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United Kingdom General Anonymous 3265

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Anonymous 3266


Is anybody else keeping up with the news of the Grenfell Tower block fire?
The details and videos that are starting to emerge are horrific.

Anonymous 3267

>>3266 my lecturer told me someone caught a baby who was thrown out of it ten floors down. That's incredible. Seen some cute interviews with people helping those affected too.

Ultimately it's an awful thing to happen and someone is gonna get their arse fired. Apparently issues about the lack of fire safety were raised during the build and nobody followed them up properly….

Anonymous 3268

Yep. And apparently due to gentrification and the area becoming rapidly more affluential it was decided that the tower was too much a proletariat eyesore, and so the contractor that sub-manages it alongside the council decided on a 8 million GBP project to install cladding to the outer walls so as to improve the aesthetic. Now it's coming out that the cladding was cheap, poorly constructed (see: Chinese import) and most likely contributed to the tower going up in flames as rapidly as it did and helped to insulate the internal walls. They basically created a giant bonfire, tinder and all.

To make matters worse, as part of the 'rejuvenation' effort, fire doors had recently been sealed off and there was yet to be any sprinkler system installed. The whole thing is turning into one hell of a scandal. Heads need to roll.

There's a video online now where you can hear children screaming and begging to be saved from the upper floors. It's fucking awful.

Anonymous 3269

Yeah that's what affected me the most, the constant accounts of people saying they heard screaming in the top floors and lights flashing of people trying to get help and no one could go up.

There was a good interview of a kid by the BBC (they were douches in it though) who lived in the complex and he was really pissed and said the whole 10 million pound thing was complete bullshit and everyone knew something bad was going to happen, and the other buildings in the area are under just as bad disrepair and no one has done anything for years.

Anonymous 3270

Does anyone know if the Frosties "they're gonna taste great" boy really killed himself or was that just a meme?

Anonymous 3271

Anonymous 3272

>>3271 I feel cheated and abused.

Glad he's okay though UwU

Anonymous 3273

I'm moving to England soon. Anything I should be aware of or check out?

Anonymous 3274

Probably a lot, but firstly, have you ever been here before, where are you moving from, what are you moving here for and do you know what county you're moving to?
Any specific queries or concerns?

Anonymous 3275


This is just awful. There have been 58 confirmed rescued, but over 600 people in that building total. Having seen the the photos of the interior that are coming out though I expect there are many bodies that will have verb reduced to ash. The poor pets as well.

Anonymous 3276

This weather needs to leave. There's no breeze here so it's just pure heat. I have all the windows open and it's not doing anything :(

Anonymous 3277


I saw this today and it made me really sad. Modern architecture sucks. Luckily they've now demolished the second eyesore of a building as far as I'm aware (it's been a while since I've been that side of the City Centre) but you have to wonder what glass monstrosity they plan to put up next. Nothing will compare to the original. This is what England should look like but it's never maintained so buildings are knocked down and replaced with oversized greenhouses. This is why I love Edinburgh, what a beautiful city.

(Photo is of Birmingham, England)

Anonymous 3278

YES. I just got in and I had to peel to my tights off my legs, I was that sweaty.

I know people like to joke that Brits complain when it's too cold and then complain when it's too hot, but honestly I love the cold and believe Autumn and Winter to be the best months. Even living in the North, Britain is way too hot for me. Definitely emigrating to Northern Sweden or somewhere when I'm older.

Anonymous 3279


Tearing something like that down should have been a criminal offence.
Where I used to live there was an abbey established in 1123 - 894 years old! For scope this was during the rein of King Henry I of England, fourth son of William the Conqueror.

Anyway, this 100-year shy millennia old Abbey, you know what my asshole local council did in the 1960's? They tore half of it down in order to construct an underground bunker for all of them to go hide in if shit hit the fan during the Cold War.

Anonymous 3280


Picture related is what the monastery quarters looked like pre-1960's.

Anonymous 3281


And what's left today.
Fun fact: the council never did end up building the bunker. They tore it down for nothing.

Anonymous 3282

Hey thanks for the questions anon!

>>have you ever been here before

Never been to Europe! I've lived abroad before and have some British friends though.

>>where are you moving from


>>what are you moving here for and do you know what county you're moving to?

