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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 303247

What do you like about Japan and Japanese culture?

Anonymous 303248


Anonymous 303250


Is Japan really that safe?

Anonymous 303252


Anonymous 303255

It happens in Australia. Maybe there's just something about the Pacific.

Anonymous 303261


Thanks to their collectivist culture it's a very pleasant country to visit.

Thanks to their miserable work culture they produce some of the best escapist media in the world. I mean seriously it's not even close.

Anonymous 303272


First of all, the cuisine. If I had the opportunity to travel to Japan, my priority would be to visit the restaurants. I would try the most exclusive ones, as well as those that cater to the local population. The architecture and natural beauty are also very attractive. I hope I have enough money to pay for a good guide to take me to some intriguing places.
I may be a bit of a weeaboo, but I am not fooled by Japan. I think it is a beautiful and admirable nation, but I know that it is a sexist country with a complicated history.

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