
Euro General Anonymous 30061
Can we have a Europe thread without discussions about politics and immigrants?
For residents:
>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
>What are some quirks about your country?
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
For tourists:
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
>What are some differences between your home country and your European destination(s)?
Anonymous 30062

Which country do you live in?
What's your favorite thing about your country?
The people are friendly which is something I miss when I go abroad. People here aren't afraid to strike up a conversation with a stranger on the street, if you look lost someone will always guide you and if you need help, people always rush to help you. I've never gotten that vibe while visiting the US or anywhere else in Europe, people just want to get to where they're going as fast as possible and don't even notice you. I also love the rugged, green coasts and fields full of fluffy sheep. I love the way you can see how lush and green the country is from an airplane.
Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
I've been to Italy, France, Spain (mostly Catalonia), Portugal, Switzerland, Scotland and England. Italy is without a doubt the best European country I've been to (so far!) because it has amazing food, is rich with history and culture, the shopping is great, has some of the most romantic spots I've ever seen, has the cutest cobblestone streets and I love speaking Italian. France was easily my least favourite and I had a serious case of "Paris Syndrome" when I went for the first time.
What are some quirks about your country?
- There's a whole culture around drinking tea (apparently we consume the most tea in the world), it basically solves all problems.
- Most of our humour involves making fun of ourselves and nothing makes me laugh harder.
- People are extremely modest and if you compliment them, they will argue against what you said ("This dress was really cheap. I just woke up. I actually really need a haircut.").
- People will genuinely fight over who pays for a meal or a drink, everyone wants to be the person who "treats" the other person.
- We love idiomatic sayings, we have a ridiculous amount of our own slang and we still retain a lot of religious phrases even though the majority of people aren't religious. I have no idea how people come here to learn English because it must be such a challenge.
- It rains often but nobody ever wears a coat. You can tell when someone's a tourist instantly because they'll be wearing a poncho. People I've spoken to abroad always bring up how weird that is but idk it's a source of pride for me. We're a really hardy nation.
Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I'd consider moving purely due to the fact that there's a housing crisis and I'm struggling to find a job atm. Otherwise, I love it here and I'm so thankful I was born here and that I'm in such close proximity to the rest of Europe.
The OP image is so spot-on.
Anonymous 30074
>>30062Always wanted to travel to Ireland and now i want this even more. You're so lucky to have been born there!!
Anonymous 30080

> Which country do you live in?
> What's your favorite thing about your country?
It's huge. We got every landscape, starting at arctic wastelands, ending with subtropical jungles and hot sandy deserts.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Spain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany. Mostly ski-resorts in winter vacations.
> What are some quirks about your country?
Don't talk with not-known people, it's rude.
Don't smile without reason, people whould think you're shizo.
Macho-pathriarhy culture of "STRONG" men. Men pays for everything in cafe. Only if it's some sort of business meeting, the one who asks fot it pays for it. Men whould literally beat or insult other men to give a female seat in public transport. If some men decided to yell on female in public he got high chances of being beaten without any resons investigations by other men.
By the sames resons if a women decided to do men's work or men decided do a women's people whould look at you as on idiots.
> Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I got a flat, a countryhouse, a loving family and good and well-paid job. Honestly, the country ain't that good, but my settis are too good to be changed.
Anonymous 30094
>>30080>did you know that Russia has J U N G L E S ? Anonymous 30106
>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
The food and restaurants, even though they can be expensive sometimes. I say that but I almost only go to Asian restaurants or expensive burger joints.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
I traveled through Spain several times to go to Morocco by car and boat. It was when I was a kid and because at the time plane tickets were more expensive than now, I would never recommend it. I visited London in middle school for a week for a school trip and Berlin and Potsdam in high school in a school trip as well. I'm planning on visiting these places again as soon as I can now that my English improved.
>What are some quirks about your country?
French TV shows and channels fucking suck. It's so bad and yet people working in the TV and movie sector think that Netflix and American pop culture is overrated and used to think that anime and manga were vulgar and overrated, when everything they create is fucking horrible. If you want to practice your French try to look for interesting youtubers instead, they don't have a stick up their ass most of the time. And the atmosphere and habits in the North and in the South of France can be very different, it's like a mini-Europe in this aspect, with people in the South being more friendly and open and the people in the North being more reserved at first.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I like my city, it's a big one, but I wish I could live in Paris so I could go shopping in more places. Too bad rent prices are insane in Paris.
Anonymous 30456
Are Nordics cold, as in do they like getting touchy and being affectionate, or nah?
Anonymous 30465

