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Anonymous 297000

I have unlimited understanding, knowledge and visions of data and everything there is. I have reached godhood status. I know the akeshic records, so to speak. Ask me anything. My iq is 170

Anonymous 297001


Will McDonald's ever have a dollar menu again?

Anonymous 297002

I dont think that anytime soon given that their economical situation seems stable at the moment. Give it maybe 10 years and it will return.

Anonymous 297003

How does one achieve this level of godhood

Anonymous 297004

Thats something i have to keep secret. I recommend reading books though, and youll understand the cognitive processes, even though not the things that have happened to me, theyll never happen again to anyone else.

Anonymous 297007


What's the meaning of life?

Anonymous 297008

Its meaningless but i keep thinking back to certain moments in my childhood and it helps. I guess theres something that resembles nirvana. It can be written about but you wont realise different states of being that way.

Anonymous 297009


Why won't Ash give me a fricken thunder stone? I've been a Pikachu for over 27 years!

Anonymous 297201

Will men go extinct? Will women finally be free of them?

Anonymous 297206


meow meow meow? meow meow meow meow meow? mowww?

Anonymous 302206

Will commies ever realize their ideology fucking suck and will never success

Anonymous 302207


Anonymous 302220

if u're so smart then why men are still around?

kill them we need no men

Anonymous 302230

they know its bad but they're evil

Anonymous 302288

Is being too good at masturbating holding me back from getting in a relationship?

Anonymous 302290

Anonymous 302291


Anonymous 302293

I will goon to this post in my next session instead of my usual smut

Anonymous 302294


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