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Is being a mom worth it in 2025? Anonymous 302838

Will things get better or worse?

Anonymous 302839

>Is being a mom worth it in 2025?
If you've got the proper moid to raise a kid with yes. (Good luck in this climate)
>Will things get better or worse?
The future isn't written on anything but right now all the most compelling arguments are from the "worse" camp.

Anonymous 302840

>If you've got the proper moid
I've taken parenting classes recently and I now realise a good half the men there are totally insufferable and totally inappropriate for raising kids. That's the men WILLING to improve their parenting. I can't imagine how many more just aren't.

Anonymous 302842

It's always worth it, and mediocre to bad parents have always been the norm. It takes a lot of effort to properly raise children.

Anonymous 302844

no, and any woman who is foolish, deluded or selfish enough to have a child unless they have a huge amount of money (casual millionaires) and time (no babysitters) and their male partner is 1 in a million (lol) is lying to themselves

Anonymous 302845

Im young now and the latest I will have a child is in like 2035 and I keep debating if I want to live solo and have fun, get married to a child free man or have kids.Raising kids is getting more expensive each year and I dont come from a rich family so I dont know anymore. Should I live my own life and explore and have fun or find joy in motherhood? Motherhood is stressful though if the dad becomes a useless piece of shit . But looking at couples and families makes me jealous sometimes but sometimes not. I think the only factor is money here. Everything is money lol

Anonymous 302846

My answer to this question depends entirely on whether or not you are a lesbian or have big extended female family to help you.

Anonymous 302847

This seems like cope. Why would you raise kids who are going to hate you? Why put the financial burden on yourself when you can just do something else just as fulfilling and enjoyable?

Anonymous 302850


Anonymous 302851

>Why would you raise kids who are going to hate you?
You have to fuck up to get them to hate you, and even then it's not guaranteed they will hate you. At worst they might have prickly teen years, but that can be navigated around.
>Why put the financial burden on yourself when you can just do something else just as fulfilling and enjoyable?
There is nothing more enjoyable than raising good children. They're like friends but times a million. I'd like to see what you think is more fulfilling or enjoyable honestly.

Anonymous 302853

fuck off with your scrote propaganda!

Anonymous 302854

I think the RNG of your otherwise well-raised child being influenced to fuck up their life by another child is much higher these days, so if I had a kid I'd be really anxious about this. One million years ago in high school my English teacher told me that's why she was reluctant to have children and it really stuck with me. I was a kid at the time and could see the very thing she feared play out with a few classmates, so she must have been seeing it all the time as a teacher.

Anonymous 302855

It's not exactly propaganda. Does nobody on this website actually like their parent(s)?

Anonymous 302857

I found my moid to breed with. The most perfect man in the world (for me at least). Obedient (to me only), high IQ, handsome, sexy. ambitious and driven, will provide for me. Not a coomer. A true romantic. Won’t bald. Eats healthy and exercises. Doesn’t talk down to me. Has the same goals as me. Will stand up for himself and me (not a wimp)

You Just got to find a man who’s worthy but unfortunately most men are little boys wanking off, smoking weed and spending their pay checks on OF thots and expect their poor gfs to be their bangmaids.

Anonymous 302891

I come from a good family and i like my parents. Happy societies consist from functional families.

Anonymous 302902

I'm raising 2 kids on my own and it's hard but the most fun and rewarding thing I've ever done. Also, not as expensive as I feared.

Anonymous 302903


Moids disgust me and the idea of growing one inside me is abhorrent.

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