>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
The landscape, the old cities, the literature, the language and the history of it. And all of the folklore and myths.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like the best/least?
Lived in Germany for a while but been to England too. Loved how stupidly different England was (even if I visited Essex lol). The people and streets and houses were exactly like in the movies.
>What are some quirks about your country?
Shit hospitals and the people have a horrible attitude with zero positivity. All the good people move to other countries while the bad ones stay.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
Gonna move most likely but I will miss Romania.
Anonymous 30466

>>30080>Men pays for everything in cafe. Only if it's some sort of business meeting, the one who asks fot it pays for it. Men whould literally beat or insult other men to give a female seat in public transport. If some men decided to yell on female in public he got high chances of being beaten without any resons investigations by other men.Whaaaat.
>tfw no russian chad (ivan?) bf who buys me dinner and thrashes other guys to give me a seat on the train Anonymous 30469

>>30061For residents:
>Which country do you live in?Finland (I'm a frog but I've studied here before going back to my country, and now I came back for work)
>What's your favorite thing about your country?-The people are nice, they're really quiet and autistic and I find that adorable
-They have a very bizarre sense of humour
-I love summers here and staying in cute little summer cottages
-I love the Christmas markets, cute little wooden houses, cheap cruises to Stockholm, so many forests
-I love that the water is clean and safe unlike my hometown where women give birth to mutant babies because of glyphosate
-I love that bureaucracy is easy, everything is done online and the clerks are relatively polite
-Everything runs on time
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?I've visited most of mainland Europe + Turkey. I haven't been to Mediterranean countries much because I'd usually go to the beach near my hometown or not have enough money.
I loved them all except Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Austrians and the Swiss were extremely rude, Germany was nice to see but a little boring.
>What are some quirks about your country?There are too many to count, the entire place is very "quirky" you could say.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?I'm happy but I would not like to live here forever. The food is SHIT and expensive to boot, vegetables taste like cardboard, 9 months of the year it's cold, slippery and wet, I really don't like the language (though I have tried and tried to learn it decently), the people just don't… do anything or socialise like normal humans, I don't like the drinking and social culture they have (get shitfaced ASAP, have embarrassing drunken sex with a stranger, wake up alone, go to work, do it again the next weekend). The money's good, the people are nice, but I like my creative chaos, cider and university strikes back home.
For tourists:
>What are some differences between your home country and your European destination(s)?In France, people are natural born complainers and we aren't shy about mouthing off to people that piss us off, but we don't swallow our feelings, both good and bad. Also, I really prefer our drinking culture to that in Northern Europe, the way people drink and eat here depresses me more than anything. Everyone seems so sad all the time.
Anonymous 30839
>>30465>the literaturelovinescu described it as a "young" culture, but in reality it was just quite far behind compared to a lot of others. it's kinda meh all around to be honest, excluding the greats.
there's zero positivity because we do live in a shithole
unde planuiesti sa te muti?
Anonymous 30865

