
Anonymous 302238
Can someone please explain the obsession autists have with robot girlfriends?
Anonymous 302245
Real women shun them and robo girls are an appealing alternative.
Anonymous 302445
I never understood this episode. An ice cream parlor served by a robot sounds like a way cooler place to hang out in than a pass stained biker bar.
Anonymous 302461
lust so insatiable that attraction transcends life, thus desiring a transhumanist manifestation of female subservience. no need for them to fear a woman's autonomy.
Anonymous 302462
yk why, its because theyre low conscience robots themselves. doesnt matter because its inevitable our tech overlords are gunna create ai artificial womb breeders to genghis khan their genes in the future for sure. imagine a world full of elon musks like that scene out of shrek 3 with his babies
Anonymous 302525

One is free to love a machine however one wishes, its loyalty is not an issue and it can perform unconditional love. Its easier to trust a machine over a human.
Anonymous 302533
>>302238We all would like affection. A robot partner is affection for free. Some people have trouble finding relationships. Add these things together.
Oh, but men bad by the way
yes I would a robo husband Anonymous 302534
why hate men? perhaps i just dont pertain to the psycho gore fetishist types that want robotopia??? if a man wants affection from a robot i dont see why anyone should stop him because this is your god into identity family love FREEDOM even if people call it STRANGE!!!!! bless jesus and all that is holy
Anonymous 302537
>>302238With a robot, they can just approach and do whatever they want because the bot is programmed to do exactly what the guy wants, so basically a combination of someone that will never say no and someone that doesn't require constant or too much of an effort to make a connection with because robot gf was programmed to love.
However, they'll lie and say that it's because robot gf is loyal and isn't mean. Be warned of this lie.
Anonymous 302538
for a second i thought you meant r9k girlfriends. showing my age
Anonymous 302781

I think autistic people just find symmetry and simple shapes sexually attractive. That would explain the attraction to robots, anthropomorphized inanimate objects and simplistic cartoon character designs. That would also explain the autistic men's lack of intrest in women.
Anonymous 302813
>>302238Robots in fiction are often symbolism for slavery
Anonymous 302822
>>302238Who cares? If they go after robits they can't bother real women.
Anonymous 302876
Someone made a pic that was like "when you finally get a goth gf but she turns out to be a fully realized human being with thoughts, needs, wants, emotions, and life/destiny" with the guy being sad or freaking out. I think that sums it up pretty well. People aren't simple and it's not all positives, and this only multiplies when you remember most men don't seem to consciously register women as people. Rewards of toy sex and chatbot affection, but with none of the work or messy complications that come with dealing with another whole-ass person. None of the fulfillment, either,
Anonymous 302983
I desperately yearn for the time I get to be the robot girlfriend
Anonymous 303007
I want my partner to have a very specific personality that would be hard to find in a real human male. A robot is predictable and can be configured to match your exact needs.
I cannot imagine anything better for straight women than robot boyfriends. A robot will never secretly be a misogynist, watch porn or worse. You never have that certainty with a real moid.