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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 298346

anyone employed here? or are you like me

Anonymous 298347

I am going to uni but I feel as much as a failure as when I was a neet. I hate being 22 taking on m second semester ;-;

Anonymous 298359

I had a job, couldn't stand my coworkers. I'm so glad that the welfare system in my country gives so much money, it would be hell being forced to work with people you hate and welfare gives the freedom to just say no.

Anonymous 298366

I'm employed. Just your average citizen, nothing to see here o society

Anonymous 298376

How old are you, anon? I'm employed and also a college student and it's pretty miserable. I didn't feel any sort of guilt when I was a neet and I wish I could go back to it every day

Anonymous 299054

Unironically I'm too unwell to work

Anonymous 299055

Just have rich parents that buy you a house. 2ez

Anonymous 299056

Yeah, full time employment and college. But my job is super easy, and I love it. I can knit at work.

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