You should never have children unless you're prepared to be a single mother, and I do not ever want to do that. I also couldn't stand it if the kid ruined my body (I don't mean aesthetically I mean like pissing yourself all the time, tearing your clit in childbirth). And if I had to dote on, take care of a male I simply couldn't because I find all males disgusting
I became somewhat of a mother when my actual mother died and my sister fucked off to another state and left me with my father, who behaves like a 60 year old kid. Fuck having children. Also the world is beyond fucked up and no one cares
>>302296 And she lives in the city on top of that. Probably driving up the home prices for poor parents too. Now that's what I call a big f*ck you to society.
That and simply, since I was abused as a kid by my mom (aka psychological and physical abuse), I am really afraid if in a moment I turn into her. And I take bipolar medication, without it I am A MASSIVE MESS, and pregnancy means not being able to take the medication for almost a year or 2 (lactation is important too so no medication)
I don't want to hit a kid, you never know anything and i sincerely prefer not having them out of safety for the kid that doesn't exist at all.
my mom told me you stay happy for as long as you can and when you can't do it anymore, you have kids and they'll be happy for you. that seems like robbing peter to pay paul and i can't remember being a particularly happy child, either.
>>302302 Plus this, if you have to take care of a baby, you prob have to take care of a RW moid. Moids lie about their political leanings until they trap you with a baby. It takes insane stalking research into the person, getting to know them from other people, not just what they present to you. I dont want to babysit no SHITTY rightwing FILTH MOID. They should be culled honestly.
If i had a baby how likely is it i'd be chained to a fucking liar?
>>302401 You say chillax but isn't the only reason you're here fuming because you're rotting in your basement waiting for dick death fapping 24/7 to porn?
Yeah if a woman wants nothing whatsoever to do with your worthless dick it actually just means you have nothing positive to offer. Go cry about it in your pillow every night we are done listening to your 2-bit shrivel dick hubris
>>302401 Kek well its true, we would rather entertain nice things as opposed to life in hell with worthless moids that suck the oxygen out of the room.
>>302417 how are you using the internet if you cannot sound out memes using letters/punctuation? can you comprehend any level of reading or does your mom read it all out loud word for word?
>>302401 Least obvious cc offboard scrote, birth rates will continue to decline and i will get sterilized and tell other women how good it is, cry about it.
>>302444 If y'all in texas do it fast. They're proposing a bill to make it impossible to get a bisalp or have any part of the uterus removed (comparing it to transition???)
You would have to go to another state.
You could always just do what i do too and refuse to be in a relationship if you hate the ball and chain. I know it sounds screwed but i literally have no health insurance.
>>302463 Nah the answer isn’t to sterilise yourself or cater to moids. We need to make female separatism popular again and take advantage of sperm banks and raise our children in an all-female community where they won’t become pickmes or scrotoids.
>>302464 its more like that epi from rick & morty about a female supremacy planet where they select the best genes from a zoo of devolved men and banish women for having the wrong hairstyle
>>302472 How would you logistically and sociologically get this to work? As long as men exist, this would be impossible. As soon as this lifestyle reaches a cult tier reputation people would find it creepy and try to criminalise it.
>>302486 Sounds like a pretty scrotey episode. If there really was a female supremacy planet, only moids would be banned for having the wrong hairstyles.
>>302487 > collect 1 billion dollars > buy an isolated island > have a paradisal femme commune there without scrotes > the rest of the world can burn Desi it's no use trying to "fix" the world, let scrote worshippers do their retarded things while we enjoy our separatist cult. And BTW things don't get criminalized because they are "culty" they get criminalized for actual crimes like stealing property and raping kids. I grew up in a cult that did nothing wrong aside from believing in non normie stuff and it was throughoutly enjoyable experience. The world outside was genuinely shocking for me in how shit it is after it all fell apart.
>>302495 >>302497 I went to an all-girls rural boarding school with all female staff and they stabbed me with pins, burned me with cigarette lighters and poured bleach on me for the crime of having outdated fashion. If there's an all-women island cult, there's no fucking way I'm raising a child in it.
>>302502 I can already tell it was all women school for wrong reasons.
>>302500 Having racism at foundation is a bad idea. The main criteria should be willingness to go completely separate from and being fed up with the evil world of men. You will filter most brownoids this way anyways because normiebrowns are massive scrote worshippers.
I’ve lived as much due to an interest in the divine or more specifically - health, self improvement, search of knowledge, and crafts.
>>302463 There’s truth to this lifestyle. Moids have already cried out about how 80% of women go for 20% of men, and while most of us won’t be successful with the 20% or even want any of them, I think by and large the 80% of men can just learn to be like women like in OP. The women not successful or interested enough for the top 20% can either opt in to sterilize or just do nobler pursuits than denegrate themselves to washing the underwear of men on their 15,000th hour of WoW.
>>302497 >>collect 1 billion dollars >>buy an isolated island >>have a paradisal femme commune there without scrotes >>the rest of the world can burn You are giving Jeffrey Epstein vibes.