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Anonymous 303309

I hate men so much it's unreal holy shit
I stopped taking my pacifying pills and I immediately feel this inflamed rage smoldering inside me.
I stopped taking them because they were sapping my energy, but now that the energy is back I am wasting it all on writing wallposts about how much men suck.
How can one even cope with existence of moids without being constantly bashed out of their head with drugs? I literally can't, it bugs me on a deepest level that I am forced to share a world with those ungodly demons. Every time I run into a male opinion on the internet I completely lose my shit.

And it doesn't even help that I have a loving moido partner. I simply don't count him as man because he is devoid of any typical male issues like coomerism and egocentrism. Though maybe I would change my opinion if he expressed anything political but he is basically like an innocent child and doesn't engage with internet in any way other than gaming subreddits and language learning videos. I dunno.

Any ideas how to chill the fuck out?

Anonymous 303310

Get off the internet

Anonymous 303311

Engage with things you actually enjoy rather than things that fuel rage. Moids will exist whether or not you get mad about it, why keep yourself constantly miserable?

Anonymous 303312

What do the demons tell you?

How are you crazy and in a relationship, are you a famous youtuber

Anonymous 303313

But what do I do at work or while the glue settles or in the bus etc

I can't really afford to engage with stuff I enjoy most of the time, but once I do I already spiraled out of control and my day is ruined.

Demons are the men, whatever they tell - you can open any social media to see.
>How are you crazy and in a relationship
Maybe because I am crazy, but men are fucking easy it's not even worth talking about. I just saw a cutie and wrote "hi you have a sittable face" to him. Mania helps to be reckless.

Anonymous 303317

Read a book. These days I'm reading Acts of Desperation and Eat Preety. I love piracy.

Anonymous 303318

There are many men like your bf. The annoying ones are just the most vocal.

Anonymous 303320

>hi you have a sittable face

Lol how old are you, this might work on young or maybe autistic adults but also not for long

Anonymous 303321

Well he was 22 at a time. Obviously it just escalated from there to a more serious dialogue.

I don't like reading to be honest but when I did read I still felt butthurt all the time because literature is full to the brim with male opinions.

I try to rationalize like this but it just doesn't work. Because aside from bf I also have father, brother, colleagues, grands etc and they all suck just like internet men.

Anonymous 303329

> you can open any social media to see
Wow the platform which not only makes it easy for people to dehumanize anyone and everyone but also has various negative mental side effects has examples of people being bad
C’mon now

Anonymous 303330

Social media is brain poison

Anonymous 303333

Did you know that women also write books? Kekeke …both the books are written by women…you might enjoy Anaïs Nin

Anonymous 303334

are you charlie?

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