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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 303025

What do you guys think about the Optimus ( If I remember correctly ) robot by Tesla

Anonymous 303028

Mechanical Turk.jp…

Anonymous 303031

I dont get it

Anonymous 303032

I’ve invented a robot that does more

Anonymous 303034

Saw a video of some african americans bullying the thing in their apartment

Also saw it stocking a huge fridge

Yep just more innovation that doesn't really accomplish much but enables the worst behaviours

Anonymous 303035

It's a meme that the robots are remote controlled by third world workers paid in pennies

Anonymous 303042

Even your pennies are worth a lot here when can I apply?

Anonymous 303043

Kai Cenat was the streamer's name

Anonymous 303044

I like it because I'm attracted to its stiff movements and faceless face you guys are better than me

Anonymous 303045

More fake bullshit being rolled out by America's smoke & mirrors dependent, dying tech industry's least honest company.

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