Graduate school in England.

>>Any specific queries or concerns?

How's the safety there? Are there a lot of gypsies? Is the food really as shitty as people say?

It seems every other week there is a terror incident lately. :/

Anonymous 3283

>Graduate school in England.
What part though? Each city/area of England is vastly different.

Anonymous 3284


Anonymous 3285



>graduate school in England

Ooooh congratulations, sounds like quite the adventure, I bet your family are super proud.
I was actually studying with a girl from Texas at my university last year and one of the things that she commented on was that the educational system here expects you to conduct yourself a lot more independently than what she was used to back home, and you're given a hell of a lot more free reign in how you organise and progress within your work. Obviously they could have just been more strict in Texas but that's something you might want to prepare yourself for anyway. Something you're going to be very pleased about is that our grading system here is very generous, for example 70%+ is a 1st (A), 60-69% is a 2.1 (B), 50-59% is a 2.2 (C) and 40-49% is a 3rd (D). That could be because the work is harder here, but ofc that all depends on your subject.

>how's the safety there?

P. decent I'd say. I mean I've lived here for the entirety of my 25 years and I've never been mugged, robbed or assaulted before. Obviously with the higher populations down South there's going to be a higher risk of crime, but I think for the average person the greatest thing they fear day to day is pickpockets. Obviously if you're going on a night out different rules apply, i.e. always travel in groups, don't attempt to walk home alone whilst intoxicated or otherwise, never accept drinks off strangers, but really that applies all over the world.

Looking at the UNODC global murder rates (per 100,000 inhabitants) apparently in the UK it's 0.92, and for California it's 5.0, so you're a hell of a lot less likely to get murdered here at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>are there a lot of gypsies?

Hmmm, well I live in the North, and whilst I can't I haven't encountered them, what you're going to see a lot more of are the Romanians selling the Big Issue magazine. There's one of them virtually every street within the city centre of where I live, and they're identifiable by their headscarves, long skirts and red, sleeveless jackets (picture related). Whenever they walk past you they'll push a stack of magazines in your direction and say "beeeg iishoo plz". The sheer quantity of them might alarm you at first, but you get used to them pretty quickly. They don't cause any harm and most everybody just ignores them, but I would personally never recommend buying a magazine off of them because most are part of rings where they're sent out everyday to earn money which they then bring back to their ring leader in exchange for housing etc. The only reason they get to stay here is because selling the Big Issue means they're technically classed as self-employed. You'll also encounter a lot of beggars, but I expect it's not so different in California. Again, they don't cause any harm, the quantity of them can just become irritating sometimes.

>is the food really as shitty as people say?

Do people say that English food is shitty lol, I've never heard that one before.
Personally it's hard to comment on that specific aspect because I'm a vegan which means I either eat out a lot or I cook all my own meals. British food in general has a reputation for being very stodgy, starchy and hearty, so you're gonna see a lot of potatoes, a lot of (British) chips, a lot of gravy, beans, rice and lot of curries etc. Obviously as is with everywhere you go when you're eating out food quality tends to stratify in line with cost, but assuming you're a student you're likely going to have to learn to cook anyway so I couldn't imagine this being a problem for you (although I've heard British McDonalds tastes better).

>it seems every other week there is a terror incident lately :/

Yeah to be honest this is something I've been concerned about lately, especially after the Manchester bombings because it kinda used to be a joke up here that nobody really cared about terrorist attacks because nobody gave a fuck about the North of England (still kinda true). You gotta look at it on the flipside though, because to us when we look at America we're like "my goodness Margaret those American fellows in the colonies do seem rather fond of their guns now. Why it seems as if there's a mass shooting every other day there, I say!", but obviously you understand the reality is that that is a threat that is unlikely to ever personally affect you. I think things like that always seem bigger when you're somebody that lives outside the norm. Also you have to remember that we have extremely, EXTREMELY tight regulations on guns, so at least

I'm trying to think of anything else to comment on, but all I can think of is the weather? We're having a heatwave at the moment and everybody is sticky and crying because of it (33°C / 91.4F in the South). It's a lot warmer down South compared with the North, but the Winters to get pretty nippy/biting sometimes, so obviously bring cardigans, cozy jumpers and a nice Winter coat. Oh and umbrella. Hope you like humidity and rain Anon.

