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Studying/Focusing tips thread? Anonymous 298253

Lazy procrastinator nona here. Have been struggling a lot with putting things off and concentrating lately, in my first year of college. My job and family obligations have been nagging me a lot lately and it's been difficult to handle the workload.
Have any of you nonas been able to overcome procastination and laziness?

Anonymous 298258

good thread nona, i also struggle with procrastination a lot, am currently taking a break year to prepare for college so i have nothing to do but stay at home and study so i kinda feel like im losing my mind.

Anonymous 298262

bupropion and energy drinks (i just can't do regular meth)
also nootropics that increase dopamine and acetylcholine concentration in your brain, i actually am not a bio science person so idk how to describe it or what's going on, but some of them do work

Anonymous 298263

Do you have a nootropics stack? I drink green tea regularly because I hate coffee’s taste.

Anonymous 298266

nyet, the bupropion works and is cheaper. that, the energy drinks (which also have various b-vitamins and whatnot), and l-trytophan for sleep. i had it legitimately prescribed at first, but to save money, i got it re-prescribed through amazon pay-per-visit under the guise of smoking cessation. i used to use noopept, adrafinil, sabroxy, and various amino acids. they did work but are pricey. there are others i'd like to try but they're either difficult to obtain or too expensive. unfortunately reddit is a good place to start just to see all the different shit that's out there.

Anonymous 298267

How often do you drink energy drinks? Love a good classic monster myself every now and again, though I’ve heard you can get a tolerance quickly.

Anonymous 298269

A few times a week. yeah you definitely had to moderate yourself. I let my body become caffeine-dependent last year, got splitting headaches when i stopped.

Anonymous 298283

i thought green tea made you sleepier?

Anonymous 298287

Screenshot 2024-12…

If you're in uni or whatever literally just use AI. I've been putting the transcripts of lecture recordings through NotebookLM and having it make the notes I'm too lazy to write, then putting them through gpt and getting it to make essay templates for an upcoming exam. What would have taken a couple days took me a couple hours it feels like cheating. Just don't copy the AI word-for-word during the exam or they might catch on lol.

Anonymous 298305

It feels like cheating because it is. Waste of time and money to go to school just to cheat. You're not learning anything.

Anonymous 298315

So I finished college years ago but there's still some stuff I've been learning, but I don't need to get into my whole story here so I'll get to the part where I tell you this life hack I came up with. Now this only works if it's compatible with your schedule of course but it works for me. Look at the calendar. Even numbered days = have fun do whatever I want unless there's something important I absolutely need to do. Odd numbered days = study, do any kind of work or chores that need doing, anything someone else wants me to do, or any serious stuff. I guess you can flip the even and odd days if you like that better. Also I agree with the nonas mentioning caffeine, a coffee a day is healthy enough, and for an extra supplement an energy drink once or twice a week can be a good supplement if you need an extra boost but limit it to that because yeah it can be very addictive and probably not good to do too much.

Anonymous 298341

This is a super unique solution, I may have to try it out this week and report back on how it goes. Does it help with school/work/life balance?

Anonymous 298471

no it has caffeine

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