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Anonymous 302964

Am I being whinny or is wageslavery really this bad? I recently ended my neetdom and I have been working in Ikea as a customer service phone agent for 5 months and holy shit am I miserable, it's like my free time is never enough, I'm always thinking about the job and I find myself counting individual hours of free time trying to make each of them "count"; I legit don't know if this normal or if I'm just over reacting

Anonymous 302965

I understand customer/food service hire easily, but you should be job hunting. People get too complacent and before they know it years have passed. There are a lot of similarly paying jobs out there where you don't have to deal with the public as much. Just keep putting applications out.

Anonymous 302968

i guess that's normal, especially when you're working a job that is as draining like customer service. i'd also advise you to just look for a different job. i have also ended my neetdom after a long time and started working at an animal shelter. it requires physical activity but i don't perceive it as mentally draining at all, plus it doesn't pay bad so i am okay with this job

Anonymous 302970


>Am I being whinny

Anonymous 302972

Maybe your instincts are telling you that a 50% income tax, an additional 15% sales tax, tariff taxes and inflation taxes and mandatory insurance taxes means that you're not getting much for your time

Anonymous 302973

customer service is hell on earth, anon. it's the bottom of the barrel. i hate wagecuckery as much as anyone, but customer service is the worst

Anonymous 302975

It was this or being some scrotes sex slave, your choice which is better

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