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irl freinds? Anonymous 41763

do any of you have friends in real life? I live in Croatia (Balkan states) and feel alone, like there is absolutely no one who goes through the same things I go through, everyone just seem normal or just plain vain and judgemental

Anonymous 41764

yes, im also from croatia, finding friends really isnt a problem tho, whats bothering you?

Anonymous 41765

wow i didn't think I would find someone from my country here
idk not really bothers me just in general I don't have close people to talk to so that makes me depressed I guess and I wish I had someone to talk to irl

Anonymous 41766

also where are you from?

Anonymous 41767

well what interests you?
i might not be the best person to talk to about this stuff because most of the frienda i made was trough weed, smrdljiva alba haha, but the principle is the same, do you have a passion for something? because most likely you arent alone in that passion just gotta find a way to connect to them.
Karlovac, you?

Anonymous 41768

well honestly I have like freinds and such but I don't think we're really close, like don't think I can confide in them if you know what I mean also I've never had a bf and that's also odd considering my age I feel like I'm a female incel
Also I live near zg
thanks for responding I really didn't think I'm gonna run into someone from here haha

Anonymous 41769

>you just need to connect with them
see that's the hard part for me I can't really connect idk why

Anonymous 41770

i know what you mean, i have a pretty wide social circle, lots of quasi “friends” but only like 2 real friends that i can confide with, about the boyfriend thing, dont worry about it ive never had a partner either and went into some pretty fucked up depressive state because of it, i turned my attention towards myself and belive that it will come naturally one day

Anonymous 41771

true friends reveal when things get hard, for me it was the depressive episode, found out that 2 of my friends were going trough the same thing and we got super close because of it, honestly dont worry about it, life is pretty weird that way and connects you with people sooner or later

Anonymous 41773

I just find it odd that people around me are having sex and especially that easily, like no way I could have sex with someone I don't even know honestly I don't understand how can they do it, both girls and guys, it mostly bothered my in high school when everyone starts doing it but I don't feel ready honestly sometimes I get into a some kind of a depressing loop because of it thinking I'll never be ready or that it will get harder

You seem very nice honestly
I'm glad that you managed to get someone truly close to you, that part you said about true friends reveal when things get hard couldn't be more true

How old are you?
What do you do in your life?
Like hobbies or anything

Anonymous 41774

if you want we can chat on discord more, its easier the rules say you can exchange contacts too, not to comfortable telling all that on an open board hahaha, but having a text buddy is never bad

Anonymous 41776

but to paint a clearer picture, im 20 finished high school and started working, was a complete neet before finishing high school, spent most of my time playing games like dota 2 and cs go, nowadays im mostly focused on work and going out with friends

Anonymous 41777

I made one,it's freil#5007

Anonymous 41986

Nah, I don't have friends. Dunno how people make them, but I assume it's due to the skill of not being socially retarded.

Anonymous 42075

I was not expecting croatian anons here wtf
I have hardly any friends irl but currently the nicest and most interesting people I've met have been at university. I even have a small friend group forming and I haven't hung out with people for like 3 years. Coincidentally enough one of the girls I've met and really like is also from Karlovac.

Anonymous 42532

izmisljeni preteli…

Whoa, I've seen anons from Serbia and Slovenia, but I didn't think there'd be so much of us! I'm from Istria.


I've felt the same way as you for a long time. I'm from a small town and in high school I would always just go immediately home after class. For some reason I couldn't ever manage to connect to my classmates or even have a single normal conversation with them. I ended up cursing myself into a loop of friendlessness - I didn't go anywhere, get any experiences or get a chance to develop an interesting personality, but because that was the case, no one wanted to invite me anywhere to kickstart this process in the first place. Even after I'd literally asked some of them, after THEY asked me why I never go out, implying that I was some stuck up bitch that didn't like hanging out with them or having fun for whatever reason. Inside I was fucking begging them to at least invite me to coffee even just once - nope, lol. During this time I just talked to a group of internet friends from a video game we used to play, but with time our "friendship" sizzled out as well…

This kind of persisted for my first two years of university (also in a relatively small city) despite me doing my best to change, though I did at least meet my boyfriend during this time. It did kind of put all of my shallow attempted relationships with my acquaintances into perspective, that at this point I just cannot be bothered to go out with them because I know, no matter how much I try, nothing will come out of it.

