
Anonymous 30762
Did you had "that" phase in school and if yes, what was it?
Mine was pic rel except shitty and ugly. I try to forget.
Anonymous 30769

I had an MLP phase in middle school and unironically called myself a “pegasister.” I wore MLP shirts too, outside of the house. Thankfully this was during the summer though so no one from school saw me. I don’t think anyone can beat this.
Anonymous 30770
I had a Jfashion phase in my teens in the mid-00s when brand was hard and expensive to get and most DIY brands were ita as fuck. I'm glad I never went through with it aside from getting 2 brand skirts and coordinating some really basic casual lolita outfits.
>>30769My condolences.
Anonymous 30773
>typical weeb phase (everything you expect; injected japanese into speech, drew bad anime, obsessed with yaoi)>phase where I identified strongly as a shotacon (although I was very young myself? for some reason being a 13-year-old being into 12-13-year-olds was notable for me)>~yandere~ phase (forbidden)>H O M E S T U C K>in high school I tried to be androgynous out of self-hatred>also in high school, husbandoism phase where I denounced the 3DPDs and had the fucking WEIRDEST husbando. Also drew a lot of porn at this time.And same as
>>30769 It overlapped with Homestuck, right after my interest in anime waned.
Most public was my weeb/HS phases, but biggest regret was husbandoism phase. Well hidden cringe, but I (and my old friends) remember it all.
Sometimes, although I'm 21, I worry I'm in yet another cringy phase in my life. The femcel phase? I hope not, but it's probably true.
Anonymous 30774
I volunteered to show my entire class a Powerpoint presentation of Elfenlied. I ended it with a tasteful AMV with lots of blood and a really shitty metal soundtrack
Anonymous 30778
>weeb phase>emo phase>homestuck phase>school shooter phase in that order. i regret zero of them because i had fun, and if anyone had negative opinions of me i can't remember them so it doesn't matter
Anonymous 30779
I had something like a "tragic heroine" phase in middle school where I would cry and act sad but not tell anyone what was wrong because I thought I was being deep. I tried to convince myself I had multiple personalities because I thought it was cool. I also tried and failed to make a tulpa. It makes me very uncomfortable typing this out, I wish I could forget.
Anonymous 30783
>8-13 rabid Nintendo fangirl
I wasted my best years on the g4Tv forums
>12-13 furry
Googling my old online handle leads to my deviantart account I can't remember the pw to :/
>14-18 athiest pseud and black metal fan
I used to wear nothing but black leather boots, dark jeans, and black metal band t shirts. I argued with people in my Bible belt town about religion a lot And I wondered why guys never asked me out in hs lel
Anonymous 30794
>>30773>I denounced the 3DPDs and had the fucking WEIRDEST husbando.whomst
Anonymous 30796

>>30794You asked for it.
I guess I also denounced humans.…I even made a 5' papier mache sculpture of his full body form.
Anonymous 30799
>>30796ooo I did not expect that, pretty cool
Anonymous 30801
If everyone went through a contrarian phase through highschool then who is/are the normals? I bring this up because I had pretty uneventful years (just typical introvert stuff, no dating, quiet but not antisocial). I don’t have any nostalgia or hate for those years. While nearly everyone else from my hs (few hs friends I still talk too in person and postings online from people I didnt know) act like it was a terrible phase and how they hated it all and the like (even the people who seemed content/popular and not bitter in HS).
Anonymous 30802
>>30801Things seem worse in your head. I'm sure in a lot of cases others don't even remember the cringiest moments someone had.
Anonymous 30804

In middle school my best friend and I used to skip lunch to go to the library and write vampire YA fiction. In high school I was an edgy class clown and closeted weeb. I never did anything too embarrassing because I was super self conscious.
Anonymous 30821
i had a lot of phases.
the first one was where i pretended to hate twilight, but i actually read the books and watched the films as well as reading and watching a bunch of other cheesy vampire shit.
next was the weeaboo and tumblrina phase, it wasnt too dramatic, and tbh my friends were a lot worse than me, they used to spam attack on titan yaoi porn in group chats. the worst i did was have a crush on literally every male character, talk about which obscure hetalia ship was best in public with said friends and write shitty fanfiction that i never shared with anyone anyway. i also really liked the typical mid 2010's tumblr shit as well (supernatural, sherlock, doctor who, etc) but i never got too involved.
also a star trek phase where i had a massive crush on data kek.
Anonymous 30822
Wtf i just now realized the mid-2010s YA teenage dyspotian novel and adaptation craze is now considered vintage/nostalgia now
Aaaaaaah!!! (There are still HS kids into Harry Potter for damn reason)
Anonymous 30844
i listened to emo music and i liked the scene hair and piercings but i never dressed myself that way. i didnt like to stand out. i still dont. i never went through any phases appearance wise- never dyed hair, always dressed plain, no tats or piercings,idk. am i just boring
Anonymous 31023

