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Energy Drink Thread Anonymous 302607

I mostly drink celsius or mango loco monster.

Anonymous 302615

i like redbull

Anonymous 302622

Celsius is icky. I like iced caramel coffee.

Anonymous 302623

Energy drinks are gross

Anonymous 302765

Celsius Essential Performance (Dragonberry, mango & the blue one) are my go to, adding vitamins that aren’t just B vitamins is great. I love the big cans, helps me stay at maintenance.

I like monster too but get spooked by the satanism connotations.

Anonymous 302770

I like tea, kefir, kombucha and carrot juice.

Anonymous 302771

White Monster

Anonymous 302782


Anonymous 302784

bruce willis hell.…

This is in bad taste.

Anonymous 302786

That's likely the first energy drink to arrive in my country after the collapse of soviet union, its always cheaper than others, tastes like classic energy drink, taste hasn't changed since its arrival, devil logo hasn't changed either. If i absolutely must have a diabetes/stroke inducing potion, this is my choice.

Anonymous 302787

the blue redbull was my favorite until i finally got a vyvanse prescription

Anonymous 302789

I need to dilute red bull w water otherwise the taste becomes too much for me

Anonymous 302819

Try the non-carbonated Celsius flavors

Anonymous 302820

Ultra Blue Hawaiian & Ultra Vice Guava are the best monster flavors !

Anonymous 302821


Anonymous 302823


I will be in debt trying to pay the import fees.I will stick to my black coffee and diluted bulls for now haha

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