
Anonymous 47506
How often do you girls have sex?
Specifically I want to hear from those of you in longterm relationships.
Is there such a thing as too much or too little?
Anonymous 47508
>>47506At first I thought there was a thing as too much. Then years went by and there is a thing as too little.
Anonymous 47520
Too much or too little would be if the frequency made one or both of you unhappy. I do remember reading that long term married couples generally need to have sex at least twice a week to be happy though and that frequent fellatio is a huge indicator of marital happiness.
Anonymous 47530
I sleep over at my bf's place once a week, we usually have sex 2-3 times during the time I'm there. Otherwise we meet daily, but don't live together yet.
Anonymous 47536
>>47506I would hope 2-3 times a week but recently I've been working mandatory overtime and it just falls to the wayside.
Anonymous 47539
>>47506we have sex almost every day
Anonymous 47540
A couple of times weekly, we've lived together for years. It's way too little and yet I simultaneously hate having sex with him since it's always penetration which doesn't feel like anything to me.
If I reject his advances there will be no intimacy at all, that feels even worse than forcing myself to do it
Anonymous 47544
I fucking want to cry whenever I think of my relationship long-term. My bf is excited that we will "get to make decisions as a team" it whatever (such as when we go out for errands or whatever) but I am just hopeful about the sex. I hate this dynamic so much. Ladies, try to figure out the base sex drive of your man before you date them, or if they're one of those "porn is sufficient for me" types. I would do anything for a boyfriend that really, truly wants to fuck me
Inb4 I'm scum and a 4/10. I work out, have abs, have a bmi that fluctuates between 17 and 18.5, I apply makeup well and have a style, etc. Idk, maybe I am ugly but I just want a boy that treats me like I'm enough sexually.
Anonymous 47545
>>47544You're ugly where it counts, anon. Kill that ego.
Anonymous 47549
>>47540h-have you talked with him you want more foreplay?
Anonymous 47551
>>47544maybe youre not that good in bed. You know dont pull the starfish, show him how much you like his cock. even if he is on the top use your muscles, move with his body.
Anonymous 47553
>>47551I am very involved in our sex life. I initiate blowjobs, I make him cum from them, and he tells me he loves it when I'm on top because it's like I'm fucking him and not the other way around. I also make sure I'm "fucking" him in all other positions like from behind and its many variations and in missionary as well. I touch his body all the time, i love licking and touching his balls, cock, etc. I like how his genitals and overall body odor smells and I show that through my actions. I tell him how attractive I find him and why.
He's not okay with butt stuff so I haven't tried, though I have touched his taint a few times.
>>47545I only put that as a disclaimer to show it's not like I put zero effort in my appearance. Usually when anons complain about boys, the first advice people say is to put effort into in their appearance, and I'm just trying to show that I definitely do put effort in my appearance.
Anonymous 47557
>>47553Control your desires, anon. I'm not hearing anything particularly bad about him, so I wouldn't say he's a toxic waste dump you should leave on the curb just yet. Maybe try pleasing yourself? Less red meat?
Anonymous 47559
>>47544I'm not understanding the problem, are you upset with
1. The frequency of sex
2. The quality of sex
3. His reaction to sex
4. A specific combination of the above
How often do you just relax during sex?
Anonymous 47564
>>47559Option 4, but Option 1 is more of a future concern for me when we move in together.
The last question is good. It's hard to say. I cum so quick, it's not uncommon for me to cum many, many times in one session of sex. I don't know if I'd say it's necessarily relaxing, it feels like a high I keep on hitting (and chasing for and thinking about when I'm not in the process of immediately getting it).
I feel anxious about any critiques of the way he does it because I don't want to discourage any interest he shows. He has stated that sex isn't that important to him in a relationship because 1) he doesn't have that high of a sex drive and 2) because porn exists. He doesn't watch porn when I'm over at his place now, but I think all the time about what the fuck I'd do if he did watch it when we live together.
