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Lolcow.farm VPN hate thread #1 Anonymous 300857

I find it extremely suspicious that certain farmers baited the LC hate threads to everliving shit and got them locked, right as the VPN ban got removed on LC and there is an active thread there to discuss the VPN ban itself (of course with anons getting banned for saying negative things about the ban). This thread is specificially for discussing the VPN ban and the future of LC itself, including what future plans the admin might have.

Anonymous 300858

This is the slow death of online communities. The place is obviously flooded by bots and spooks.

Anonymous 300859

OP, don't anger the cc mods for creating too many lc related threads. I don't want these threads to get banned altogether

Anonymous 300860

Now is the time to discuss this VPN shit and everything else related to LC, not a week from now when CC mods decide to unlock that thread and it doesn't matter what we have to say about the VPN ban and everything else.

Loss of speech is the loss of choice.

Anonymous 300861

why would they even ban vpns? so weird

Anonymous 300863

That comic is stupud and culture warriors deserve death.
Also yeah lolcow is stupid and such.

Anonymous 300877

I really don't understand the obsession with lolcow on here. Lolcow is so horrible…that's why I found an alternative platform and never go on lolcow anymore yet lolcow is all people talk about here. It's the same as all the Reddit alternatives complaining about Reddit all the time. No, I don't care that you were banned on such an awful platform. That's why I don't go on Reddit or Lolcow anymore, and I seek out better communities.

Anonymous 300892

you don't get schadenfreude, you are objectively morally above every person who does, good for you

Anonymous 300897

Myself and some other farmers were still able to use VPNs during the VPN ban so most likely they were just banning known VPN ip's. So it's possible that if you have a VPN, you have one or two ip's still able to post if not more. The known VPN ip's are most likely the free ones since anyone can access them, and it's more likely that someone will cause problems on them if it means they don't have to pay. I do think it was really suspicious that the lolcor hate thread went from pretty reasonable discussion while LC was up to a huge shitshow once it went down. But if the ban functionally does nothing to good faith VPN users with paid services then I really don't care. Mullvad's $5 a month.

Anonymous 300903


Since when did Lolcow Farm start tracking your browser so that they can do this to you when they ban you?

It goes away once you clear your cookies, btw.

Anonymous 300905

It's not a recent thing

Anonymous 300993

Seeing anons saying they want the ban back over some other anon saying she ate soap was bizarre to witness. Whether or not it was a joke or serious, regardless if it seemed unfunny or cringe it's such a strange reason. As if a vpn ban would stop benign cringe posts from being made? They were still there during the ban. It's not like it's against the rules.
How did you figure out which ones got through? Even with the rarer countries/cities it'd be a pain having to post through each and every single one to test out (already takes ages to get one post through on there kek)

Anonymous 301007

>other anon saying she ate soap
Caps? That sounds hilarious

Anonymous 301009

It's in the mundane shit thread

Anonymous 301015

>Seeing anons saying they want the ban back over some other anon saying she ate soap was bizarre to witness. Whether or not it was a joke or serious, regardless if it seemed unfunny or cringe it's such a strange reason.
Witnessing this infight unfold almost gave me brain cancer. Anons are so sensitive they had a full blown meltdown over fucking eating soap. No one was even saying it was funny, but they kept sperging out. It was so cringey.

Anonymous 301057

That person sounded so bitter and unhappy in general. I really don't understand what's so wrong about having silly little posts, it's the same thing with dumbass shit. I hide or ignore threads I don't like and I ignore posts that don't jive with me. It's easy, fun, and it's free! So nice! I really don't understand the objection to other people having fun even if it's not your cup of tea. Isn't it way easier just to ignore it? Have we lost so much discomfort tolerance that we can't even stand other people goofing off on a non serious Anonymous image board? Is it really that important? I just had something I posted– just to be a little silly and hyperbolic as a treat for a joke– on the lolcows own caps thread calling it an unhinged rant. Is it really so unusual for people to just have fun and goof off? We really have to be so doom and gloom all the time? Doesn't it get tiresome? Lighten the fuck up.

Anonymous 301219

My local IP is banned and I don't get redirected to the mirror site instead when I try to post I get redirected to the post that got me banned with no ban explanation since the mods ban based on a combination of herd rule of other anons, or just your views vs their personal bias. The VPN bans purpose is to curate a echo chamber of the same yes men with no naysayers. The excuse that they need to stamp tradthots is obviously bullshit, most of the sites userbase are some variety of tradthots and sexpos libfems constantly at arms over dick. The crux of many threads is discussing men, dating men, fucking men, fictional men or even here not talking about men like the floor is hot lava proving your male obsession. It's pathetic and sad.

Everytime something controversial is discussed it's moved to 2x where it immediately dies. Even on this site in trying to discuss lc the mods here locked the previous thread for "being off topic" or some arbritrary shit when this may be the last weeks of the site without the ban, like this anon says, there won't be much voices here as they've silenced basically every dissenter >>300860 if anyone cares about the site even to a miniscule degree we need to discuss this now. I do like the honest discussions on lc of media, the art thread, and criticism of retarded women and male violence but The last straw was being temporarily banned for criticising posters posting about their dick sucking. It sucks because there's some really great women on lc but I've had to come to terms with the fact that the site is primarily just autistic sexpos libfem ewhores and tradthots who's only agreements are tranny bad, repeated ad infinitum. The remainder of the site is the catty userbase shitting on other ewhores, other tradthots and mostly female celebrities. Rip the art thread, the media discussion threads, and any minor critique of dick sucking.

Anonymous 301306

The very same Americans who scream that they hate the police state then turn around and support the police.


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