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Anonymous 298808

Honest thoughts on the UK?

Anonymous 298827

It seems cool ig. 'Would I lie to you?' is a top tier panel show IMO.

Anonymous 298833

Low tier weather

Anonymous 298851


Anonymous 298854


All cities are shit holes
Rural areas are usually nice
Stunning natural landscapes where there's no or minimal development
Well preserved historical architecture
People are varied and attitudes towards others depends on the region with rural areas being more friendly and welcoming
Weather isn't good, it's either raining or cloud for 80% of the time
Public transport is shit. Dirty and overcrowded in cities, nice but almost non-existent in rural areas

Anonymous 298872

Everywhere except for Cambridge, Chelsea and Southwold is a shit hole.

Anonymous 298893

What are some of your favorite villages/rural areas in the UK?

Anonymous 298940


Chelsea is a shit hole. It still has some nice areas but overall it is a shit hole, Cambridge is the same.

Rural areas in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset.
Amazing coast line with beautiful beaches. Lots of paths alongside the coast and through the moors for hiking, rucking and trail running. The area has multiple UNESCO world heritage sites, national parks and ANOBs. Low population density and low crime. Food is fresh, locally produced and inexpensive.

Anonymous 299246


How bad are they nowadays?

Anonymous 299267

as a britfag myself, it is not very good
the shows are funny though even if the bbc are a bunch of oxide-huffing idiots

Anonymous 299289


I'm so tired of walking through literal garbage and broken glass. The UK is incredibly overpopulated and polluted, and the people here don't even understand what nature is (they think spans of desolate farmland and grazing pastures are natural) (also most people are really inconsiderate and trash everything) the only natural wilderness left on the island isn't even 20 miles across, it's embarrassing, and many "nature reserves" are deadly silent artificial conifer forests because no wildlife can survive in them. It makes me upset thinking about it, I want to emigrate asap

Anonymous 299331

It shocked me how polite and friendly they were when I visited, specially rich people, such class and very humble, not like richs in south america.
Food was awfull, weather even worst, airport looked like a pakistani embassy.
Would not live in london, but is a great visit..

Anonymous 299627

Move out of your chavvy town, anon.

Anonymous 300407

Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

Anonymous 300766

Never been to England/Wales, but Scotland was reasonably comfy on both of my trips there

Anonymous 301210

I don’t believe it’s as bad as a lot of people say it is. I just think the worst parts of the country get the most attention.

Anonymous 301225

Americans say that you should just put your head in the sand and ignore the lessons of history because debt, wars, and tyranny never have consequences.

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