It's rather heartbreaking to me when sex is one of the most enjoyable things I have ever experienced in my life, forget about the fact sex is one of the most important things to me in a relationship. Masturbation is great, but I just love the experience when it's with someone else far more.
I'm sorry, whenever I see topics like this my heart bursts. I feel alone, I wish I knew more girls like me who I could relate to. I seem to go for and/or attract men who "don't like sex" and/or are pornsick. I think my lust might be related to the fact I have OCD, but I can't be sure.
Anonymous 47565
I've been with my bf for almost a decade and we only see each other at the weekend. We have sex at least once and at most daily over the 3 days. If we lived together, I'd imagine it would be maybe 3 or 4 times a week.
There's definitely a "too much" because I'll get raw, bleed or feel pain if we have sex too much. Also, OCs killed my sex drive so I do need a day or two rest before I can even get my body to feel ready for sex again. If you're having sex daily or multiple times a day, you're not going to enjoy it every time so what's the point?
It's hard to imagine a "too little" because I could go weeks without masturbating when I don't see my bf and most of the time just have sex because he initiates it. Like if his dick fell off tomorrow I'd probably be fine with a sexless relationship lmao.
Anonymous 47566
>>47564How long have you been like this?
Anonymous 47567
>>47566I've always been "into" sex. I was this way before but both my exes were not as willing to have sex with me as my current bf. The most recent ex had disgusting kinks (pedophilia, among others) so obviously I didn't want to have sex with him; he also claimed he didn't like sex, he was also likely pornsick. My first ex claimed to be deathly afraid of teenage pregnancy (which in all fairness was how he came to be) and wanted to be sure we were together for a while before we had sex.
I've been like this since I started seeing my bf. Before we had sex (it took us 2 months to first have it after getting together, but we knew each other for longer before we were even a couple) I would stress about what he'd be like in bed. I was frightened he'd be like my last ex and into gross roleplay. I hated masturbating because I'd have to stop and cry at the fear of not knowing what he'd be like, I was scared he'd be into something I couldn't fulfill which obviously breaks me because I want sex so badly, all the time. Now I guess I'm just scared of another issue.
Anonymous 47568
>>47567I really think you should take up relieving yourself of this arousal by yourself. It's going to keep being a problem, even if you find someone willing to give enough attention to it, so it's best to make sure you can handle it by yourself. Your first bf sounded reasonable.
Anonymous 47577
>>47544>4/10why score yourself so low?
for me if you have abs and you're fit you're already at least a 6/10 specially if you put effort in your appearance
Anonymous 47636
>>47564You realise that just about any normal guy would be down for daily sex provided you arent fat?
Anonymous 47711
>>47564Break up with him and find a partner who suits you. Your relationship will crumble bro. Inevitably, you both will hate each other.
You can compromise on everything in life but sex. It's the one thing that breaks people. That, and how bad someone's farts smell under the covers.
Anonymous 48002
In my current relationship, we will fuck at least daily when together (LDR). Sometimes multiple times a day, but I get UTIs really easily so I prefer to keep it to only once a day (pacing ourselves and all). In the last one I was in, we went from having sex multiple times a day to having sex maybe once a month only when I asked within the span of our 7-month relationship so there’s that
>inb4 replies calling me a whore for sleeping with more than one guy
Basically, I think having less sex as time goes on is normal, but if a guy stops initiating at all, or worse, refusing sex that’s a good sign he’s gonna break up with you. Personal experience and all.
Anonymous 48009
Pegging and oral (him on me) everyday, and PIV about twice a week.
Anonymous 48015
>>48009>oral (him on me) everydayLiving the dream. Pegging is great too, but I wouldn't do it more than once a week. Let your bf's ass recover.
Anonymous 48031
>>48015Boypussies are supposed to be frequently used.
Anonymous 48032
>>48015>Living the dream.Not still. Sex is currently great and i have been able to advance a lot into getting him into the right mindset, but this relationship is not perfect until i get him to stop viewing himself as a guy and fully feel feminine next to me.
Also the dream would be mpreg after marriage, but that won't happen in time for us, sadly.