Anonymous 3286

>I think things like that always seem bigger when you're somebody that lives outside the norm
Outside the country, I meant living outside of the country*

Anonymous 3287


omfgggg why would they do that??? England just casually destroying our own heritage but it's okay because we are a multicultural society kek

I'm still fucking mad they replaced this with this like why the fuck REEEEEEE

Anonymous 3288

I was just Googling that because I was thinking surely the council wouldn't have torn down such a beautiful building for no reason, it must have had some form of structural defect that left it untenable to maintain? Surely?
Well apparently the building was the Mason Science College and the reason it was destroyed? Modern redevelopment. Jfc England.

Anonymous 3289


>omfgggg why would they do that??? England just casually destroying our own heritage but it's okay because we are a multicultural society kek

Umm, no, Anon explained why and it nothing to do with multiculturalism at all, idiot.

Anonymous 3290

Didn't gothic architecture originate within France in the first place?

Anonymous 3291

I'm kind of super mad Corbyn was at glasto? It doesn't sit right with me for politics to be brought into festivals/music etc (excluding punk obv)

Music should be an escape and I want to escape from red vs blue REEEing so badly ATM. People complain the newspapers are biased to the tories but now festivals are being equally as biased?!? Give me strength. I don't want to get drunk and be getting my dance on and suddenly HELLO MY FRIENDS YOUR VOTE COUNTS


Anonymous 3292


I'm so relieved that Charlie Gard has finally been allowed to die and I can stop having to see and hear about the shitshow it turned into on every single news and media outlet. I really do sympathise with the parents because clearly they've been driven completely mad with grief, but towards the end they weren't thinking within the best interests of their child, a very sick little boy, and how spiteful they became towards GOSH and the NHS certainly weren't winning them any favours with the general public.

Even though I'm sure they must have had it explained to them hundreds of times before, they didn't quite seem to comprehend that what was affecting Charlie was a dysfunction occurring at a genetic level. Even with modern medicine there really doesn't exist any conceivable treatment for a congenital genetic disorder that wouldn't require you to simultaenously target every single nucleotide within the body and isolate it for treatment, not when you've got trillions of cells undergoing mitosis, dividing at rates of millions per second. It seems like they genuinely believed they'd be able to whisk him away to America, he'd receive this miracle treatment, a procedure so infantile in its development that it hadn't even left paper yet let alone undergo clinical trials, and that he'd be cured and crawling around like a normal little boy.
Now mainstream media in the US is floating the case as an example of how socialised medicine kills innocent white babbies and how the NHS is comprised of 'death panels' to push their garbage republican agenda. They keep deliberately using images of Charlie from when he was a newborn well before the disorder had really begun to manifest and he still appeared as a healthy infant, not the most recent ones where he'd become blind, death, dumb, was being intubated, had swollen up and his head had remained underdeveloped.
The really ironic part is that had Charlie Gard been born an American his parent's health insurance wouldn't have been anywhere near enough to keep him alive for even 3 months, let alone 12.

Anonymous 3293


>American his parent's health insurance wouldn't have been anywhere near enough to keep him alive for even 3 months, let alone 12.

If you have no idea how health insurance or health care works why are you commenting about it?

Anonymous 3294

>critiques someone's understanding of a foreign health care system
>offers no explanation or attempt to help them understand

Good job!

As horrible as it sounds I feel like the parents may try to milk the situation at some point in the future (TV shows, interviews etc).

Anonymous 3295

Exact same reason half of America is suddenly experts on the evil, murderous, socialist NHS at the moment I guess. I'm ill-informed about a system I've never been exposed to and will likely never experience.

I do know that the US has a 50% infant mortality rate compared to the UK though. You're literally 2x likely to die in the US as a newborn compared to the UK. I know that the for-profit system over there is content to allow cystic fibrosis sufferers drown in their own lung fluid the second they turn 26 and are no longer covered under their parent's insurance, that is if their parents didn't declare them as an independent years ago already. I know there's millions of people who, in the event of an accident, would rather forgo calling an ambulance or actually receiving treatment at a hospital, than face having to remortgage their home to pay for extortionate medical fees.

