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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 302296

What made you want to be childfree?

Anonymous 302298

'ate moids, simple as

Anonymous 302302

You should never have children unless you're prepared to be a single mother, and I do not ever want to do that. I also couldn't stand it if the kid ruined my body (I don't mean aesthetically I mean like pissing yourself all the time, tearing your clit in childbirth). And if I had to dote on, take care of a male I simply couldn't because I find all males disgusting

Anonymous 302303


Anonymous 302305

I became somewhat of a mother when my actual mother died and my sister fucked off to another state and left me with my father, who behaves like a 60 year old kid. Fuck having children. Also the world is beyond fucked up and no one cares

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