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Anonymous 301840

Is it cringe to eat happy meals as an adult? The toy is cool but the meal is actually low calorie, has apples and the milk is tasty.

Anonymous 301841

I never had a happy meal so i can't judge the toy, but low calories is not a boon, you can get those by not eating.

Anonymous 301843


My happy meal comes with four nuggies, apple slices, french fries and a milk. All this for only 400 calories. Even ignoring the toy it's a good lunch or mid day snack.

Anonymous 301844


To put things into perspective the average bag of chips has around 400 calories, has no toy and has no real nutritional value.

Anonymous 301845

Ok, Ronald, i'll try your "happy meal", but if i don't feel any happier, i'll take back my money in one form or another. You have been warned.

Anonymous 301847

Your use of edited reaction pictures is fantastic, keep doing whatcha doing nona

Anonymous 301854

or you could just stop eating mcDonalds slop altogether

Anonymous 301856

If you like the happy meal then get the happy meal, anon.
I might get one myself then.

Anonymous 301857



Anonymous 301858

Mcdonalds tastes bad

Anonymous 301859

But the happy meal is also four times more expensive

Anonymous 301863

I don’t think so but I’m sure some people do. The good news is that my opinion is meaningless and so is everyone else’s. You like happy meals so you should eat them.

Anonymous 301865

to put things into perspective, you have a 50/50 chance of eating floor fries in the average mac. people who work there don't give a fuck if it covers their asses

Anonymous 301872


>floor fries

Anonymous 302239

you can get apples and milk from the grocery store

Anonymous 302247

They arent any floor fries, all fast food is super strict about stuff like that. You can't even drop a utensil for five seconds or have anything touch the ground without managers or customers making a big deal. But you will get old fries, or old patties. That is why people try to do those weird hacks like asking for fries without salt then salt packets. Or just straight up asking for fresh fries. The chances of you getting fresh patties or chicken is very low though. The fast food places are designed to be able to cook up food, store it and keep it warm, and then assemble then quickly when rushes come through. None of it was made recently.

Anonymous 302248

a happy meal is the size of a normal non-amerifat meal

Anonymous 302282


Anonymous 302285

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