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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 301092

What is your favorite language besides your own?

Anonymous 301098

Really? I heard about rednote but didn’t know it was c.h.i.n.e.se
I also am kind of learning the language but only since I watch drama’s. So involuntarily I’m learning the language.
I want to pick up French or German again but I haven’t made time yet.

Anonymous 301099

I like Polish language a lot. It sounds like cute lispy version of my own language (also Slavic) Don't bully me pls

Anonymous 301100

Cliche but I’ve always wanted to learn japanese.

Italian second

Anonymous 301101

hungarian looks and sounds super cool

Anonymous 301108

Gib drama recs

Anonymous 301128

Off the top of my head my lady general is a good one to start with. Funny and the fl is a general that can’t read but she is still a general and marries this weak moid that helps her. Based if you ask me, she is rich too. From there just check the youtube it’s from there’s multiple dramas to choose from.

Anonymous 301129

I like Japanese and Italian a bit too but I need to get into German or French for better job opportunities.

Anonymous 301130

Good taste

Anonymous 301133

Technically also partially my own but Korean. It's fun to speak in.

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