>>30762I went through the "RAWR I AM QUIRKY AND RANDOM" and weeb phase online because irl I had some levels of self-awareness. I use to heavily listen to Mindless Self Indulgence, The Birthday Massacre, Fear Factory (mostly industrial and gothic rock.)
Anonymous 31025
>>31023That album is still bitchin'
Anonymous 31029
>>31025Agree, and I still listen to the music Jimmy makes now. I think I just didn't grow out of my edgy phase though…
Anonymous 31034
>>30762Yes, oh god yes.
I was a wannabe scene/emo kid. My mom wouldn't let me dye my hair, get piercings, or wear ripped jeans but I was so insistent on "not being a fcking prep" to cringe levels.
Did my hair so it looked like OP's pic but blonde and wore god awful purple and silver eyeliner combo for all of eighth grade.
Even tried cut myself to be edgy, no bullshitHonestly, it was even worse than just having "that" phase.
Anonymous 31041

Anyone do the opposite and have a hyper moralfag phase? I was super into Christianity and "justice" when I was 12. Brings back memories of when my cousin was going through an edgelord phase and she would post emo anime boys with atheist quotes and I would get mad and post bible quotes in return on our chatroom.
These kinds of images were everywhere too, those were the days.
Anonymous 31050
>>31025Once in a while I listen to a couple of Tight and Frankenstein Girls tracks for pure nostalgia, it still lives up to this day.
>>31029I remember Jimmy releasing a new album a couple months back but I haven't heard it, admittedly I've interest in listening to anything new from them after IF came out. I haven't grown out of my music taste, but my personality and views related to my phase is gone.
Anonymous 31116

>weeb phase
>yaoi phase
>bad sense of fashion with colorful striped socks and otherwise all-black
>meowed irl
Anonymous 31124
>>31116Well, at least you never nyan'd in public.
Anonymous 31136
>>31041Wow. That's actually kinda cool, believing in something as complicated as religion at that age. I was still playing with bionicles at 12.
>>31124All the normie girls nyan'ed when the meme hit the internet
Anonymous 31149
>>31124I’m glad self-described meme humor in public never took off until my last two years of HS (excluding brief mentions of doge and music fads like harlem shake and fox). I can vividly remember being in middle school computer class where the assignment was to make a basic powerpoint about your interests and some kid plastered his with pre-2010 meme-stuff like “cake is a lie” , youtube poops (sfw sonic stuff), 9000 etc. I couldn’t help but be repulsed by that. Now seeing people online saying how they bond over memes and have even found their bf/gf just makes me feel like a boomer; this despite many boomers themselves posting minions memes. Back to original premise though; I’m too old to feel familar with let’s plays youtuber personalities and their respective fandoms. Has anyone gone through a phase where they obsessed over some youtube personality?
Anonymous 31154
>>31149Now I want to witness 30 years old female boomer memes. There's only 1 video of it on YouTube so far.
Back on topic. I wouldn't call that obsession but I have this one particular qt Irish boy playing videogames subscribed on YouTube. He makes falling asleep easier.
Anonymous 31156
>>31154Isn't the female equivalent supposed to be "cool wine aunt"?
Anonymous 31183
>>31149I used to watch lots of lets play channels and called myself a gamer girl but never actually played the games myself. I used to watch quite a lot like nintendocaprisun, joshjepson, attackingtucans, pewdiepie, presshearttocontinue and cryaotic but the only one I continue to watch is lucahjin.
Anonymous 31193
>>31154Hereby providing the memes of my youth.
Anonymous 31197

>>31194Cats really were top tier meme material back then. I guess they still are, but it was a simpler time.
Anonymous 31200

