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Artificial Wombs Anonymous 296961

The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.

Anonymous 296968

Nah, we will be creating humans from female dna and ditch men

Anonymous 296971

That might solve human trafficking and organ shortages. Why buy children from some impoverished country if it's possible to mass-produce the highest quality children on an industrial scale.

Anonymous 296973

We could still create a world with only women using artificial wombs.

Anonymous 296976

I think it would be cool if instead of having children we could have our clones, generation after generation, because then we all could attach numbers to our names and feel like royalty.

Anonymous 297025

Artificial wombs sound pretty nice, just make only women, since men do nothing but cause problems in general with their nonsense.

Anonymous 297027

I hat to tell you, but most scientists and engineers actually pioneering reproductive technology, and who have control over its use, are men. Genetics as a field is something like 60% women in the west, but almost all work in non-technical, entirely academic or mostly research capacities. I hope you intend to have daughters and raise them to be groundbreaking doctors, scientists and engineers, or it's not going to happen.

Anonymous 297063

it ain't gonna end shit except for having healthy children. The audacity of man to think he can manufacture a plastic replacement for god's creation will only create misery as always

Anonymous 297064

>When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood

No matter how much try hards and tranners want to change this irrefutable fact. Pregnancy/childbearing is the super power to bear life in yourself. This will always belong to a woman no matter what.
I do agree that this faculty is not the only important thing that we can be valued for.

Anonymous 297126

> pregnancy is no longer associated with femininity

It is difficult, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the care of children and babies is fatally delegated to women. Artificial uteruses can greatly help women in general as we would no longer have physical limitations when having a child, whether in terms of the social vulnerability that a pregnancy poses to us, or in terms of age; It would be possible to become a mother at 50 or 60 easily, after our life was done, and well secured financially.

The problem is that this could make it easier for many moids and trannies to "manufacture" their own children to abuse (I don't expect anything more from these damned people), which could lead to a very big human tragedy, because the only people who can care genuinely concerned with the well-being of a child is a mother, if a mother doesn't care, no one cares, and that human being can have a terrible fate

Anonymous 297127


Some realistic thoughts:

1. This will probably advantage women more than men. Let's be honest: pregnancy does interrupt women's careers. Women won't have to take breaks from work and can have kids later in life like men do. The main advantage men have over us will vanish and I fully expect women to end up earning more than men in the end.

2. Incels claim they're going to use this technology but realistically: will they? Do they seriously want kids? Why aren't they adopting or getting a surrogate mother now if that's the case? The fact that single fathers are waaaaay less common than single mothers should tell you how this will go.

3. Men being in controll doesn't mean very much IMHO. The person who creates the technology isn't nearly as important as the person who uses is.

4. Moidstinction is the best case scenario. If you explained the effects of a Y chromosome (vastly more likely to become a violent criminal, emotionally stunted etc) nobody would let their kid have that shit. It's 100% possible to have 2 female parents, no men involved.

It's unlikely they'll stop being produced, but 80% of people would rather adopt a girl, most in vitro kids are chosen to be girls, the preference towards daughters. It's entirely possible for moids to quickly become a minority, eventually a small minority.

Anonymous 297135


> pregnancy does interrupt women's careers

This is the most important thing. The possibility of being able to complete studies and invest in a career, guaranteeing good financial stability would be wonderful for women in general, and the risks to life that a pregnancy brings would be resolved at once.

> Incels claim they're going to use this technology but realistically

These pricks are too petty to have a child and raise it well, even more so as a single person, they would only create more maladjusted sociopaths like them

>Men being in control doesn't mean very much

The uterus is a very special and complex organ and it will not be easy to create this technology, there is a lot of speculation on the internet

> Moidstinction is the best case scenario.

I've seen some sensationalist news on the internet about a decrease in the Y chromosome, but they seemed very poorly written and hysterical, unfortunately it didn't seem real

Anonymous 297137


The 'decline of the Y chromosome' thing is on an evolutionary scale. It's been getting smaller for like a million years and will continue to do so.

Artifical wombs would be something different since people will actively choose the gender of their children. I honestly do think a preference for daughters will be immediately present and only get stronger over time. Whether or not women will eventually do the sensible thing and only use DNA from other women for their kids… probably not in totality but maybe.

And the artificial womb is closer than you think. It'll only be for the rich at first but eventually.

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