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Anonymous 299536

Does fan service in anime bother you? Are you straight or bisexual?

Anonymous 299537

Yes, it bothers me a lot. I'm mostly straight. The inclusion of fanservice makes me feel so much resent towards the creators of the work that I can't enjoy almost any anime.

The depiction of women's bodies is almost always disgustingly unrealistic and aimed at men's gaze. It just contributes to men being gooners and treating actual women worse.

Anonymous 299538


Really? I’m a bisexual and I love beautiful women.

Anonymous 299539


I'm divided on this topic but
In a way isn't all fiction in a similar fashion….. just unacceptable then?
for example: superheros create these unrealistic ideals of people being significant enough to do some epic shit.
this is just a silly example, there could be a lot more i guess
isn't the point of fiction/fantasy is to be able to think beyond what is actually possible? and thinking of it to become a reality, just a bit immature?

Anonymous 299540

It doesn't upset me unless it's particularly egregious or out of context. You have to just accept some amount of fanservice if you want to watch a lot of anime. That's how the audience and culture is. I grew up with it so I'm accustomed to it.
Using Highschool of the Dead as your OP image is not really representative, the whole point of that show is to be cheap softcore porn. I'm not bothered because I'd never watch it anyway.
If I saw that kind of thing in a Miyazaki film, then I'd be upset. Or if it's little children being sexualized, then I'm upset. But normal anime fanservice I can tolerate fine even if I don't agree with it.

Anonymous 299541

Gosh I love 2D women so much

Unless they're dumb chars, other than that I'm a hundred percent lesbian.

Anonymous 299542

I refuse to watch anything with fan service

Anonymous 299543

Yes, and I'm bisexual. I tried to get interested in anime many years ago but the random ass and titty shots irked me. Couldn't the creators put their dicks away for a second?

Anonymous 299544

Fan service is the main reason I can’t get into anime

Anonymous 300608


Fan service doesn’t bother me because it’s raunchy, fan service bothers me because it’s usually cringe and doesn’t contribute to the plot. I’m bisexual but the childish art styles of a lot of anime characters usually de-sexifies it for me. There’s good stuff out there though (pic rel).

Anonymous 300609


Kill la Kill is one of THE most feminist animes
>Every episode passes the Bechdel test
>Every protagonist and antagonist is a woman
>Moids are side/supporting characters
>Most relationships are female to female
>Lesbian kissing

Anonymous 300610


Men should be banned from watching this anime.

There is so much cope when it comes to Ryuko and Mako's yuri-ish dynamic. Because they ship Mako with the weird bondage guy. Or they ship Ryuko with themselves.

Anonymous 300616

Bisexual and I love fanservice when it's tastefully done but that's never the case with anime fanservice. It's always some cringe shinny balloon titty bs like in the op. I prefer something subtler and less retarded which the japanese are unable to provide most of the time.

Anonymous 300761

I'm bi and love it

Anonymous 302998

Troon thread

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