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what is the point of men except manual labor/the draft? Anonymous 303243

the last 60 years have shown women are basically better version of men in every way except picking up heavy objects and running fast, and most of them are fat sedentary fucks.

Anonymous 303245

The sigma grind meme is a great illustration of this in real time. Men being molded into passion passionless materialistic troglodytes working and "bettering" themselves to death. And this psyop has been somewhat effective. I mean conditions are getting worse in the world so yeah men are going to focus on frivolous matters blah blah blah but there's no way it's all just a meme

Anonymous 303246


Anonymous 303256

I don't know about you, but I still need them to run powerplants and the internet and shit.

Anonymous 303260

Our world needs both men and women. I have never and will never subscribe to the radfem men are all horrible ideology. It's just a mirror version of incel ideology.

Anonymous 303264


Anonymous 303271

You’re one step away from saying the same thing but with race

Anonymous 303273


Anonymous 303277

I think that's one reason I'm against it. Being black I'm used to seeing the rhetoric that we're inferior beings.

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