>Pegging is great too, but I wouldn't do it more than once a week. Let your bf's ass recover.Like
>>48031 wisely said: boypussies are supposed to be frequently used.
I don't want him to have time to recover. I want his ass and i want it receptive, properly stretched and relaxed for pegging at all times.
If i let him rest for a few days, he will get tight again and it will not just increase the risk of hurting him, but also will make it difficult for him to orgasm anally.
The best you can do to a bottom sub is to fuck him properly every day, with lots of lube and checking if he is hurt afterwards, so that his body gets properly accostumed to it and it becomes natural. If he aint hurt, its best to keep him stretched and his muscles relaxed. Simple as that.
Plus, the psychological effect is great not just for him but also to me. I like how he now asks for me to fuck him after licking me or use lingerie just to tease me into fucking him - and i know that is because i made him understand that sex is better this way.
Anonymous 48035
>>48032>use lingerie just to tease me into fucking himhnng well done anon, you trained him well
Anonymous 48039
>>48032>i get him to stop viewing himself as a guy and fully feel feminine next to me.This is the worst. Why does femdom in most cases lead to a man trying to imitate female submission? Male submission is its own thing, but so many men are so insecure about it that they simply try to take the female role because apparently female = submission = inferior. Fuck that. I love pegging but every man I've met into it subconsciously is into autogynephilia. I just want to fuck a man and have him still act like a man, not some closeted gender confused weirdo who has one foot out the closet towards sissyshit and sees femininity as inferior.
>I don't want him to have time to recover. I want his ass and i want it receptive, properly stretched and relaxed for pegging at all times. Life isn't an h-doujin. You are going to break his ass by fucking him every day. Not to mention lube never gets fully absorbed either.
Anonymous 48067
>>48035Thank you.
>>48039>This is the worst. Why does femdom in most cases lead to a man trying to imitate female submission? He never wanted that. I was the one that stimulated it as it fits my desires. He actually was not very fond of it in the beggining and felt weird.
>Male submission is its own thing, but so many men are so insecure about it that they simply try to take the female role because apparently female = submission = inferior. Fuck that. I love pegging but every man I've met into it subconsciously is into autogynephilia.Like i said, it was not his fetish. I was the one who oriented him into it - because i wish i was the male - and at the beggining he felt a bit unconfortable and ashamed, and did it only to please me.
I still have to work that on him, but that is something i very much want him to be.
>I just want to fuck a man and have him still act like a man, not some closeted gender confused weirdo who has one foot out the closet towards sissyshit and sees femininity as inferior.Lots of guys are like that. Most of the bottom subs in Brazil are actually like that. Heck, one of my previous boyfriends was a staffer to Bolsonaro and was almost bottom only, yet always acted manly - which was a turnoff to me.
>Life isn't an h-doujin. You are going to break his ass by fucking him every day. Not if i do it with a dildo of the right size and material.
Plus i always check him for bruises and damages after sex. If i notice any bruisening or damage, i let him rest for a week to heal.
>Not to mention lube never gets fully absorbed either.Which is not a problem and it helps keeping him wet, ready and in the mood to be fucked.
Anonymous 48069
>>48067>Lots of guys are like that.I guess I need to go to huehueland then.
Also sorry, I was overly judgmental. It just makes me sad and bitter when so much femdom focuses on women being inferior.
Just be careful with his ass, doing it too often enough can cause internal damage you can't see. It was my fantasy with my bf but I decided not to do it because I wanted to prioritize his health. Then again, I wanted to fuck him with 6 in+ dildos, so, maybe something smaller would be safer
Anonymous 48072
>>47544It was the exact opposite with me and my ex. I have an insane sex drive and she had zero libido.
Anonymous 48076
>>48067where do you meet guys with these interests? and how can you tell?
Anonymous 48147

>>48069>I guess I need to go to huehueland then.Pleasecometobrazil.jpg
>Also sorry, I was overly judgmental. It just makes me sad and bitter when so much femdom focuses on women being inferior.Don't worry. I can understand and relate to that. I also dislike when they storytell like being a woman equates as being submissive in nature.
