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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 302843

What is life in Britain/UK really like?

Anonymous 302852

Didn't we already have this thread?

Anonymous 302858

Yes OP is probably a tourist and doesn’t check the catalog

Anonymous 302865

This country is an absolute shithole but I must be thankful that I've achieved the age of 35 without ever having worked a day in my life. Thank you DWP

Anonymous 302870

>35 without ever having worked a day in my life
people like you, who contribute nothing to society have no right to call Britain 'an absolute shithole'. You are one of the reasons of why it is the way it is.

Anonymous 302872

Nonsense, the taxes you pay are directly funding the people who are turning the country into a shithole

Anonymous 302873

Excuses, you keep blaming things.

Anonymous 302874

Remember, you vote counts! 😂

Anonymous 302881

You remind me of that horse in Animal Farm by George Orwell, it believed that problems can be fixed by simply working harder, so it got worked to death and turned into glue. Your tax money is financing the displacement of native brits by invading force of low iq bloodthirsty rapists. Neets are doing their part by not contributing to such system, what have you done to make things better?

Anonymous 302887


What is London really like?

Anonymous 303002

Dystopian police state hell hole where hypocrisy, insanity and Orwellian double think is the norm.

Anonymous 303006

Scotland seems comfy, dunno what all the Brits ITT are complaining about, just take the haggispill

Anonymous 303008


Anonymous 303047

>live in comfy English town in supported accomodation for wackos
>go to a rave every month, into nature every second day, spend hours posting online every day
>shops are nearby, cute weekly market, friendly people
The world's troubles seem so far away

Anonymous 303058

Fine, better than that even. There are probably areas you'd be best off avoiding, but welcome to basically any urban centre on Earth. It's got jobs, things to do and great transport links. Much of the UK cannot claim this.

According to Wikipedia Ed Sheeran moved to London himself at 17, but that's basically a pipedream for a teenager from the sticks these days. Landlords like Sheeran are probably the biggest problem the city has, because they price out people and businesses and those who remain are having incredible levels of wealth extracted from them in rent, wealth that would be better spent in almost any other way. Rent seeking is massively harmful to the UK economy as a whole.

I have no idea how Ed Sheeran thinks he knows what it's like to walk around London as a lay person, given he's been mega famous for basically his whole adult life.

Anonymous 303237


Anonymous 303257



Too many natives rather do YouTubers onlyfans TikTok
Uk is in a state of rut and degenerate behaviour
Glad clubs will be dead in 5 years

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