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Ovarit Bunker Thread? Anonymous 296985

Is the beginning of the end for Ovarit? Temporary breaks often turn into permanent ones and are just a polite politically correct front. If they really are struggling, it's probably due to the required invite code to make an account. I personally hate the whole account thing anyway. It ruined the internet.

Anonymous 297333

The best description of Ovarit was one that I read on this site: https://archive.is/8yDrx

>I remember when they were on spinster and planning on making it. Tbh spinster had basically the same problem, you have these main pearl clutching terminally online losers who are obsesed with controlling everything bc their lives are a mess. Another spinster orbiting site was cliterati.club which was also basically exactly the same except the authoritarian woman running it was some 28 yr NEET with a xan addiction, so at least you could laugh at her. You can't laugh at these 50 year old tinpot tyrants, they're not even good as lolcows

Anonymous 297334

It's cause you can't artifically form a female only space, it forms naturally. look at tumblr, as much as it's tranny heavy, the radfem community there is strong

Anonymous 297367

Wow…I love that thread. Wish I could have participated in it. I wonder why it was deleted.

That's the only reason I loved browsing Ovarit. It felt like the only space on the internet that was still sane and understood reality. Everywhere else on the internet automatically treated the trans and "nonbinary" thing as a normal thing that could happen. Gender does not exist. The definition of woman was never up for discussion or debate. Woman=biologically female or as the trans word it "assigned female at birth" or the presence of XX. However, after the men cheated in the Olympics for having some sexual chromosome anomaly…like his balls never dropped or something??? Therefore, woman=NO y chromosome. If anyone is born with a cock and balls, he is a man. Even if he was born with no cock or ball but has a Y chromosome, then he is a man. I am so relieved by the Republican total domination so we can return to normalcy.

Anonymous 297421

After all the demonic screeching, mass hysteria, and mental instability, I’m convinced the admin was a prophetess who knew what would happen this week and didn’t want her platform to be involved in any of the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Anonymous 297648

Ovarit is officially back

Anonymous 303187

Called it! I knew Ovarit would shut down permanently after their temporary hiatus. https://ovarit.com/o/Announcements/676340/ovarit-is-closing
If anyone is an Ovarit refugee, feel free to use this thread.

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