
Language learning Anonymous 2992
How many do you currently speak? What is/are your mother language(s)?
Which ones are you learning/would like to learn/improve?
Share good resources be it apps, books, websites, tricks and everything you think can help another miner improve her skills or ask for advice here!
Anonymous 2993
My mother tongue is French. I can speak English and I'm alright at Japanese (N2, aiming for N1 next december). I used to do German in high school and wasn't bad but I forgot everything, so I'd like to go back into it.
>good resources
Anki is a great app. Tbh everything necessary to learn Japanese is one google search away.
Anonymous 2994
I'm German and bilingual (English obvs), I can read Kana and have a decent vocabulary but no grammar skills in Japanese.
Anonymous 2995
I'm bilingual (Portuguese/English) and I understand Spanish very well, but I can't actually speak it. I can read hiragana and katakana since I was 12, but I have no interest in Japanese anymore after I grew out of my super short weeb phase.
I need to learn French because I'm going to marry my bf next year and he is living overseas at the moment. He's not a patient teacher… he said I'm going to learn French super fast once I move, but idk man. i hope he is right because I've been really lazy lately. I need to start studying.
Anonymous 2996
I guess I'm trilingual?
I don't really count other slavic languages into this (like Bosnian or Serbian). Currently I'm trying to learn Russian via Memrise. It's an alright app to learn super basic stuff (like the cyrillic alphabeth that apps like duolingo skip completely) but I still use Duolingo to add some change.
Anonymous 2997
I speak fluently in Lithuanian and English,I understand, but can't speak very well in Russian and I'm currently learning German. So +- 4 languages…more if you accept coding languages XD
Anonymous 2998
Bilingual (spanish/english), good-ish in french since I took it for 4 years at the uni, and currently learning japanese.
Also can read and understand portuguese and italian (since all romantic languages are pretty similar)
Anonymous 2999
Portuguese is my native language, and I speak English fluently as well. My German isn't that good vocabulary-wise, but I have a pretty solid grammatical base and decent pronunciation.
I don't know how to improve my vocabulary, though. I didn't like any of the German bands I listened to, and I'm retarded when it comes to other types of media. Any suggestions?
I'm also trying to learn Japanese but kanjis are kicking my ass.
>>2995French is very easy for Portuguese speakers due to the similar origin and very similar words. I studied it for a while and dropped after a year but I can still understand it pretty well. Good luck, anon
Anonymous 3000
>>2999>I don't know how to improve my vocabulary, though. I didn't like any of the German bands I listened tohurrrdurr
Dont listen to german bands if you want to learn german, period.
For kanji, go for wanikani. Thats what I use, and its really good.
Anonymous 3001
>>2999Another native Portuguese speaker reporting in.
I speak semi-fluent German not as fluent as it should be at this point and the easiest way to learn vocabulary for me was through reading articles and news on the internet, at least once per day. There's a wide selection of websites (like Die Zeit or Der Spiegel for news, Der Postillion for funny fake-news) and you can always find something that fits your interests. After you gain some vocabulary you can start reading books.
Search on yt for "Deutsch lernen mit der DW" and you can find short videos for different levels, and they usually come with a worksheet.
Apart from Portuguese and English, I also speak some Spanish and French and am currently learning Japanese. Learning a new kanji is one of the most satisfying feelings.
I taught myself cyrillic and know a few basic Russian words, I want to learn this language so bad!
Anonymous 3002
>>2999Yes, they are romance languages so they have many similarities, I've noticed that. The problem is really my bf not being patient to teach me and my procrastination. He learned French really easily when he moved, but I'd like to take time to study the language while I am still here. Obrigada!
Anonymous 3003
I speak English and am native-lost with Japanese. AKA I was at a native level when I was a baby/small child but lost it from lack of use/exposure.
Kinda sucks, but whatever. If anyone cares I found this site with download links to different types of JLPT books: You'll have to do a bit of research to find out what's different between the books but I at least know the Nihongo Sou Matome books are set up in weeks, with daily study and a end-of-week quiz.
