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Screenshot 2025-02…

Anonymous 302174

Who would you side with in this case ? Apparently she also stole $120k of his money and gave it to a man she was cheating on the fatso with.


Anonymous 302175

They are both fat so sympathy is limited, but he is significantly fatter, uglier, bald and retarded so like what was he expecting. It's like "retaliatory" violence after getting knicked while playing a carnival knife game where the carnival makes you sign a waiver stating that you understand you might get knife related injuries in their knife games.

Anonymous 302176

Screenshot 2025-02…

what do you think of the all-female jury who gave him just 10 yrs ? Keep in mind this is in Texas, where there's death penalty for 1st degree murder.

Anonymous 302178

As states go Texas is the drunken neighbor who accidentally killed his own dog when he backed up his pickup truck five years ago and is desperately trying to spend just one night too drunk to remember burying his barkie buddy.

Anonymous 302179

idk if i should love or hate texas after this. i love guns though

Anonymous 302188

From things I have read secondhand, I was more saddened to hear she apparently took money that was supposed to go to her kid for college.

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