>>31193keyboard cat is my number one forever.
Anonymous 31205
Am I the only directioner? Yes I did waste my time with reading self-insert fanction
Anonymous 31206
>>31205Oh god all my elementary school friends were absolutely obsessed with them. I remember the tons of cringy fanfiction pages about them and about Bieber on facebook… ouch
Anonymous 31208
>>31205I wasn’t a Directioner but for some reason when I was like 12 I had this extreme Beatles phase so me and these other instagram Beatle fan accounts would harrass the Directioner fan accounts because we all had this intense hatred for them
oh and i read this dramatic Beatles fanfiction where John and Paul fall in love with eachother but John has an affair Anonymous 31211
>>31205Haha, nah, anon. I wasn't a directioner but my friend was super into Larry when we were in our last year of high school. I thought Harry was super cute, and I enjoyed One Thing and What Makes You Beautiful… a lot!
I bought a circa 2012/2013 One Direction tshirt at my school's used clothing sale for a dollar, and I wear it every other week or so. No shame! Anonymous 31736
I went through a weeb edgelord phase in middle school, then an angry feminist phase in high school. I'm equally embarrassed of both of them.
Anonymous 31797
Did anyone else NOT grow out of your cringy phase, or instead grew into it? I was pretty normal in middle school.
Anonymous 45145

Bullet phase in 9th grade because a bloke in first period recommended em.
Anonymous 45148
My phase was thinking liking yaoi was a personality and always wanted to talk openly about yaoi because I knew normies would think it was weird. I even wrote yaoi stories in English classes for creative writing.
Anonymous 45238

>>30762This will probably be a bit long considering how much cringy stuff I did.
>Weeb phase when i was 12 to 13, it wasn't the worst. Looking back, it's kind of cute because I just drew a lot of (shitty) anime girls and listen to vocaloid.>Creepypasta sad girl phase around 13. That one sucked, but I do have good memories of being scared of some of the creepypastas. Pewdiepie was becoming popular with his Slender series and I used to love them. >At 14 I got into heavy metal and that was by far the cringiest phase. I tried to dress black and act tough (though I was a huge pussy inside). Joked about being a man in a female body and supressed my femininity because I didnt want to be weak. Around the end of that phase I decided to cut my hair short.>Around 15 I became a history nerd but also a moralfag. Around that time I started having a tumblr account where I would reblog aesthetic shit.>When i was 16 i started having a bf for the first time but he was the kind of "aesthetic sad eboy on tumblr" (before the whole eboy thing got popular). I started hating my short hair at that point and decided to grow it out (which failed)>Now since my 17 years I managed to grow out my hair (after the end of my first relationship). I take better care of my apperance in general. I dont think I have "phases" anymore. I do try things from time to time but nothing as crazy. I might still be in a phase without knowing it.God remembering all of this makes me cringe pretty hard and wish none of that happened.
Anonymous 45241
In high school I used to have a sad tumblr edgy phase and also a sjw phase, at the same time. I was attracted to the sj shit especially because of the ~sad~ mindset.
Nowadays I ditched that stuff for realistic ideas, as I should, but it made me incredibly depressed, again, and I cope with cute things/aesthetic. Probably my current phase.
Anonymous 45242
>>45148haaaa are you me? I wrote a ton of m/m fanfiction, mostly emo bandslash and lord of the rings shit embarassingly enough. I never wrote romantic stories for class but one time my english teacher called me out in front of everyone asking "why are your chracter always men?"
oh, and that time i wrote a story about a school shooting. That was pretty edgy
Anonymous 45399
currently going through an e girl phase. hopefully the trend lasts long because its literally my entire wardrobe
Anonymous 45728
I was briefly a weeb, but more embarrassing was "le epic troll" phase where I'd refer to myself as a "troll" in person and downvote random posts on various websites. In the eighth grade I edited ragecomic faces onto a group photo of my class (I could find one for everyone since it was a small school) and gave a printed copy of the image to every student. Naturally, I selected the troll face for myself. My only friend at the time was a closet gay furry.
Anonymous 45730
I had a small group of friends in my math class, one exactly like myself and then another that was kind of retarded but in the functioning way that somehow vibed with me. There was an emo sitting in front of us (we called her emo-chick) and one day we were fucking around and throwing stuff at each other when something landed underneath the seat of emo-chick and our retard friend straight says out loud "hey emo-chick can you pick that up" my other friend and I instantly burst out laughing and we could NOT contain ourselves, the class was literally halted because of us. Good times, thanks for reminding me OP. I do feel bad for her though because we straight up bullied her and were extremely immature.
Anonymous 45731
Hm my "phases" started in 5th/6th grade of middle school when I discovered green day (was around the time 21st century breakdown came out) and also coincidentally I discovered 4chan through funnyjunk and shitbrix.com which was full of pedobear memes. I kind of descended into more punk music from there but also discovered the world of shitty fan fiction and internet drama at the time through encyclopedia dramatica which was probably my favourite site back then.
Then around 7th grade I got really into anime and kpop (super junior and shinee mostly). I've also been really into vidya as well, had a psp with custom firmware and everything. I love my middle school/high school years honestly. To others I probably just seemed boring since I kept my power level really low and at my cringiest I just dressed like a boy with oversized shirts, black skinny jeans, converse and layered hair with a side fringe ugh. People even mistaked me for a boy on the street and for some reason I felt like it was an accomplishment and I bragged about it to my friends. Regarding power level, I remember seeing a girl with a pedobear shirt in middle school, just around the time those cringy meme shirts were becoming popular and I thought she was such a ~poser~ kek
I remember trying to pull my best friend into anime at the time and she really liked soul eater, but except for my awkward bf in high school (and my sis) I never really had anyone to bond with over such stuff.
Anonymous 45734
>>30769IIRC it was pretty acceptable to watch MLP openly in high school around 2011-2013 since it was still trendy and people watched it because "haha its a girls show but kind of good"
Anonymous 45781

