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Anonymous 299429

>go to America because of Hollywood movies
>it looks like this

What are the pros and cons of living in America

Anonymous 299567>>299568

-still a rich country despite inflation
-i can go to basically every country on earth with my passport with little to no hassle
-i can sate my bloodlust by blowing away home intruders with a shotgun


-boomers infesting higher government
-hot dog
-high cost of living
-european seethe because they don't live in the best country on earth
-all my taxes are spent on letting politicians live a better life than I ever will, lining the pockets of billionaires, or war instead of making the country better
-i would rather bleed out in an alley than pay for an ambulance

Anonymous 299568>>300813

>-high cost of living

how bad is it?

t. brit

Anonymous 299572>>299575

>Americans spend half their income on healthcare while brits spend less than 10 percent.

You are getting what you pay for though.

UK and EU have horrible health care.

Anonymous 299575>>299576>>299580

Your source is clearly wrong
"On average, households spent $2,200 annually on premiums, while median out-of-pocket costs were $800, with the median spending amount for both combined metrics totalling $3,700 per year."


Even in the poorest part of the US, it's only 14-17% "In the south, it is not uncommon to find large premium contributions relative to household income, according to the study, with five states reporting between 14% to 17.4% of income spent on premiums."

Anonymous 299576

Median household income in the US is 80k a year too.

Anonymous 299577

You can make a shit ton of money here but the cost of living is so high. Rent and groceries are high but even minimum wage is crazy money in other countries. That's why there are so many illegals because they can send back 50$ and feed their family for almost a month. But all you can do here is work and work and the landlords and corporations take all your money and taxes. And they use your tax money to fund wars and build more missiles so we can keep being the most powerful country. It's all a big fucked up scheme to be the most powerful.

Anonymous 299580

Lmao out of what donkeys asshole did they pull that 2200 annually on premiums. That shit won't give you full coverage and they will find any reason to deny you any of the money you put into your premiums even if you're paying 500 a month (which is typical for full coverage but can be more)
That article was probably paid for by united lmaoooooooo

Anonymous 299589>>300756>>301732

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Are they really the best states?

Anonymous 299614>>299625

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The only places in the US I would bother visiting from a different country are the National Parks, Southern California, Hawaii, and I guess NYC if you're into that sort of thing. I've also been wanting to do Florida, but only if I could make it an extended road trip. Many Americans are completely delusional about what cities here are worth an international vacation. And if you don't want to rent a car, just forget about it.

Anonymous 299625

>what cities are worth a vacation
In America? Imo they all kind of suck shit unless you wanna buy stuff. There's not much culture in the cities in America. I like European cities better. Much more walkable and prettier buildings/city parks.

Anonymous 300752

I don’t pay for any insurance or premiums whatsoever. I am living happily in a small town where rent is extremely low, and my job is online. I am one accident away from disaster but I have yet to experience it.

Anonymous 300756

Both of those states are aweful.

Anonymous 300813

Many people are just scraping by because it costs a paycheck and a half to rent a small apartment in most cities. I live with my mom though so I don't experience it personally. Also the fed likes to print money which heavily contributes to inflation leading to prices going up while your pay basically goes down since money is losing value and most companies don't want to raise wages to balance inflation.

Anonymous 301048

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Anonymous 301052

I was surprised that most of California is actually horrifically ugly. And smells like shit. Garbage everywhere. I have no idea why so many people desire to live in that shithole.

Anonymous 301054

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Anonymous 301120

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There is pros??

Anonymous 301631

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Is the cost of living is really that bad in the US?

Anonymous 301676>>301702

Reaganomics was absolutely not a necessary evil and financialization destroyed America's economy and future more than anything else.

Anonymous 301702

i think nona means necessary in the sense of keeping capitalism afloat. overturning the keynesian consensus kinda let the whole thing barrel forward on momentum and vibes

Anonymous 301710

I'm from the US but live and work abroad. I'm seriously considering naturalizing because the US seems awful now and I can't see it getting better.

Anonymous 301721>>301727

NTA but one area where things will just keep getting worse is how uneducated the population is. Liberals cry about this a lot but it is just true. We are at a point where kids are struggling to read and write. Not at grade-level, at all. And if people aren't educated that makes every other problem worse.

Anonymous 301727

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Agree. Teachers are pressured to pass students who are epic failures and do not understand the elementary concepts required to move on. Then, those students are even more hopeless in the next year. The cycle continues, and those who could and should be learning more are stranded on sinking ships.

Kids have to be allowed to fail, because they will do only the bare minimum. Sometimes that minimum is enforced by good parents who say 90s or no food (because truthfully, that is not hard to achieve in almost any american school), but often it must be enforced by the school (and by extension, the local government). A person who has not learned enough to be more than deadweight on the back of American society should not be allowed to graduate.

If millions of brainrotted gen alpha moids must do slave labour for america to re-learn this lesson, so be it.

Anonymous 301732

objectively the two worst state

Anonymous 301735>>301776

Free speech
Expensive healthcare, no public transit

Anonymous 301744>>301746

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Wtf is happening in America?

Anonymous 301746

Elon fired everyone in our federal government and now it doesn’t function.

Anonymous 301773

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Anonymous 301776

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>Free speech
Only as long as it doesn't offend jews or go against their agendas.

Anonymous 301790>>301792

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Anonymous 301792

good. drugs are BAD nona.
the less liquor in the world the better.

Anonymous 301838

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Anonymous 302904

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