Let's be real, if Charlie Gard was born in America they would have pulled the plug WAY earlier than waste millions keeping a suffering, terminally infant alive for the sake of "muh feels". I actually agree with that decision though, it would have been the kinder choice, it's the hypocrisy spilling outside of the US right now that's pissing me off.

Oh of course they will. I can smell the documentary and the book deals from all the way up North.

Anonymous 3296

>Let's be real, if Charlie Gard was born in America they would have pulled the plug WAY earlier than waste millions keeping a suffering, terminally infant alive for the sake of "muh feels".
Not true. The Hartley Hooligans might not be infants but they aren't the only American case of keeping keeping terminally ill children alive for the sake of the parents' feelings, their religious inclinations, or milking the situation for pity points/media attention/money. There was also that one black mom/family that kept her daughter on life support while also treating herself out to dinners with donation money. Americans would have done a lot more with this situation tbqh.

If American insurance wouldn't have covered his care up until now, gofundme and "charitable" donations would have. I always felt like we created the idea of milking an infants suffering for media attention/money.

Anonymous 3297

The hooligans aren't comparable. Charlie needed a ventilator, he was on life support. The hooligans are just extremely disabled vegetables, they can still breathe on their own though.

Anonymous 3298


Parents always milk shit like this and it always grinds my gears. Especially when you look at the fucking McCanns. I'm sure they do feel grief at first but there must be a point where they start thinking "hang on…. £££".

Anonymous 3299

The Madeleine McCann case is really so fascinating to me for some reason. Apparently one of the McCann's friends actually witnessed her abduction on their way to check on the kids - a darker-skinned, Mediterranean-looking man holding a blonde, white child in his arms, walking away from the direction of the hotel. Supposedly it was so late at night and dark enough that they didn't think anything of it, just a father carrying his sleepy daughter back home.

Hopefully she was simply sold off to a childless couple, because the alternative really doesn't bear thinking about. After the wide publication of her distinctive pupil abnormality though it wouldn't surprise me if she's been murdered. Half the world knows about her eye, there's no way it wouldn't be recognised fairly quickly whilst out in public.

Anonymous 3300

>>3299 the eyewitness account could be a friend covering for them. A load of shit came out about how maddie acted very weirdly sexual around guests etc so it's like… yikes

Anonymous 3301


If someone's going to bitch about people being ill-informed I expect them to be informed themselves and not parrot a stupid lie that Europeans made up to feel better about themselves.


>I do know that the US has a 50% infant mortality rate compared to the UK though. You're literally 2x likely to die in the US as a newborn compared to the UK.

1) What does this have to do with whether or not Charlie would have received care
2)OF all the reasons attributed to this discrepancy, lack of access to health care is not and never has been considered a contributing factor. You don't know what you're talking about.
3) Your infant mortality rate is going up because of all the refugees, so enjoy that. I'll be sure lay all that blame on your socialist health care, even though that's not the problem at all, but hey, if you can do it why can't I?

> I know that the for-profit system over there is content to allow cystic fibrosis sufferers drown in their own lung fluid the second they turn 26 and are no longer covered under their parent's insurance, that is if their parents didn't declare them as an independent years ago already.

Yeah, that doesn't happen.

>I know there's millions of people who, in the event of an accident, would rather forgo calling an ambulance or actually receiving treatment at a hospital, than face having to remortgage their home to pay for extortionate medical fees.

And there are millions in the UK who would forgo treatment for their cancer or other diseases, or put themselves in debt to flee elsewhere because they know the NHS would just tell them to die, or offer to help them kill themselves without offering any other treatment. My god, that very case you started out with had the parents fleeing to the evil US!


Terry Schiavo was a vegetable on a ventilator for 15 years at a cost of $80,000 a year- and didn't have insurance. Jahi McMath is still "alive" and receiving care, and her family never in their lives had insurance. There are thousands of people in the equivalent state of Charlie in the US, none of them on insurance because even under Obamacare private insurance is allowed to kick off catastrophic cases like that, and they're all still fucking alive!

I don't agree with the idea that NHS KILLED A POOR BABY BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T TREAT HIM, but it's a hell of a lot closer to the truth than IN AMERICA IF YOU DON'T HAVE INSURANCE YOU JUST DIE.