hot topic tripp pants, big grommet belts, baggy tshirts, middle part with long hair. fucking yikes.
Anonymous 45812
>>31023Lol I used to listen to mindless self indulgence too in high school. I was never emo though. I was industrial goth then a kandi kid.
Anonymous 69957

>weeb phase
>hetalia and FNAF MMD phase
>japanese language club phase
>mfw I said sugoi a lot during middle school
Anonymous 69960
>>45781i-im basically wearing this right now
middle part and everything Q_Q
Anonymous 69964
I had a bizzare, shortlived, anachronistic and completely accidental tradwife/neonazi/viking-witch phase. My family is largely Icelandic and Norwegian, so my cousin taught me all about ancient Scandinavia, vikings ect. and I fell in with Wiccans and proto-/pol/ fascists. I started dressing in conservative, all-black and white uniform, larping as a Völva with flowing goth dresses and heavy costume, and spouting far-right conservative values.
Thinking back to it is so difficult because it's so fucking embarrassing, but this was in like 2008, so really I was just ahead of the curve and clearly some kind of visionary…a terrible, tasteless visionary.
Anonymous 69998
I had a Shane Dawson phase.
Anonymous 70114

>shitty attempt at scene queen
>shitty attempt at sk8er gurl
>weeb for the past 12 years
Anonymous 70117

>>30778lucky anoni've had the last one and it got me into legal troubleOther phases were an MLP one (I consider it to be the best fucking years of my life) and a contrarian one (meh)
I'm going through an industrial phase right now and I fucking love it, though my friends and e-friends hate listening to me sperging about some art collective in 70s UK that made objectively bad music.
Though I've been listening to industrial and post-industrial since middle school, one day I was searching for the IC2 minecraft mod and found out that industrial is a genre of music
and also a philosophy and a lifestyle and an art form Anonymous 70151
>>45781That was me too! On top of that, I was a yaoi weeb queen who also loved the Beatles along with the requisite numetal.
Anonymous 70195
i went through a ton of phases, in order: scene, harry potter, superwholock, homestuck, weeb. I seem like a normie now and I love finding other normie looking adults who share this past.
Anonymous 70200
>>70117>>30778>school shooterI have so many questions.
Anonymous 70204
>>70200I already answered all your questions don't you remember how you came to my school and questioned me and the police were there also and my teacher and the principal
Anonymous 80005
i was never part of any subcultures bc i was always a sperg but the closest thing i had to a "phase" was when i purposefully started dressing in all black and was really withdrawn and barely took care of myself
technically it was just because i was severely depressed but i think it counts
Anonymous 80008
Does anyone else still like everything they liked in middle school but is just less publicly cringey about it? Or did I just not grow up
Anonymous 80010
>>80008No, I'm the same. I still like the things that I genuinely liked. Not so much the stuff I forced myself to like to fit in.
Anonymous 80011