>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
I love the rich history and architecture, and from what I hear about other countries, our cleanliness, public transit, health care and such seem to be great compared to other places.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Switzerland (sooo beautiful but so expensive)
Netherlands (beautiful buildings and countryside, friendly people)
France (kinda rude but good place to get food since I grew up near the border and we'd drive to a huge supermarket on the French side of the border to buy seafood en masse)
Czech Republic (I visited Prague, very dirty and ghetto-ish in a charming way that I enjoyed, some beautiful places, people seemed nice)
UK (lived in England for a few months, unfriendly and dirty)
>What are some quirks about your country?
The people are helpful but will be rude about it. They'll grump at you for asking something while going out of their way to help you anyways, because they don't realize they're being rude, it's just what they're like.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I love Germany, it's beautiful and convenient and has a lot of subcultures and variety in personalities and a space for everyone, but it can be boring. It's cold and dark 8 months a year and I'd love to travel to some warmer climates with a more exciting landscape.
Anonymous 31433
>Which country do you live in?
Czech Republic
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
I'm history nerd so I'm really proud of our history dating way back before Christ. Also historical architecture. I think the people are friendly once you get to know them and can make great friends.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, Netherlands
Every country has something it can offer, but I really liked my stay in the Netherlands and I always like to come back to the UK, no matter how much of a shithole it's becoming imo. I like the nature in the south.
>What are some quirks about your country?
Everyone argues about beer and defends their favorite brand. Czechs take this to whole new level.
It's hard to come up with any since the things that would surprise others seem normal to me.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
Yeah, I'd only move to a different city, but that's just so it'd be closer to my uni.
Anonymous 31444
For all the stereotypes of commieblocks; aren’t Russian cities actually green and filled with numerous parks and gardens? I can’t recall exact figure/stat but it was somewhere along the lines of Moscow being “greener” than Berlin, London, etc.
Anonymous 31448
>>31444nta but It depends, once i fell for the st petersburg meme and it was a 99% stone shithole, no idea why people like it so much
Moscow's green af which makes me like her more than those european cities i've been to, most smaller cities are green too but in a depressing way, honestly idk how people live there and retain sanity
Anonymous 31453
>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
The vast diversity of landscapes and nature across the country, and the quality food.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
I've only visited England (London). I'm not well traveled. I must say for now I prefer France, but I imagine London is very much a worse place to live than the rest of the country, like Paris is in France.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I have to live in Ile-de-France (the region around Paris) for my studies and I absolutely despise it. I will probably go back to my native Provence when I'm done, or maybe I'll move to the south-east, or some middle-european country like Czech Republic or Austria.
Anonymous 31454
>>30094The T I G E R S have to live somewhere.
Anonymous 33069
What's the general work/life/yadda climate like in the UK and Ireland? Might have a job offer there soon.
Anonymous 35377

>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
- The people are exactly the right amount of helpful and distant. At the chance of sounding arrogant, I like that we're generally not as ignorantly ethnocentric like certain other non-EU nations.
- Historial towns and buildings, parks, lots of other nice places.
- The social security system is good enough.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
England, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Austria.
I liked Austria best and England least. London was nice for a few days and I like their sense of aesthetics but some places smelled like piss. The other English cities I've been to weren't anything to write home about.
>What are some quirks about your country?
Hard to say as an "insider".
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I'd like to move to a bigger town but I'm happy with my country.
Anonymous 35440

>>30061>Which country do you live in?Serbia.
>What's your favorite thing about your country?We're pretty close-minded and our country generally isn't overcrowded. It's a cool rural place in most of its parts, with the only real city parts being bigger cities and the capital. It's staple Southeastern Europe.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia and Montenegro (and Turkey, if anybody counts it a part of Europe). I've been overseas for vacations, for the most part.
>What are some quirks about your country?A lot of people call us very loud and friendly to foreigners, but that can be applied to basically any country. As I'm not an outsider, I really can't tell. Plus, being a borderline NEET really doesn't help my case of not knowing jack shit about my country.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?I like it here and unless there's going to be major changes, I don't see myself moving away. I have everything I need and with what I'm studying I can work from home, so there's not a real need to move to some bigger European country to slave my ass off there.
Anonymous 35442

>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
Probably the NHS
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Germany, Belgium, Norway, some smaller Spanish countries when I was little I think - Belgium was the coldest when I visited so I didn’t like this very much :c
>What are some quirks about your country?
The Peak District and other beautiful areas
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I’m happy here
Anonymous 35482

