
pet thread Anonymous 34127
Do you have a pet or did you have one as a child? Tell us about them!
For those of you who don't have a pet, would you ever get one? Why, why not?
Anonymous 34135

Her name is Creature, she’s an 11 year old exotic shorthair and she got her name because she snorts a lot and acts weird. I also call her a hellcat because of how grumpy she is. I’ve grown up with my mom being in cat rescue
Anonymous 34145
>>34135She looks very cool, I like cats with unique features
Anonymous 34165

>>34127>For those of you who don't have a pet, would you ever get one? Why, why not?I crave a rodent pet. Hamsters seem like the best choice so far since they're loners and don't need to be trained. I'd be happy just watching these little furballs burrow and eat.
The only problem is that there isn't enough space in my room for a big hamster cage. Maybe I should throw out my desk and get a smaller one.
Anonymous 34353

my cat scritched me today because she was scared of the vacuum cleaner ;_;
Anonymous 34355

I had red-eared slider turtles as a kid. Had to leave them with relatives when I moved though (I think because they were illegal to keep in the state I live in). Miss them a lot.
Anonymous 34400
>>34353Ouch, that looks like it hurt. Hope your hand's better now?
Also, my cat scratches me sometimes. He's three years old already and really should know better, but he still does it. Do you have any ideas how to get him to stop scratching/biting?
Anonymous 34408
>>34400Yeah, it's mostly fine now
>Do you have any ideas how to get him to stop scratching/biting?What helped a lot was acting like I'm in pain whenever they bit or scratched me. That way they notice that it hurts, and stop doing it because they love you :3
I've heard it's more of a problem with single cats, because they don't have anyone to playfight with and aren't aware that their claws can cause quite a bit of pain.
Good luck, anon!
Anonymous 34432
>>34127I had a pet tarantula back in high school and part of college. My parents got him as a surprise for my birthday since I like spiders. I was hoping it would be a girl, but I later found out it was a boy, which stinks because boys don't live nearly as long. But it was still a fun experience. He was surprisingly soft. He did try to bite me a few times though, but overall it was a good time. I remember one time I accidentally left the enclosure slightly open, and he got out. And I was freaking out. And then I looked over right next to the bed, and he was just sitting smack dab in the middle. He climbed right over and just sat there. Didn't poop or anything. I miss him. 2014 was a rough year.
Anonymous 34433
I had 4 kittens when I was a teenager and they were the most adorable things ever. Unfortunately we had to give them away a few months after their birth.
Anonymous 34434

My friend’s cat loves chilling under my bed now
Anonymous 34439
>>34428So cute. What's your hamster's name?
Anonymous 86537
I love that album
good taste op
Anonymous 86560
>>34127My family had cats, dogs and birds all my life. I like cats the most, since they are their own masters (you just need to feed them etc).
Anonymous 86666

>Be me, 12 year old
>Get two gerbils
>Get told they're both boys
>Turns out they're a boy and a girl
>They proceed to have babies once a month for four months
>I now have 19 gerbils
>All the babies are brown and female
>All the babies somehow get chiggers
>One of my daily chores is to pick the chiggers off my gerbils
>Can't tell which gerbils I've groomed already because they're all brown and female
>Come home from school one day and all the gerbils are gone
Anonymous 86667
>>86666oh dear
at the very least your images and your posts have been lovely and I will pray for you before I sleep
Anonymous 86732
I have 2 pet leeches and I feed them my blood <3 One of them is named after an anime character
Anonymous 86739
>>86733NTA but I think it is kind of cute
Anonymous 86740
I had a golden retriever growing up and then when he died my parents got another one. My apartment now doesn't let me have pets but I kinda want a turtle. I think they're cool.
Anonymous 86748
>>86739sorry maybe i was being too mean :( i just think it seems kind of unhealthy
Anonymous 86750
>>86748Nah to be fair it is pretty strange but they're medical leeches so they don't carry diseases and I don't have any health issues that would make feeding them a problem. I've grown pretty fond of them ngl
Anonymous 86753
I have 2 cats and 2 dogs. The newest addition to our family was unexpected. My sister found a kitten meowing in our trash bin outside as she was about to go for a walk with one of the dogs. He's been with us for awhile now and he's getting big, healthy, and happy. He's very affectionate and has separation anxiety (no shit)
Anonymous 86776
Throughout my childhood I've had a turtle, a frog, a duck, a cat, and two betta fish. I now have two comet goldfish that are very dumb and cute.
Anonymous 87457
>>86732Are you the tumblr girl who's leech is named Princess?
Anonymous 87484
>>86537i've seen it a few times scrolling past months ago but it just clicked now
beat me to it mentioning it
though I don't really like the album, fake world wonder land was better
Anonymous 87490
>>86750where did you get medical leeches from
Anonymous 87521
>>34127Not able to look after myself at all sadly so no way would I get a pet to neglect but I think about having a dog a lot and as I am a NEET I could spend all my time with her but it is unfair for me to have a pet.
Anonymous 90536
I have 2 cats and they are both very sweet and cuddly. They like to follow me around the home and go for walks with me around the neighborhood.
Anonymous 90537
>>87457No I think that person is a tranny anyways
Anonymous 91863…

I've taken away a shih tzu named Kora from my aunt, who really neglected her and used her for breeding. It's her in picrel. Earlier this year I also took home her mom after a lot of pressuring my aunt. They live happily with me now, and everyday I feel blessed for having them. sorry 4 broken english
Anonymous 92230

Not mine yet technically but his name is Corrie