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Anonymous 301047

When men say "women prefer dating bad boys".

What exactly do they mean? Where does this "women only like bad boys" stereotype even come from? Why do so many men believe it?

I can't imagine any woman actually wanting to prefer an abusive and controlling narcissist.

Anonymous 301049

the women who generally fall for this stereotype are, in my opinion, usually "bad" themselves- think of your stereotypical trailer trash couple

that being said, horniness and other strong romantic feelings often override the majority of people's senses, so even a sensible woman can end up thirsting after a "bad boy"

def did it when I was younger but I learned my lesson and now cut men off at the smallest sign of these habits

Anonymous 301050

i think it comes from many women being put off by desperate simps. some of these simps see other guys not being as attentive or “considerate” as them and they think “women just want a guy that will treat them like shit”

they don’t realize that women aren’t put off by simps because theyre nice. theyre put off by them because theyre often desperate losers who underneath, have weird beliefs about women too.

Anonymous 301053

>cut men off at the smallest sign of these habits

examples of these habits??

Anonymous 301055

not anon but, from my experience

>drug/alcohol use, inability to control intake

>looking at other women (irl or online)

(not habits but):
>excessive defensiveness

Obvs people hide these habits at first but I feel like these are standard amongst terrible men. Regulating emotions is the most important (and noticeable) one. my emotionally unstable bfs all ended up being abusive, one small shift in emotion was enough to make them lash out

Anonymous 301056

>def did it when I was younger but I learned my lesson and now cut men off at the smallest sign of these habits

More like you happily gave it up to thugs and abusers when you were young and pretty, but now that you're old and busted and bad boys don't even want you anymore, you're pretending you've "matured" out of it while continuing to learn for them every day.

Anonymous 301059

Dark triad traits and Byronic heroes in fiction lets people believe this stereotype

Anonymous 301063

Remembering early school years, boys before puberty who pulled girls by the hair and spanked butts were the first to later get girlfriends, those were the same boys girls openly hated the most just a couple of years prior.

>I can't imagine any woman actually wanting to prefer an abusive and controlling narcissist.

I know such a woman. I think he slowly induced Stockholm syndrome in her and he has money. Also they're both ugly as sin, neither of them can expect to find someone better.

Anonymous 301065

lol I had one bf who I dated when i was 19. at the time I was a bit of a prude when it came to alcohol (still am) and didn't realize his consumption habits were bad (again, thought i was being a prude. also.. college lol). broke up with him when he spiraled and started to show narcissistic behaviors

btw didn't fuck him so i win

Anonymous 301070

I think they just say this to mock women who fall for abusive men. Or it's easier for them to create a narrative where they're better than other men, and when women don't pick them, they blame the woman for dating "muh bad boys."

Anonymous 301071

Idk but women simping for every bad boy character out there doesn't help

Anonymous 301073

That’s different to wanting to fuck a real narcissist

Anonymous 301074

Hybristophilia is a very real phenomenon, just go to lowcow and see how they simp for that ugly luigi moid.

Anonymous 301077


Bad Boys give you a rush, you mistake the constant anxiety for butterflies. There's a fantasy of a bad guy who's only good for you

Anonymous 301078

yeah true, this is why women tend to love villians in media

Anonymous 301080


I honestly don't know the answer to your question but a bf I had several years ago took me to a MMA match once, we had seats very near the fighting cage (it was a small MMA organization or whatever they're called so not many people were there) and I got incredibly horny watching those men beat the living shit out of each other. I thought I would be bored at that thing but I actually got really into it shouting "YEAH KICK HIS ASS" even though I didn't know who any of those people fighting each other were. Afterwards I demanded by bf fuck me and we did it at least twice.

I don't know why the stupid MMA match had that effect on me, I guess it was the male pheremones or whatever in the air? Probably cave women in the stone age watched the cave men killing each other and all fucked the winner or something.

Anonymous 301081

Because women go for bad pretty boys who have no money. Because they don't want to be with a good boy who does what he's told. But the bad boy just cheats on her and gets her pregnant then leaves. She was only attracted to the bad boy, she was like 17 years old so she wasn't thinking about getting with somebody that has a future. And the cycle repeats itself time and time again.

Anonymous 301082

When girls are in their teens or early 20s they're at their peak attractiveness and also naive and inexperienced. So when they get told by everyone that this guy is bad for you, they don't listen and want to rebel. All they know is that this person makes me feel a certain way. They don't realize they could easily wait a few years and meet other people. But then he cuts her off from other people, beats her, gives her STDs, just any kind of abusive stuff. He may be a pimp and whore her out like andrew tate. Just typical young girl stuff that is very cliche and typical, that everyone has seen one million times. But they can't listen at the time because they're just a kid who is being driven crazy by many things.

Anonymous 301083

Just the way women are, they have a bunch of kids with a guy. He has no job he is a piece of shit and beats her. But she wants to "stand by her man" because that's what a good woman should do. And even though she is young and beautiful, she stays with someone who is a complete piece of shit. Because she feels like they already went through a alot, and it would be hard to go through all that again with somebody else. Or she thinks she knows all his tricks and so she can control him.

Anonymous 301087

It shows a fundamental attraction to bad boys. You can say it's normally suppressed, but saying that people have two split personalities, one attracted to real people and one only attracted to fictional people, it's ridiculous

Anonymous 301089

a 65 year old woman is still more desirable than you scrote

Anonymous 301110

Moid hands have typed this
GTFO retards

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