Family’s been here since day 0, I have next to no foreign heritage
>Favourite Thing about home
The landscape and scenery here are beyond beautiful, there’s also lots of historical sites with all types of architecture, from gothic cathedrals to postmodern shite back to anglo buildings and ancient sites.
>Where’ve I visited and what I liked/disliked
I’ve visited Spain, Portugal, Wales, my least favourite; England and my favourite; Andorra
England was always going to be my least favourite due to being Irish, but I also just disliked the general attitude of the place, London is a complete shithole but I did quite like Blackpool
I loved Andorra because it was easily the most unique, where everywhere else is either similar to home or too warm, Andorra was mountainous, snowy and comfy. Not to mention the landscape again is beautiful although in a different way to Ireland
>Do I want to move and why
Not really, I love Ireland but politically speaking it’s hell. If that were fixed I’d love home much more however I doubt I’ll move regardless
Anonymous 35483

>>35482I forgot the second last kill me
>Some quirks about your country We all hate England but since there’s no free healthcare here, everyone within 50km of the border “owns” a “shared” property in the north so we can use the nhs
Everyone is needlessly polite with random strangers, if you bump into someone without saying sorry you’ll be shunned as an american tourist for the rest of your life, furthermore people will practically always be in a joking mood, even at funerals people will be cracking jokes about the deceased with eachother. Somewhat related to funerals is how every grandparent-parent conversation starts “You’ll never guess who’s dead.” Among the older generations, people will constantly be talking about who’s dead and what happened, this has gotten to the point where there are websites and daily radio programs announcing anyone who’s died recently.
Anonymous 35527
>>35483>no free healthcare here, everyone within 50km of the border “owns” a “shared” property in the north so we can use the nhsHow exactly does this work? It sounds illegal to me.
Anonymous 40515
>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
The geography: there are beautiful mountainous regions (the Alps) with sparse population on the one hand and e.g. Vienna with its cultural diversity, great transport system and the Danube River on the other hand.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Greece - BEST
The Netherlands
Ireland - LEAST
Czech Republic
>What are some quirks about your country?
Politicians suck(!), people are rude for no reason and love to complain about nothing and everything (we even have our own term "sudern"), urban-rural divide is a thing
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
Happy and safe
Anonymous 40548

>>30094Bantz aside, we really got them.
>>31454Our tigers don't live in jungles, but in snowy pine forests.
>>30466Yep, you got it.
But local boys look like trash.
Anonymous 40549

>>31444>>31448Commies made some laws, that allows new building being build only if there is significant amout of trees nearby.
Not sure about cities where climate doesn't allows trees to grow, but almost all commie buildings got park zone nearby.
In moscow this shit hit idiocy limits, where you literally got like no parking lots next to commieblock, but you surely got kiddie playground and green zone.
St. Pidorburg's city centre is just too old and too expencive to have any trees around, so it's stony. New districts on the other way are classicsl "commieblocks with trees".
>>35440> A lot of people call us very loud and friendly to foreigners, but that can be applied to basically any country. As I'm not an outsiderAll middeterian and south countries countries in general for some reason are full of loud and friendly people.
Anonymous 40861

>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Italy, England, Greece though just the airport, Austria. Italy was my most memorable, England made me crave a cigarette.
>What are some differences between your home country and your European destination(s)?
Measurement system. Driving on the left side. The men were more metrosexual.
Conclusion: Go to Southern Europe and get a Southern European bf.
Anonymous 40888
>>40515I'm planning on studying in Graz for a semester next year. Is there anything I can do to avoid looking like a complete idiot? Am american btw
Anonymous 40891

>>40888Nope, just b yourself gurl!
But this is just my personal opinion cause I always liked the way Muricans behaved in their certain way during my years of study.
Graz is a nice modern city with a rustic charm btw and people are quite easygoing, I bet you'll be fine.
Vienna is superior of course. Anonymous 40893
>>40878Ok, you go to England and see if you don't come out of there with a nicotine addiction
Anonymous 40904
>>40888> Am american btw> Is there anything I can do to avoid looking like a complete idiot?No, but locals used are to it.
It's easier to accept baka-gaijin then to re-educate one.
Anonymous 64766

