
Wizchan.org Anonymous 55440
What is Crystal cafes thought on wizchan? I love to browse the place because there's less people trying to get in your pants.
Anonymous 55441
I don’t want moids posting here, and wizards don’t want women posting there. Wizards aren’t the ones who raid us, it’s always kc or 4chan. So, I stay away ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anonymous 55443
>>55441This, I used to browse wizardchan when it first came out because I was a hikikomori at the time looking for people to relate to, but I quickly stopped because ultimately I don't like the feeling of being a voyeur
Anonymous 55460
>>55441This. The wizards have never bothered us. Leave them alone.
Anonymous 55616
>>55440I only have just now heard of it, but it posts seem less rancorous than 4chan's /r9k/.
Wizards > incels
Anonymous 56198
i personally like to browse it when im on my lowest lows, especially the wageslave one. I'm not the type that is "misery loves company". Just feels supportive when no one else understands your pain.
Anonymous 56399
it's tiresome hearing the same self-defeating bullshit every day. but i like their music/media threads because sometimes i find some genuinely interesting material. but the place is so toxic and overrun with mgtow and blatant child porn i can't stay long.
Anonymous 56405
u know what? seeing females lurking on wizchan makes me feel better about the male lurkers. equality i guess
Anonymous 56406
>>56405Wizchan is technically a virgin male board though. CC isn't necessarily for femcels. The culture is inherently pretty different, gender aside. /Fit/ is more like a CC counterpart than wizchan
Anonymous 56409

>>56406>/fit/ is more like a c.c. counterpartWhy, cuz we’re all homosexuals?
Anonymous 56516
good thing you haven't heard about ccluster
otherwise known as literally pedochan
Anonymous 56544
wizchan is my yaoi fantasy
Anonymous 56557
>>56554so you’ve got a whole website of males who aren’t interested in females, well, you can see where the feelings would develop
Anonymous 56559
>>56557>not interested in femalesthe incels have already taken over wizchan
Anonymous 56565
>>56559>>56563so they have some rule where they’re not allowed to express feeling towards females, I can just imagine them struggling and slowly coming to terms with their new gay relationship, the old coming to terms with the gay stuff you know if you’ve read any mangas
Anonymous 70093
i like to browse /b/ all they talk about is poop and taking shits and obsessing over femboi catbois
Anonymous 70112
I browsed once and it was incredibly depressing.
Anonymous 70186
>>70171>all that Norn9It was just an ok game, nothing special. Overall I would say their taste is just ok I rate it 5/10.
Anonymous 70269

But fuck the groomers, though. They remind me a little too much of trannies.
Anonymous 70342

I don't post, but I do lurk /dep/ sometimes, as I find certain threads there (wageslave, depression crawl) more relatable than what I find on CC or LC or even /r9k/.
Anonymous 70377

>>70342it's because they don't have many "single axe to grind" posters who are only here to post about 1 subject instead of posting flexibly or about something that just organically came to mind… imo.
like our resident GC refugees, or our anti-communists who just read mises and needs you to know about it, or our communists who just read parenti and need you to know about it, or "subtle" white supremacist moids posting blonde women in fields with thread titles like "anyone else interested in finding a farmer husband?"