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Anonymous 297905

>Be pre industrial Hungarian Nigel doctor
>Be cursed with the desire to actually make improvements in your field
>Find out midwives are better at delivering babies than moid doctors who finger rotten corpses before fingering women giving birth with their gross hands
>Nigel doctor realizes washing hands decreases complications/death in child birth significantly
>Tell scrote coworkers about this
>Scrote coworkers mad because of the implications that the stacy midwives are more competent than them
>Fire Nigel doctor, then later have him sent to an insane asylum where he was beaten to death.

Any more historical instances of scrotes holding society back due to misogyny?

Anonymous 297906

I fucking hate this word, and I fucking hate lc for using it. I'm glad it isn't used on cc.

Anonymous 297907

LC shat on ur Nigel, huh?

Anonymous 297919

>glad it isn't used on cc
I just used it, nona. Now give me some fucking history stories

Anonymous 297921

were these men actually touching corpses and then delivering babies? i know hygiene was bad back then but people had common sense at least?
same tbh. they ruined a really cool and ancient name

Anonymous 297924


>people had common sense at least?

No. These people were fucking retarded. Life pre germ theory was fucking disgusting. Like basically Ancient Greece was on the cusp of understanding hygiene and sanitation, but then theoscrotes fucked shit up and it wasn't until post industrial revolution that medicine actually caught up to pre Christian antiquity.

Anonymous 297926

Wanna provide his name OP? What in gods name makes you think the dumbshits here would know?

Anonymous 297927

Ignaz Semmelweis

Anonymous 297930

unpopular opinions…

Anonymous 297932

It's not misogyny, just massive scrote ego and conservatism turned into a religion. Take the Golden Square cholera outbreak. In 1854, cholera broke out in a suburb of London that was part of a series of outbreaks that'd already killed upwards of 10,000 people. Dr John Snow talked to locals, took testimonials and data about those afflicted and traced it back to a specific water source. He made a statistical analysis and even went through construction documents to find the flow direction to test water sources further from the contaminated pump. Not only did he provide ironclad numbers and figures, accompanied by the testimonial of a reverend, he even had proof positive in an entire brewery staff without a single case, because the brewery paid them in beer made with sterilised water; the workers returning home without using the nearby water source.

What did the authorities do? Dismiss it out of hand and hound Dr. Snow professional; intentionally sabotaging his attempts to improve medicine by blocking his pioneering work on obstetric anaesthesia. They removed the handle and, shockingly, cholera cases dropped off a cliff, but still that didn't convince them, so they replaced it because politicians felt that taking Snow's advice would indicate that they believed cholera was spread by human shit, which was yucky and ungentlemanly, so couldn't possibly to true. It took a fucking decade of campaigning to finally drill it into their thick skulls that bacteria won't suddenly vanish because it's icky to think about. Snow died of a stroke 4 years later, still being actively mocked by his peers and blocked at every turn from pursuing his drive to improve medicine. It would take a decade before his work was recognised as being of any value, then another 2 decades before it was recognised as revolutionary. All of this because "Well, it's simply not done, sir!".

As an aside, John Snow was part of the Temperance movement, believed alcohol was a poison that turned men into beasts, that the beating of wives and children was a a societal ill that men had to be trained out of and the deprivation of alcohol was just one step, and he most likely died so young because he experimented on himself to ensure his work on sparing women the pain of birth was safe.

Anonymous 297934


My God, this is horrible, and I understand that the concept of hygiene in the past was quite different from today, but I can't help but think that this was pure sloppiness and disregard for women's health, it's not possible that these stupid doctors didn't know that corpses are biohazard and that they could not participate in a baby birth after handling a dead person without adequate hygiene.

Anonymous 297948

Is it really blowing your mind that tardscrotes that burned women at the stake for reading were this retarded when it came to health and medicine?

It wasn't until WORLD WAR ONE that surgical medicine surpassed that of ancient Rome. Conservative moids are the antithesis of progress in all regards.

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