>Which country do you live in? Austria (heey anon
>>40515 hope you're doing well)
>What's your favorite thing about your country?Probably the mountains and folk festivals/celebrations.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?Germany - I actually really like Munich, go there fairly frequently. It's a large city compared to what I'm used to but not too big or foreign. Beautiful around christmas time. Berlin and Frankfurt are meh.
Don't know if I have a least favorite, maybe Liechtenstein? It's just really expensive and not a whole lot to see.
>What are some quirks about your country?Maybe that's something specific to my rural area but "german words" aren't liked. I thought it was a quirk in my family but no, so many older people (40+) have gotten upset at me for using german words instead of austrian ones. Whenever a german/foreign friend comes over I ask them not to use Apfelschorle for apple juice and I can never properly explain why.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?I'd like to move somewhere less populated and colder. Somewhere into the nordic woods. But I do love austria.
>>40891>people are quite easygoingThis, grazer/styrian people are some of the chillest I've met. Something about living between vineyards and thermal baths.
Anonymous 64768
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
I used to travel for work, so I've been to a few. From best to worst, not in exact order:
>What are some differences between your home country and your European destination(s)?
In Ireland I felt practically at home. It was like visiting just another country town where everyone had much more charming accents.
Poland I had a little trouble operating in due to how sexually aggressive a lot of guys I met were. I was assured by a friend I met there I just had terrible luck and they're a minority like in most countries, but it still coloured my experience.
The UK and France were the worst, which is strange coming from a colonial. London, Manchester and Paris were just so damn filthy. It's not that Australian cities are perfectly clean, but we at least try not to leave the streets soaked in urine and mounds of rubbish. The way people went about just about everything made them a pain to deal with each day. In France, the same obnoxious behaviour I saw from Belgians was amplified and it made half my interactions unbearably condescending. This could be another case of simple bad luck, but it still really ruined my time there.
The aspect that really surprised me about most of the countries on the bottom of my list was how seriously people took things. I felt it was most exemplified by drunks. At home and in most of the countries I visited, I could bump into a drunk guy on the street on a Friday night and exchange words without fear, but in the UK, Spain and France I saw and experienced firsthand how such a minor thing can quickly turn to physical and sexual violence.
Anonymous 64822
>>64768>Paris is shit therefore France is shitI see this everywhere and I hate it.
Yes, Paris is an utter absolute shithole, but the rest of the country is nothing like it and hates it with a passion too. I imagine british miners would say much the same about London
Anonymous 64823
>>64822Paris was awful, but my experience of the rest of France wasn't exactly great. I would go back to visit the countryside - as I suspect it'd be immensely enjoyable - but I saw similar, if toned-down, behaviour outside of Paris.
Anonymous 64839
I've been to Paris, France. It was awful. I don't believe the rest of France is like this, but it seems it will soon if current demographic changes continue.
Anonymous 64880
>>64839 I really liked Paris, it got a vibrant cultural scene, so much interesting things to do and to see. If you enjoy museums, arts and intellectual things it's the best city in the world. And the people are sometimes rude but they are also generally really educated and well-read. Some of the most interesting conversations I had with locals in my trips were in france.
Anonymous 64905

>>64839Ho my God, don't you know about France's long colonial history, of course there will be a lot of people from the Maghreb. That's why every parisian hates tourist, they think the city is some kind of Disneyland, and when you try to explain them that there actually is people that work and live here they scream about "paris syndrome". If you had read an History book once in your life you would know that not everyone in paris is some cheddar-white bourgeois.
Anonymous 64907
>Which country do you live in?
Finland. I've also lived in Germany and Norway.
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
It's very safe and economically confortable. Everything works and life's comfy all around. People are a bit autistic but I actually like them. Also the winters are great.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Best to worst:
>What are some quirks about your country?
i guess the language is pretty weird and unique
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I want to move once more, but I will probably end up coming back here again
Anonymous 64910

