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Consumerism Anonymous 54767

How do you feel about consumerist culture? All negative/positive insight welcome.

Anonymous 54772


If you don’t like McDonald’s, fuck you.

Anonymous 54777

I abhor it. People who consume more than they produce are a net negative to keep around. Consumerism allows people to avoid having to develop an actual personality and interests. It encourages complacency. I have never in my life met a consumerist person who is a worthwhile human being.

Anonymous 54802

>People who consume more than they produce are a net negative to keep around.
The most prominent examples of consumers like pic related are people who must be making a moderate amount of money. To be a consumer requires you to have disposable income, which either means being born into wealth or being a productive member of society. People on welfare or in abject poverty don't buy merchandise.
>Consumerism allows people to avoid having to develop an actual personality and interests. It encourages complacency. I have never in my life met a consumerist person who is a worthwhile human being.
There's no guarantee that in the absence of consumerism those people would be any better or more interesting.

Anonymous 54805

>There's no guarantee that in the absence of consumerism those people would be any better or more interesting.
In no way that statement is logically tied to her original statement.

Anonymous 54809

It's definitely not for me, seems to just be the result of worship of individualism as far as I can tell. When you don't relate to any religion, your countrymen, your coworkers, your neighbors, what are you supposed to identify with? Only thing left is the media you consume.

She made the assertion.
>Consumerism allows people to avoid having to develop an actual personality and interests.
>It encourages complacency.

This implies that, if consumer culture didn't exist, people would not be able to avoid developing "an actual personality or interests." I don't agree with that assertion.

Anonymous 54821

You've managed to completely miss everything I said. Well done.

Anonymous 54822

Okay then, what did you mean by
>People who consume more than they produce
>are a net negative to keep around.

If not talking economically for the former, what do you mean? Culturally? Emotionally? Socially? What do you mean by individuals that consume more than they produce?

And for the later, I assume this means socially, since you bring up personality in the very next sentence. I agree with you that most consumerists are not interesting people to talk to, however, I don't think it's due to consumerism, rather, consumerism was just how it was expressed by those individuals, and would probably have expressed in a similar way given a different cultural context.

Anonymous 54904

mist fountain.jpg

Consumerism is rad. I love to buy the newest flavors of snack foods, gaudy decorations for my home, and toys from the chinese cartoons I like. This beats the absolute SHIT out of toiling in the sun and having nothing to decorate my hut with except dried garlic I had to braid myself.

Anonymous 55051

Every day I wake up in agonizing shame that I have to live in this country and be considered one of its citizens. America is a soulless shithole of fat consoomerist imbeciles. I just want to be European so badly, you don't understand my feelings. I want to walk down a little avenue full of pretty cafes and talk about literature with a posh social circle while sipping espresso. Why is my life so horrible? I want to wear fancy clothes and have a nicely dressed handsome boyfriend with a cute European accent and a summer home in the Alps. America is so trashy, I just want to die. My family are unironically walmart-shopping trailor-dwelling pickup-truck-driving white trash who haven't read a book since high school. I want to get a Master's degree and go live in Switzerland and take vacations in Tuscany and the French Riviera.

Anonymous 55056

I'm the only one who finds this kinda comfy?

Anonymous 55057

You mean you want to be a cafe lounging, beret wearing daughter of a wealthy European family and hang out with all your bourgeois friends as you sip artisan coffee while planning your post-university Grand Tour that only your socioeconomic class can afford?

Europe has its truck drivers. And the vast majority of them do their shopping at Carrefour. Because most people in the world have to work for a living. Most people in the world sure as hell don't have summer house in the Alps.

You don't want to be cultured, you want to be rich.

Anonymous 55066

>i hate american consoomers
>i want to do the same thing in europe without working for it
people like you are the worst.

Anonymous 55069

Ironically, my sister live in Paris with all those cute little cafes and she hates the French because they're all assholes, her posh classmates are double faced cunts, and her friend got a handsome middle class french bf who ended up being a manipulative wife beater. She also will never be able to afford an Alps vacation home, needs financial help from the state, and buys clothes on sale. She gets to take vacations in other countries, but only if she has friends there who can give her a place to stay for free.

Will your master's land you a high paying position? Because otherwise it'll be difficult to get the life you want.

Anonymous 55071

Do you realize your post contains
>buying coffee from a cafe
>fancy clothing
>a summer home

You're just as bad as the rest of your family in terms of being a consoomer, lol. Americans have this idyllic view of Europe that comes from consooming media that is inaccurate.

Anonymous 55096

You seem like the biggest example of the thing you supposedly hate.

>cute European accent

Would not be a thing if you were from that country.

Anonymous 55099

Regional dialects.
Even being poorfag in Europe would be better than poorfag in America because at least in Europe there are nice places to look at, you can train anywhere, and the food is good.

Anonymous 55101

she’s not wrong.

Anonymous 55113

Eh, if you're a poorfag you won't be able to travel because train tickets are still expensive. Travel in general is expensive, and takes time that you don't have because you'd be working.

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