Anonymous 3302

>"if someone's going to bitch about people being ill-informed I expect them to be informed themselves and not parrot a stupid lie that Europeans made up to feel better about themselves"
>"your infant mortality rate is going up because of all the refugees, so enjoy that"
>"not parrot a stupid lie"

Oh the irony.

Anonymous 3303

dude they obviously killed her by accident and hid the body; they admitted to using sleeping drugs on her in the past. I reckon one of them drugged her so she wouldn't wake up whilst they were out at dinner, the other didn't know and accidentally doubled the dose, which killed her.

There was enough evidence to try them for murder under Portuguese law. The entire thing is fucked.

Anonymous 3304

I believe this too.

Anonymous 3305

>there was enough evidence to try them for murder under Portuguese law
This is my first time hearing of this, can you please expand? What evidence was found specifically?

Anonymous 3306

>says that there was enough evidence to try them for murder under Portuguese law
>doesn't come back and expand on her claim

Anonymous 3307

Anonymous 3308

Sorry anons I've been in exams so haven't had time to idly browse the internet. So I did some googling at it turns out I was wrong and there wasn't enough evidence to actually charge them, just a large amount of suspicious forensic evidence. Someone actually from Portugal expanded on it in another thread on here.

Anonymous 3309


This is my first time hearing about this theory, do you have the thread where the portuguese anon talked about it?

Anonymous 3310



Anonymous 3311

Thanks anon!

Anonymous 3312


Reading the Dailyfail today for keks and I actually had to clamp my hand to my mouth to stop myself from screaming when I saw this article.

Anonymous 3313


Anonymous 3314


Reads like a damn Dailymash article.

Anonymous 3315

Lmao, there was a reddit post I saw with the same idea… Some guy bought work boots that had very obvious swastikas on the soles.


These must be intentional, there's no way…

Anonymous 3316

Well the first one is just a happy coincidence of a basic honeycomb design, but actually isn't even a swastika. A swastika is reversed and angled diagonally like a diamond. When it's flat like it is on the slippers (卍) then it's a manji, tetraskelion, fylfot etc., which is an ancient spiritual symbol of Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

Either way the hysteria over an appropriated symbol that was for an extremely brief period of time associated with the Nazi party is retarded.

Anonymous 3317


>Either way the hysteria over an appropriated symbol that was for an extremely brief period of time associated with the Nazi party is retarded.

You say that, but they did invade most of Europe, leaving it in ruins for, in some cases, decades to come, while attempting to wipe out all manner of ethnicities, political opponents and sexual minorities in a fashion previously unthinkable to most. It's not like they took over Andorra and sent Neville Chamberlain a rude telegraph.

Anonymous 3318

I love the DailyMail because of articles like this. Especially the ridiculous photos they take of the people they are featuring lol.

Anonymous 3319


Honestly the sad face photos are one of the few reasons I still indulge that worthless rag daily. The entire publication is one huge meme.

Anonymous 3320

this reads like ā reaction image i love it

Anonymous 3321


I could quite happily fill an entire seperate thread with just Dailymail sad faces tbh.

Anonymous 13980


Is there a gay neighborhood in london where are all the gay bars are?

Anonymous 13994

I'll be going to uk in a few months.. how do you guys travel around usually?? Any areas to avoid? Or not so touristy but great local places?

Anonymous 14018

>how do you guys travel around usually??
Train between cities, but you should book reasonably early. Full price tickets are extortionate!
Domestic flights can be worth it if you're going to Scotland from the south of England or something.
>Any areas to avoid?
Of course. Any town or city has its shit parts. In particular I'd stay away from Luton, Dundee or east Belfast
>Or not so touristy but great local places?

Anonymous 265445

go to bristol

Anonymous 265456

- News
>it's doomed
- Politics
>it's doomed
- Economics
>it's doomed
- Society
>it's doomed
- Culture
>it's doomed
- General debate/discussion
shit's fucked yo

Anonymous 276451

U.S anon checking in. How are things? News looks awfully dreary on your side of the pond.

Anonymous 276590

neo-Pakistan was such a good place before the ameritards made us decolonize

Anonymous 286107

it is aids

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