
Do you tip servers? Anonymous 31694
Tipping culture is so fucking ridiculous. I'm Canadian and live in a province where servers make $14 an hour and where food is hella expensive. I always hear in the US servers make very little money and food is cheap as a result, but customers are meant to subsidize their wages. I always see servers on the internet (from Canada too) talking about how people shouldn't go to restaurants if they won't tip 15-20%. fucking entitled cunts.
In Canada, food is expensive, servers make decent money AND we're expected to tip? wtf? And servers feel SO entitled to tip money too. Like, if you don't tip on every drink you get, bartenders will refuse to serve you. Or if you regularly go to a restaurant and they start to recognize you as the "non-tipper" you have to start being concerned about them doing shit to your food. Or dipping their balls in your sauce like that recent news story.
I always get comments from friends and family about being rude and not tipping, but IDGAF. I've had servers approach me and ask where their tip was. I've worked behind the counter at a food service place (where tipping wasn't expected) as a teen and in retail, and where do these employees get off being so rude over this shit? This all makes me less sympathetic with those "tales from retail" stories about customers being assholes.
Anyone else pissed off about tip culture? It's pretty much giving donations at this point, fuck off, they make more than many professions that require degrees.
Anyone else annoyed?
Anonymous 31695
>>31694Its dumb north american bull. How about everyone starts demanding tips for doing regular jobs? Mad am I right? Lmaoooo
Anonymous 31696
>>31695is it really only expected in North America?
Anonymous 31698
I, too, am a Canuck but I love tipping. I can see why someone wouldn't though and don't think it should be a requirement.
Anonymous 31699
>>31698why do people who tip shame me for not tipping?
Anonymous 31700
>>31699Probably because they feel pressured into tipping and don't like that you resisted the pressure.
Anonymous 31701
>>31694I do tip them but only female ones. I don't want to sponsor meat scepters and their rapistry.
Anonymous 31721
>>31701>based passive-aggressive radfem anon Anonymous 31725
>stupid entitled bitch I knew, 80 IQ thottmaxx
>bragged about making over 300 in a single night on the regular just being a server in a restaurant
>i went to college and can't even get 200 per day
This is why I don't tip. Whores living on easy mode. I actually do tip sometimes, but like, 1-2 dollars. I don't do that percent shit. It takes the same effort to bring me a burger as it does to bring a steak. Fuck percent systems.
Biggest tips I've ever left were $4 to a qt asian boy who was a total sweetheart and $6 to a qt indian guy who comped me a $16 entree and $5 side because of an error I wasn't even mad about. Cute hard-working boys deserve tips, entitled thots who go to nail salons do not.
Anonymous 31731

>>31694i did not know there was a "culture", but i usually tip a few bucks.
Anonymous 31735
I live in the US and agree that tipping is stupid but I doubt it'll ever be completely abolished. Employees shouldn't be punished for this, they're just trying to make a living after all, so I tip at least 15%, I used to always tip 20% but it's so expensive. Luckily I've never had bad enough service that I've had to tip less or stiff someone.
Anonymous 31737
Yes, I tip. Most employers are big sticklers about salaries, usually underpaying the servers. It's not my favourite thing to do, but if I can at least help eke out a bit more into someone's pay, okay, good enough. I usually tip 15%, 20 to 25% if at a fancier restaurant.
Anonymous 31738
>>31725stop attacking my coworkers; various hate jealousy envy hate
Anonymous 31747
I am afraid to offend servers so when I go out it is always to someplace that calls your order our, no server so there is no pressure to tip.
Anonymous 31752
in my state servers make $3.87 an hour.
tipping is expected. i'm not saying its right, but if someone is making less than four dollars an hour, tip for fucks sake.
Anonymous 31784
I tip, but I'm not generous about it unless I receive exceptional service. ~20% when I'm at a sit down restaurant, rounding down cuz I'm bad at math (as in if the bill comes to $20.85, I tip $4). I will also sometimes tip my change at a place where I'm not being served (as in if the bill is $4.10 and I pay with a $5 bill, I'll put $0.90 in tip jar).
I won't go out of my way to tip, but not tipping at a sit-down restaurant is too cheap for comfort.
>>31725>Cute hard-working boys deserve tips, entitled thots who go to nail salons do not.Only reason they get tips is for dealing with thirsty middle-age men, which is just a symptom of the greater patriarchy. I hate lazy Stacies as much as the next miner, but they're our sisters too anon. If we alienate them, we're just doing what men want. We need them to rise up together.
Anonymous 31790
>>31752I wouldn't even tip just for the fact someone is that stupid to take a job that pays that low in the first place
Anonymous 32605
Im Australian so ive literally never tipped in my life
Always seemed like a dumb system. Who cares about service you just write down what they want and carry the food from the kitchen to the table its no different from any other job where you get paid an hourly rate to do a service
Anonymous 32620
>>32605Burgerstan allows food service wages to be cut below minimum wage, to compensate for gratuity.
Anonymous 258271
>>31752If you're stupid enough to shake an employer's hand and say "yeah, I want to work for HALF of the federal minimum wage", then that's on you. Don't expect people to bail you out every time you fuck your life up.
Anonymous 258272
I honestly don't even think waiting should exist to be honest. It's a hard job no doubt but it's also not necessary. I never thought to myself "wow this tastes so much better because some random person brought it to me."
The only reason why waiting even became standard was because it was the only effective way to cater to customers who order lots of alcohol. (and drimkers need to be interned and concentrated, not given special service)
I'd say it's the same for delivery drivers, I've never sympathized with people who cry about deliveries being incompetent because my family just always went and got it ourselves, but I guess there's some situations where that could be ideal.
Anonymous 258273
>>258271>>31790employees in America really don't have any agency over where they work anymore.
Anonymous 258306
I've been a cook and have made less than servers in a 2 week pay period than some of them can make on a busy weekend. It's not fair because we're the ones making the food that customers are eating. Bartending makes more sense for tipping but mixing drinks isn't as hard as trying to make a good meal, keeping to health code conditions and all while doing it in a timely manner. Some restaurants have tip jars for cooks but we still never make a fraction of what a server can.
Anonymous 258329
>>31694Never. I don't tip nurses of policemen either.
Anonymous 258349
>>258329>I don't tip policemen either.that's not the best comparison because you have to actually do your job to get tipped.
Anonymous 258350
>>258329>>258349I don't know if you're joking (this is the Internet in 2023), so just in case: tipping the police is bribing, it lands you in jail.
Anonymous 258375
>>258350>tipping the police is bribingAnd this is why I disregard the law. These rules make no fucking sense. You tell me there is a difference between showing my gratitude for good service when it comes to dining at a restaurant and extra care and attention given by nurses on the ward? How can this be considered 'bribery' if you're doing it after the fact? Are you telling me I should 'bribe' the waiters before being served a meal, so they don't spit in my food?
Anonymous 258379
>>258375I don't want to see such corruption in healthcare where nurses treat you better based on just how likely you are to tip them later
Anonymous 258383
>>31694I'm in the US and I don't get it either. Restaurants should just pay their staff properly. Recently dined in an upscale restaurant where it was already over $100 a person and at the end there was a forced "gratuity" of 20%. Seriously why?