>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
The historical architecture and art, classical music and literature, and that it's very clean. I'm not a fan of our general cuisine but we have many delicious cakes and pastries, especially christmas cookies. I also feel rather safe as a woman, I'm often out alone at night.
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
I tried to list from best to worst but sometimes they're about the same:
Italy (Venice, Verona, Rome, Tuscany)
Austria (various places, I live right next to the border so I've been there at least 30 times already)
Greece (Kos, Crete)
Czech Republic (my friend's small hometown lol)
Croatia (I even forgot the name of the city, but maybe I simply had bad luck, Split seems to be very pretty)
>What are some quirks about your country?
Our "service" culture is pretty much non-existent, people here like to do everything on their own (compared to other countries there staffers refuel your car, bag your groceries etc). If you're out with friends, everybody will pay on their own, plus you also don't need to tip much. Everybody is just very big on privacy, e.g. there hardly are any surveillance cameras, everybody still pays in cash, and so on.
Many say that we're arrogant but for my personal taste most people are still too talkative lol If you go there as a tourist you might get the impression that you're being ignored or talked to a rudely small amount, but that's just considered being polite and not bothering others.
In general people in Germany dislike people from other places in Germany much more than foreigners lol
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
First of I need to mention that I live in bumfuck nowhere in the south, so my experiences are obviously very different from let's say people who live in Berlin.
I want to move to a bigger city because I hate that people in my small town know everything about everybody. Everybody is supposed to lead live the same way, we have a ton of traditional events/festivals that I as a young person am supposed to attent, I'm supposed to wear a traditional dress, I'm supposed to love getting drunk, at my age I'm supposed to have a bf/be engaged/want a baby already,…everything here is so empty(?)/vast/there's basically nothing here, but I feel like I'm suffocating. Tho I guess this is the same in most villages or rural towns in every other country as well.
I wouldn't want to live in another part of Germany either, uni mates from northern Germany told me that they basically just have rain all year long while we still have seasons, a nice summer and at least some snow in winter.
Anonymous 64955
>>64905But everyone that lives in Paris IS some cheddar-white bourgeois, you keep your modern age slaves in the banlieue and in the 19th arrondissement.
Anonymous 65065

>>64766Oh wow hey anon! :3
Yes I'm fine, a bit tired and stressed of Corona but I try not to be too overwhelmed or pessimistic. Hope you're oke.
>>64910Oh wow hey Bernadette! :3
Anonymous 65068
>>64907>People are a bit autisticA lot less autistic than I was warned and it was actually kind of a nice break not even being acknowledged by strangers.
Anonymous 65072

>Which country do you live in?
>What's your favorite thing about your country?
>Which European countries have you visited? Which did you like best/least?
Spain, Norway, Sweden and Germany. I liked Spain the most. Sweden and Germany the least.
>What are some quirks about your country?
Long, cold and dark winters for 6 months or more, depending how north/south you are. During summers it's never night.
>Overall, are you happy with where you are or do you want to move?
I like that I can get 425 euros a month for doing nothing. It's more than enough to fund my NEET lifestyle and I love not having to wake up for work or school. Fuck doing that shit during winters when its dark and icy as fuck in the morning. The weather can be as low as -20 Celsius or less, and I can't tolerate even -15 Celsius of cold. I much rather just stay under my warm bed sheets and sleep. I hate winter and I wish it was warm like in South Europe but it barely matters when I never go outside anyways.
Anonymous 65074
>>65072Finland is a neets paradise.
Anonymous 65099
>>30080>>40548Did you draw these pictures? If yes post your art page/post more art
Anonymous 65579

>>65065I'm sorry to hear that anon. Corona isn't really affecting me personally, at least not anymore (I was in one of the areas that got fully quarantined back in spring but working from home worked out pretty well for me.) But god I'm glad I didn't fail physics back in 2016 or I'd have graduated this year and not last.
>>65072425 is enough to live? God I might have to learn Finnish after all.