation. If women are removed from gatekeeping reproduction men and government will breed sex slaves and soldiers for a ruling elite. It will be hell on earth, all traces of genetic material will be harvested and even dying won’t save you from being reborn endlessly to serve some cruel and sick purpose.
Anonymous 297995
>>297940most of the 'women' here are just trannies doing a really bad impression of a radical feminist and have to say 'scrote' every other sentence to seem believable. this thread was so obvious tho lol
Anonymous 298000
>>297995I like saying scrote, it just slips off the tongue. Also years of seeing myself being described as a "hole" or "femoid" or whatever slur shitty men use to describe women has built up.
Listen, if they had a way to prove my sex I'd probably do it.
Anonymous 298001
>>296961Pretty sure if you were produced in a winebox, you would have from the start the brain rot and trauma that you have accumulated over the years. Makes you kinda proud at the technological advances.
Anonymous 298052
Apparently the chris chan pregnancy is a hoax.
What makes me really sad though is even though chris chan raped his demented mom who should have been in a home 15 years ago, he's far from the top 50% of most dangerous moids to society. Sure, he'd be in the culling group, but it just makes me sad we let these worthless bloodthirsty moids wander around the same way an american trailer park lets pit bulls wander freely. It just makes no fucking sense.
Anonymous 298058

>>296961Why don’t we just harvest moid sperm as soon as they reach puberty and cull them off? Lmao
Anonymous 298063
>>298052Anyone who thought the chris chan pregnancy was real is retarded. If you thought he was fertile after he chopped off his dick and took estrogen then I have bad news for you
Anonymous 298074
>>298063I knew he took like back alley estrogen and cut open his taint but I didn't know he chopped off his dick
Anonymous 298077
>>298058I think at around puberty they should stand trial to see if they are worthy of
A: Sperm harvest
B: Living
Anonymous 298247
>>296961kinda a derail but I was autistically interested in snakes since being a kid, I've thought it's so lame how humans have to carry a baby and breastfeed it I wish we could just lay an egg and be over with it except for keeping it warm lol
Anonymous 301313
An artificial womb would be disastrous for every female on the planet. Andrea Dworkin herself said that it would lead to the end of femalekind. Think about it, right now we have a total monopoly on who reproduces. Regardless of any cons associated with that fact, it is a major reason why we haven't been killed off yet. Remember Pygmalion? Moids have been dreaming about getting rid of us for literally thousands of years. Combine this tech with those stupid sexbots and we could see a total femicide.
We must maintain our control of reproduction if we want to continue our harvesting of the moid labor.
>>297384The purpose of males in the evolutionary scheme is to be either a stud or a draft horse. The fact of the matter is that its very easy to master the art of manipulating moids, to the point to where it is a perfectly viable strategy to live entirely off their labor as a glorified NEET as so many women have done before.
Moids are slaves, and you are absolutely retarded if you let yourself get mentally overpowered by one. Even the smartest ones are manipulatable to a ridiculous degree.
>>297249>p-play with my dick plsCovert moid post.
Anonymous 301318
Not sure how I feel about this new technology, uneasy?
I think this technology will be beneficial to a minority but harmful to the majority, this technology won't be available to the masses which is good and bad, soon we'll see gene edited children from high society freed from genetic burdens and this could lead to a whole new caste system.
This technology will lead us to the whole overall story of that movie/book, GATTACA.
This is a technology that should be slowly limited, like AI, or else we could be looking at the beginning of the end of standard births, this will come at the entire cost of our agency, should womankind really give up such natural power in the name of equality?
Anonymous 301320
this should be outlawed just for how itll enable pedophile incubation farms and advanced human trafficking trades