However, surprisingly, I've gone on a student exchange to a foreign country this year, and for the first time in my life I'm meeting people that really like me and that I feel so accepted and fun hanging out with. It's such a breath of fresh air - I don't feel awkward, I don't feel judged, we have a similar sense of humor and can talk about the same shitty topics.

I think what I've come to realize from this is that sometimes, no matter how much effort you put in, you won't be able to force people to like you. I've gone through so many unpleasant outings and interactions in my first two years of uni that led literally nowhere, but the people that I interact with now I've felt like I've clicked with them right from the get go, without even feeling like I'm actually putting effort in. People online usually give you the advice to keep trying and put in "effort" in your relationships, but in my case, I think the effort should've been put into accessing opportunities to meet lots of different people. If you feel uncomfortable around them and can't open up as a person (or aren't understood even when you do open up), I just don't think it's the kind of relationship you should be striving to have.

In any case, I believe there is hope if you just take care to create opportunities to meet the right people. And I know that it's not easy and that it sucks. Good luck!

Also, on this topic
>I just find it odd that people around me are having sex and especially that easily, like no way I could have sex with someone I don't even know honestly I don't understand how can they do it, both girls and guys, it mostly bothered my in high school when everyone starts doing it but I don't feel ready honestly sometimes I get into a some kind of a depressing loop because of it thinking I'll never be ready or that it will get harder
>also I've never had a bf and that's also odd considering my age I feel like I'm a female incel

My viewpoint might be skewed and anecdotal because I'm from a smaller town, but it honestly doesn't feel like we have such a prevalent hookup culture as, say, in the States, and I felt the same way as you after reading countless threads on the topic before starting to actually interact with real people. Girls/women here just aren't really the types for casual sex, so people don't really do it that often outside of relationships, and I know enough people in their twenties who are still virgins. Hell, my boyfriend was a virgin until 26, when I met him, and one of the first things we talked about was incel meme shit. And from what he's told me, none of his friends made fun of him or really gave a shit, so lol. And in any case, basing yourself on society's bullshit made up standards for popping your cherry and forcing yourself to do something you don't want to won't do you any good in the long term.

Anonymous 43976

Lol from Croatia too. Same feel. Hope you find luck anon.

Anonymous 44137

Malo nas je al nas ima

Anonymous 44138

Vreme je za batine

Anonymous 44145

zasto tako

Anonymous 44162

serious sammy.jpg

Anonymous 44299

neznam za koga bi glasala…

Anonymous 44305

Svi su retardirani

Anonymous 44951

>ook no femcel gf
znate ovaj ook?

Anonymous 44997

jos jedan rvat reporting in

Anonymous 45018

burek, cevapi, rakija, baklava, dolma, caciki. Those are enough to keep you alive and not suicidal

Anonymous 45062

Ako si iz Karlovca, javi se Tinu u chelichanu. Reci mu da želiš naučit varit titan. Lik će ti platit 5k kuna mjesečno i još će te naučiti varit titan i radit titanske bicikle. Kad prvi put izađeš s posla nakon što si uspješno zavarila titanski zglob, svi tvoji problemi će već biti riješeni.

Anonymous 45069

traze konstruktore samo zamisli crtat sarafe po cijele dane

Anonymous 47818

Karlovacki mitap kada?

Anonymous 47821

previse smo autisticni za to

Anonymous 48105

idemo u monako na zurku

Anonymous 50548

im from serbia and i can find a few irl friends pretty easily honestly

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