I was le random waffles spork girl. I made my own shirts for 80s bands. I would also speak openly about looking at hentai. Every day of my life was like one of those weeaboo cringe compilations on youtube. And yet I somehow still had more friends then than I do now.
Anonymous 80012
I also got questioned as a potential shooter. I wrote in my journal that I wanted to kill everyone in my class and detailing how I would do it. It wasn't serious. I was writing something else in my journal in class and the teacher confiscated it. She read that entry and I was brought to the principal's office. I remember crying a lot and they suspended me for a week but the police were never told. I was in middle school, this was maybe a year after the heckin columbino.
Anonymous 80014
>>80010I never forced myself to like things to fit in, but I also had no friends so I'm not sure if that was a good idea in retrospect
Anonymous 80023
>>80011I wasn't that bad but I had elements of this too. I think it was down to attention seeking. Not as in wanting to be the center of attention, but wanting people to acknowledge my existence. I guess being looking at you weird and asking questions is better than being ignored or just picked on.
I wasn't into hentai but I did talk about other sexy things a bit much. My parents never mentioned anything like that ever and I guess I didn't have someone to confide in either so it was hard to process these experiences and feelings without a model of how to behave normally. Kinda hard to explain I guess. Probably went along with the attention seeking. In my last few months of high school I told one girl something when we were drink at a party because I thought it was funny and she told the whole year it and I got bullied over it. It soured the end of high school for me and made me cut contact with everyone, not that it had been that great before.
Anonymous 80037

i had an mlp and weeb phase at the same time, then a jfashion phase after that
Anonymous 80040
Had a weeb phase in high-school and wrote a few fiction/self insertion stories that had a lot of Mary Sueness. Luckily it never got too out of control because I was too shy and didn't want anyone reading my stories, so I never posted any of it online.
Anonymous 80075
Did you call anyone else your pegasister, like in real life I mean
Anonymous 80079
>>80075This is the anon you’re replying to. I had a couple friends who also were into MLP but I never called them “my pegasisters” haha. I remember my friend and I both had pony OCs. I don’t talk with her anymore and it makes me sad. We met up once a couple years ago but the chemistry was gone.
Anonymous 80097
The American South has uniforms too. They're just as strict as yours but much uglier and less stylish. I'm kinda glad I couldn't dress myself like a retard at school either though, uniforms were convenient. I'm jealous of British uniforms because they look so cute and put together in comparison to what I got to wear to school.
Anonymous 80108
I went to a bottom tier British school. We had a uniform but none of those rules. The only thing they ever cared about was wearing a tie, and even that was done many different ways. I suppose it was interesting to see how differently people interpreted the “uniform” but I would have preferred to have gone somewhere better.
Anonymous 80122
>A girl coming to school with pink hair and lip/nose/tongue/navel piercings
These were pretty common to see at my school. No one cared. Some girls wore tiny shorts, others wore short skirts so tight they could barely walk. Boys would sit in class with their shirt unbuttoned to their belly button in summer.
Really, the only thing that was the "uniform" was the tie (however worn), something resembling a shirt (regardless of colour or style) and something black on the bottom (even black jeans was fine). Shoes could be anything. This wasn't just the badly behaved kids, everyone dressed like that. A big selection of random accessories too.
Anonymous 80123
Fair enough, the grass might just be greener. The schools I went to made us wear shit like khaki pants and polo shirts and ugly saddle shoes. One of my schools even banned skirts all together because it was decided that they were too slutty or something, the other one would check skirts too, though not as dramatically as they did at your school. They would just take all the girls out into the hallway every so often and do a "skirt check".
Anonymous 80775
>>80008This is KPOP for me, have been into it for almost 15 years now and have just accepted I'll probably like it forever at this point. Although now it's less from a cringy "I'm not like other girls because I like DBSK instead of western artists" standpoint and I'm much less obsessive about individual members/fanfics/fanart etc. It's more that I just like the aesthetics and catchy music these days. Very few of my current friends know I like it and I see no reason to change that.
Anonymous 80809
>>69960based, keep the culture alive
Anonymous 82267