I study it off and on, but I'm not really motivated to learn it. It's hard to keep going because I don't really have anything to say to Japanese people/a use for it.
I like studying languages (I've tried French, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish) but I find the above really holds me back. I'm just not much of a talker to want to communicate in other languages. My reading capabilities are a lot better but that doesn't translate to writing/listening/speaking.
Anonymous 3004
I speak Serbo-Croatian, basic Hungarian (I'm from Vojvodina), fluent Finnish and English and basic Japanese (N3) that's slowly fading from my memory because I haven't used it in a long time. Currently trying to learn French but it's haaaard because I have nobody to speak it with and the courses in college are really bad (I got really good grades by just memorising texts from the book, haven't learnt a damn thing and the prof doesn't give a shit). Trying to self-learn, but I'd do a lot better with a tutor.
I'd really like to improve my French, I've always felt super gypped by having a literally-who language as my first language. There's really not much use for it aside from sounding vaguely threatening and making jokes about 'beeg Amerikan teetees' at parties because I'm class. All the other languages I speak are either equally useless or spoken by everyone and their mom anyway.
I've also tried German for 3 years but the genders totally broke me and I gave up because they're 100% different from my native language.
I've tried language cafes and online communities but I've found that a lot of them are full of people who sound very full of themselves and only participate for the sake of showing off or don't actually speak the language as well as they claim to. French learning communities seem to be particularly bad, maybe because it's considered a 'posh' language or something.
Anonymous 3005
Trying to learn Russian.
Anyone speak it/read Cyrillic? Know any tips?
Anonymous 3006
>>3005I can read/write Cyrillic and it's quite easy. Just forget all you know about English because each symbol corresponds to a certain vowel in like 99% of all cases. If you learn how it's pronounced and how it sounds in combination with other letters, you can pronounce anything. It's a lot easier than English imo.
Anonymous 3007
>>3006Oh and pay attention to accents because those can totally change the meaning of the word. If you don't speak any Russian this will be hard because few Slavic languages actively use these in writing so you kind of have to guess it from the context and know the pronunciation. If you don't get it right it'll sound really weird.
Anonymous 3008
>>3007>>3006This, don't try to make parallels. Some letters will have a similar shape to Latin ones but they're probably not the same.
Russian doesn't use accents either, it's only present on language guides. On regular writing, you have to guess (or rather, know)
Anon should be careful about х, ф and ы because the sounds are not part of the English language
Anonymous 3009
>>3008Thanks for repeating everything I've said.
Anonymous 3010
>>3009I thought you said russian had accents, oops
Also meant to add that if anon can read Greek alphabet that'll help a lot
Anonymous 3011
My mother tongue is English but my parents sent me to French class from an early age and then at secondary school I had to learn German and French. I've also been learning Japanese for the last eight years but I've only properly knuckled down with it over the last two. I've also started learning Chinese and I would like to learn Dutch as well just because I have a lot of Dutch friends online. I totally want to learn Russian but i don't think my brain can handle learning any more alphabets ~__~
Anonymous 3012
I am fluent 3 languages (Spanish, English and Catalan), and understand/can read most romance languages because they are quite similar (can't speak them for shit though.) Studied french in school for a while, but never quite got into it because my professor was shit. Would like to learn speak German, Polish, French, Korean, Japanese and Italian fluently in the future.
I am currently learning Japanese, it kicks my ass but i am taking it calmly. I'm still almost a complete beginner.
I read that reading children's books can help A LOT with improving your skills until you get to a level where you can read news articles comfortably.
It's true? If any of you Japanese speaking anons used this in your beginner phases, what books do you advise/rec to read? Or maybe even, what some simple manga I can read to get the engines greased?
Anonymous 3013
助けてくれて, 名無しさん :'D
Anonymous 3015
>mother language
English, but I've known [very little] and I am constantly exposed to Spanish so I can speak a bit of that too, just not fluently.
