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Anonymous 300945

Is there ANY way to age gracefully?

Or does life just go to shit after like 36 and there's no real way to avoid this?

Anonymous 300947


eating healthy, working out, staying hydrated, not smoking or doing drugs could help

but it's mostly genetics

Anonymous 300948

Skincare and don't get fat

Anonymous 300950

>OP does not even mention appearance
>immediately assume it's about appearance

Anonymous 300953


Anonymous 300955


As far as appearance,
don't smother your skin with skin care products especially retinol at a young age. Basically, use minimal skincare products. Don't stress your skin out. Don't rub your face going outwards (towards the ears) it loosens the skin. (try to avoid rubbing skin harshly at all.

Stay active, stay at a healthy weight. Don't deprive yourself of nutrients. Have a healthy, fixed diet and exercise routine (one that won't stress your body out) this applies to both appearance and overall health.

Avoid smoking, drinking, and doing any kind of drugs. Avoid stress the best you can. Get enough rest. Always care for your body after exercises. SHOWER after exercise to avoid acne.

DO NOT POP YOUR PIMPLES! You WILL become crater face when you get older.

Anonymous 300956

how should I properly rub then?

Anonymous 300957


Inwards towards your nose/inner eye. Don't be harsh rubbing your skin. When you cry, pat the tears with a tissue, same with snot.

Anonymous 300997

found the fattie

Anonymous 300998

Have a healthy lifestyle and marry as early as possible, and life will remain great.

Anonymous 301005

To age gracefully one must live without regrets about the past and not be greedy.

Anonymous 301013


die young

Anonymous 301019

Can crying affect your ageing? I cry a lot

Anonymous 301035


it can cause wrinkles around your eyes and anywhere you basically scrunch up your face

Anonymous 301036


Anonymous 301038

I wouldn’t run to lose weight, the high intensity of it gives you wrinkles and contributes to boob sagging in the future. Not to mention knee problems.

Eat healthy, eat at 80% full capacity, and walk 10 km a day for breezy weight loss and healthy lifestyle maintenance

Anonymous 301075

>positive ID: post wall washed up>>301013

Anonymous 301090

No drugs and alcohol is the most correct answer.

Anonymous 301109

women age gracefully by default
moids don't and they have no chance to

Anonymous 301567

This is as helpful as a subliminals YouTube video.

Have a good haircut, dress well, smile, be worth for more than just your appearance.

Anonymous 301616

Don't get fat, don't let your skin go to shit (protip: UV radiation, liquor and tobacco are your biggest enemies) and take care of your hair.

That's like 90% of the physical side of "aging gracefully" right there.

Anonymous 301640

yes im aging gracefully like my mom did

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301652

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