>>30762I don't know if this is the name, but I was a jewaboo.
I thought being Jewish made you the coolest ever, because of being in lots of countries but having one home country, and also Jewish foods, and old 'creepy' traditions and stuff. I (and this is where it gets offensive lol) brushed my curls out until my hair went frizzy, wore long skirts and alice bands, and practised the piano with an intensity rarely witnessed in a 15 year old. And I tried to be kind of snobby. It was so fake lol
Anonymous 82269
>>30762learned i was gay in high school so my phase was cutting my hair tomboy short and dressing like a guy but also i was very very depressed so i wore heavy eye liner and lots of black it was a fucking weird combination and also why no one ever talked to me
Anonymous 82314
>>82267This is really funny. Reminds me of Trisha Paytas and her Tik Toks. What made you stop or realize it was weird? Did other people fall for the jew trap?
Anonymous 82319
>>82267Literally went to uni with someone who was like that. As you described minus to hair floofing (curled her naturally straight hair instead) and plus a weird fixation on the holla cost. Tried to become bffs with the two Jewish girls in my program and ended up marrying a Jew. She was absolutely insufferable to be around and I’m happy to hear you’ve gotten better.
Anonymous 82320
>>82270Nope, and I guess it's true that jews seem white and white people larp as black or other ethnicities a lot (mostly zoomers)
>>82314Shalom, and thank you for the Q&A. I didn't tell anyone I was a transjew, i was just like 'but on the inside i can feel it' and would make what i thought was a jewish noise when i was exasperated like 'yoy' and 'schmok'. I determined that I would marry a jew and become jewish, maybe move to america or israel where jews lived- even cooked 'jewish' foods, which were actually good, and practised debating all the time, in between reading jewish written books. I guess there's a fine like between semitiphilia and antisemitism. Furthermore, I was incredibly attracted to a couple of famous jewish women, but didn't really process that until later.
None of my family knew, I thought I would stay quiet about it until all the jewish goals were achieved.
>What made you stop or realise it was weird?Seeing some friends who were weeaboos (who were turkish) or one koreaboo friend (who was jewish), it gives you a different perspective, so I saw that I wasn't expressing who I was on the inside, but just incredibly cringe. My sister bought me normal clothes and I stopped idealising jewish people when learning about Hollywood groomers and taking land in the middle east. I still appreciate my favourite jewish authors and bloggers, but I don't idealise them anymore. And even if it's cringe to be a jewaboo, Trisha needs to keep on having phases like this because it's literally the best thing to watch unfold over time.
>Did other people fall for the jew trap?My dad spent some time in Israel, because he's interested in the food and history. So he cooked food like that a lot, it was amazing. He told us about going to places of worship and meeting friends there, and showed us pictures, so it looked sunny compared to my cold country. He's very pro zionist, the opposite of his wife.
>>82319I am genuinely cringing out of my skin. Thank you for this cautionary tale. Has she found happiness in her new life?
Also, not to project, but did she try to emulate a 'jewish' personality, like studious or snooty? Did she do a voice?
Anonymous 82330
>>82328It seemed like a jewish hobby at the time, and I thought it would make me snart
Anonymous 82332
>>82320>and would make what i thought was a jewish noise when i was exasperated like 'yoy' and 'schmok'Holy shit this is hilarious
Anonymous 82340
I used to believe that I was a bisexual. I thought being a part of LGBT maybe cool, so I said that I am a bisexual. Even there were many movies on Netflix too. Fuck I regret it now
Anonymous 82341
i was a horrid amalgamation of the "XD wafflez" kid and the edgy emo anime kid in middle school (thankfully i only wore t-shirts and jeans on account of being too pussy to ask my mom for any emo bullshit)
i used to play minecraft with some friends in the library during lunch and i remember sperging out after one of them jokingly insulted me and i said some anime bullshit along the lines of "im fragile but you won't like when im mad"
Anonymous 82343
>>82340Tbh I think this is really common in Gen Z especially. It's trendy now, especially amplified by positive reinforcement on social media.
Anonymous 82345
>>82343>>82340How did you realize you weren't actually bisexual?