I have my own problems, as i really wished i was a male yet i am not attracted to vaginas and like my partners to have a penis - even if it is not be used. And at the same time, even if the guy is not feminine i would demand him to be a sub…
So in my case it ends up being a mix of wanting my partner to be both feminine and submissive - even though they are not the same.
>Just be careful with his ass, doing it too often enough can cause internal damage you can't see.I always fear that, but i constantly ask him if he feels any pain or disconfort. It is a good idea as well to have him do routine exams on a proctologist that knows about his sexual role or that specializes in bottom males. In São Paulo, luckly there are 6 of those - one being a domme herself, which was recommended by a friend and has been examining my sub every 3 months.
>It was my fantasy with my bf but I decided not to do it because I wanted to prioritize his health. Then again, I wanted to fuck him with 6 in+ dildos, so, maybe something smaller would be saferI can relate to that. If it was up to me, i would be fucking him daily with a thick 24cm cyberskin dildo that i like the most, but that hurts him too much if i use it daily, so i use a 20,5 cm medium thickness soft latex one for daily use, which tends to be just the right size to fill my princess up without getting him hurt on a rougher fucking.
The other important thing is to get him fully relaxed. Most injuries comes from tensioned muscles and tissues being forced to open up. It is much safer to penetrate a guy once he feels it is his natural role to be penetrated and just let your dick slide in without being worried or tense about it. With my bf, it took 7 months until he got into the right mindset, but now that he did his anus just swallow my cock without me needing to push it more than the tip of the head.
>>48076Internet. Mostly bdsm forums (fetlife if you are american or senhorverdugo if you are BR), chat rooms (Batepapo UOL infamous pegging chatroom), imageboards (1500chan's hidden boards are awesome) or in the case of São Paulo there are 2 clubs: Dominatrix (a femdom bar in the Augusta Neighbourhood) or Madame (a new wave/synthwave goth club that is not about bdsm but is full of bdsmers for some reason and a place where women wearing latex suits and boys wearing leashes and collars is not uncommon).
In my case, i met my bf in a forum and had our first date in Madame.
Anonymous 48150
11 years
Sex slowly decreased and its like once every 4-6 weeks.
Might be more often if i initiated but i get tired of initiating all the time.
When we go on vacation we have sex like every day or other day though, he just gets stressed out at home.
Anonymous 48151
>>48147damn. those places are full of boysluts and people with no depth beyond their fetishes
Anonymous 48152
It depends. My first boyfriend and I were together for 3 years and we had sex maybe once a week. My second bf and I were together for about the same length of time and it was twice a week, while my third and current bf and I have been together for 5 years and have sex at least 4-5 times a week.
Anonymous 48212
>>48147> as i really wished i was a male yet i am not attracted to vaginas and like my partners to have a penis - even if it is not be usedI understand completely. I used to hate having a vagina because I know I would be expected to do PIV. I also find it way hotter for the guy to be the receiving partner. Like, when I think about getting penetrated it does absolutely nothing for me. I would much rather be the one doing the fucking. But at least now I am happy with my genitals and I no longer think vaginas are disgusting. Then again, I was lucky enough to find my bf who is completely fine with my preferences for heavy petting and pegging. His acceptance helped a lot.
Also, thanks for the advice. A big problem we have is that he can never relax enough and it ends up hurting him. Sometimes we have days where he's relaxed and comes from it, but it's very rare. He pushes himself a lot for me and I appreciate it so much. I just don't want to injure him. Maybe I should try what you're doing and increase frequency.
>>48151It is very difficult to find guys who aren't sluts. I managed to find my bf on fetlife but it took me about a year. You have to get really good at sorting through trash, I don't know if I'd recommend it
Anonymous 48268
>>48032I dont want to share a board with weirdo's like this
Anonymous 48269
>>48268I miss the lewd board I wish this kinda stuff was contained there
Anonymous 48301
>>48269Its still around. Its just hidden