MMA is the way to go now. Wrestlers tend to be the best conditioned apparently as the training really pushes you. You’re basically a bear that can go full strength for a long time. Just look at those dagsstani or any central Asian countries .
Self defence a gun, knife, or walking stick is best wrestling judo boxing would be best. Don’t kick in a street fight because you can wind up on the ground fast. Judo is a good efficient way to throw someone bigger, get good with hip throws.
Bjj for obvious reasons, get good at the triangle choke like dean lister
Good to build strength, but you’ll need leverage and technique against a moid.
Good to spar with some moids, light boxing or good amount of grappling. You’ll get better dealing with stronger opponents.
Worth noting good to do neck bridges. A strong neck helps prevent a knockout.
Look at Floyd mayweather, remy bonjasky, giorgio patrysan, shogun with that high guard or machida with distance.
Because moids are lanky and can hit you from a distance. Guard and make him miss at his range , then try clinch up and hip throw him.
Knee his head or sub him or run.
Forget the cute skirt stockings heels tops where he’s gonna be hard and gets easy access.
Dress like a gopnik thug with good runners so you can run , punch , kick and throw .
You don’t want your clothes tearing on you if you’re grabbed or on the ground.
Hoodies jeans flannel jacks track suits are stronger material
Moids dress like this all the time, so they are combat ready, so you need to too
Don’t have to look like a lesbian but you know
Be aware of drug addicts or insane moids as their pain tolerance will be high
Anthony smith is over 200lbs walk around but couldn’t knock out a 170lb junkie that broke into his home. The junkie only wrestled in high school while Smith was in the top 10 at light heavyweight at the time .
Travel in groups if you can. Buddy system is important . Try snd be a morning person, most screwed up moids tend to be night owls that wake up in the afternoon