Spanish. Slowly picking up some Japanese on my free time tho
Anonymous 3016
I'm fluent in Irish and English and I also speak Italian, French and Scottish Gaelic. I'd like to learn Chinese, Japanese and Korean but they're very different from romance and celtic languages so I'm not really sure where to start. I'd also consider learning Polish and a Scandanavian language so that I can go there on holidays in the future.
I'd really recommend learning a language similar to your mother tongue. It helps you understand your own language a lot better.
Anonymous 3017
I'm from Finland so I speak Finnish (mother tongue), Swedish and English. I consider myself to be pretty fluent in English and above average in Swedish (though it takes me a while to find the right words, lol)
I've also been studying Japanese in uni for a year now. I'm not that great but I know basic grammar, kana and some kanji.
My vocabulary isn't that great though, any tips for improving with that are welcome. I've been thinking of watching more Japanese movies and tv shows since that's what helped me with Swedish before. Any recommendations?
Anonymous 3018
>>3016Hey anon Im going to start learning irish with duolingo, do you have any recommendation about any other website/ or overall tip?
Anonymous 3019
>>3018Hey! Good for you. Duolinguo is great for learning words but the sentence structure for Irish tends to be a little off so I'd kind of take it with a grain of salt.
There are plenty of online dictionaries. is great for grammar and takes its entries from articles online which is great if you need to know how a word is used with context.
I don't know if you're in Ireland or abroad but there's a shop on Harcourt Street called An Siopa Leabhar that has learning books, novels, poetry, comics and games in Irish so you can fully immerse yourself and if you're young, going to the Gaeltacht is a must! A book series for learning Irish that I really enjoyed when I was younger was Buntús Cainte because it's focused on conversation (and apparently it has an app now too?). Another really popular one is Learning Irish by Mícheál Ó Siadhail and we used both Gramadach gan Stró and Complete Irish in college for grammar.
Plus you can ask me any questions. Good luck!!!
Anonymous 3020
>>3019thanks for the advice!!
I currently live in Asia though so to find a book on how to learn irish is practically impossible. Thats why I have to check the stuff online
Anonymous 3021
My mother language is English, and I do know a bit of Japanese, and only know a smidge of Spanish (t-thanks American school system).
Currently learning Norwegian so I can speak with my family over there; grandfather immigrated to the US back in the 60's. I still have pretty good contact with my cousins but I feel bad making them speak English all the time. My dad knows a bit but was never really taught as a child because it was "un-american".
If any anons here have some Norwegian books or shows worth recommending, it would be appreciated!
Anonymous 3022
>>2992I can only speak English unfortunately.
I'm currently trying to learn Turkish since I'm half Turkish myself. I feel pretty overwhelmed with how much there is to learn, especially the amount of suffixes there are, but practice makes perfect I guess. Learning a new language does make me appreciate studying Linguistics a lot more though, since it gives you a different mindset on how to approach languages and what you need to look out for and stuff. And one thing I do love about Turkish is the orthography since everything is pronounced exactly how it's spelt. Can't really wrap my head around how "e" is pronounced differently in some cases like "ben" and "benim" though.
It's weird, because as a young kid I used to speak the language fluently, but then I just suddenly stopped speaking it and ultimately forgot it all. Maybe if I smack my head around a bit it'll eventually all come back to me lmao
>resourcesCurrently relying on random websites, google translate, subtitled media etc. Basically anything I can cobble together. Hoping to buy some books in the near future. If anyone can recommend any apps or something that would be wonderful!
Anonymous 3023
I speak three languages fluently and two okayish. Working on the other one to a fluent level, but I have no time.
I used ankidroid a lot and just listening to the languages, I would dissect sentences in the language and just go meticulously through fluent users vocalisation. Listening how native speakers pronounce and imitating that is the best advice I can say for pronunciation. Slang I picked up from meme pages on facebook and now I can use most of the youth talk in my casual speech, although I haven't been in a country that speaks my third fluent in a while.